Krimson KB Reacts: Captain Grim - WoW Players Experience FFXIV | FFXIV Machinima

Krimson KB Reacts: Captain Grim - WoW Players Experience FFXIV | FFXIV Machinima

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@Illecron - 20.07.2023 10:34

that's me in BFA

@sparkeykills1 - 24.06.2023 16:48

Honestly I skipped all the cutscenes just to piss of my GF who demanded I play with her. I said "ok but you aren't going to like the way I play" 😅

@casadycawlfield1019 - 09.06.2023 21:39

I legit tried to get into FFXIV, and i couldnt get into it and then went back to WoW..

@Sage083094 - 17.01.2023 17:59

This was my is just a shame 14 is in a even worse state then Wow.

@TheSeventhOutlaw - 12.10.2022 19:28

My SO and I are huge story and lore nerds have played wow since vanilla, the game was a massive part of our lives and we've endured all the questionable choices the devs made over the years until we both had enough and quit shortly after shadowlands launched. Together we signed up to FFXIV as all the hype for it grew before endwalker, hearing only unbelievably good things from it.

She quit after two days.

I continued to give it a chance up to the king moogle raid, streaming my male viera's journey for her so we could at least share the game that way but then soft quit both for story and character writing related reasons and mostly until they continue to expand upon the solo trust system due to overwhelming group anxiety.

We both resubbed to wow a week ago and as flawed and broken as it is, as awful as the writing has become, we've returned home.

@killeing - 26.09.2022 02:53

my story would be the dungeon portion of this video- i was utterly shocked when the group stayed even after a wipe or 2 in my first dungeon wipe with a random group....*sniff* I cried so hard......

@shadowcat1606 - 17.08.2022 00:38

No, Blizzard Execs are NOT Ascians... Ascians are at least somewhat capable...

@douglasholt1365 - 01.08.2022 04:14

9 months late but my realization and break from wow, Cata

@puppylord5459 - 31.07.2022 03:57

i love wow but i just cant any more the game is no fun to me and i dont know if i will even give Dragonflight chance im looking into ff14 and i really like what i see so i thank im going to give it a shot and see if i like it ps the music in ff14 is way better then wow i never have it on in wow but i thank i will for this game

@stevenrusch6341 - 07.06.2022 11:58

Words 4 Wisdom: Some people have reasons for skipping dialog. Mine because I lose track, because my mind gets plagued with unwanted thoughts that makes reading pointless.

@omnigladius999 - 04.06.2022 06:22

damn right, this is me right here

@itsyaboiherman - 13.05.2022 04:03

I mean the ascians aren't exactly bad guys per

@Bluntz1289 - 26.04.2022 14:06

I skip the cutscenes just to piss people off.

@benjaminschroeder5465 - 31.03.2022 07:19

“Are the Blizzard execs Ascians?”
Honestly, at this point, they may as well be…Obviously not unsundered ones, and some of the worst ones at their job(s), but Ascians nonetheless lol

@AKSandstorm007 - 24.03.2022 09:35

"Don't you ever skip those cutscenes!"

Heard you loud and clear!

Planning on joining FFXIV after having done a bit of an MMORPG keep away (not WoW, but Adventure Quest Worlds, just moved on from it (life called and I heeded)
Been intimidated by the sheer mass of people in FFXIV (forever a sprout in social interaction), buuuuut now I'm getting more and more excited to try the wade and then full plunge into Eorzea

@QwertyRulz2 - 12.02.2022 12:18 a FFXIV vet going into WoW and playing my first solo-queue dungeon (as I had previously played with friends but then we stopped playing for a while), and I accidentally pulled wandering mobs because I was dodging an AoE (You know, to stay alive, dodge unnecessary damage, and all that), then it sadly snowballed from there and caused a wipe...
And I had been met with multiple slurs and going, "of COURSE it was the mage," and I was just so used to FFXIV dungeon culture that it just kinda...traumatized(?) me. Like, dude, it was an accident. It's not like I was trolling or anything. I had been VERY glad to find out dungeons are completely optional and almost never did dungeons anymore.
For context, it was the BFA pirate dungeon for Alliance.
Though, one time, I was a night elf DH and was tanking the haunted mansion-ish dungeon and sadly, my computer's broken 5 year old graphics card (mf crypto bros made it impossible for me to be able to get a new one now), I restarted and happened to get back in that same dungeon with the same people and told them that my computer crashed and, if it happened again, to just kick me because it meant that I couldn't do the dungeon. This was the only time that I was actually in a GOOD experience where people were patient and nice. Hilarious how, the one time I had a good experience, my computer wouldn't let me have it. :(

@darranmarshall6073 - 09.02.2022 13:49

The only reason I’m still playing Wow is mainly the RP with my friends, but I’ve been playing FF like nearly a week and I’m having a blast and the community is very helpful.

@WilZyX75 - 03.02.2022 21:00

I love watching reactions of this video and what i can say is every people that watch it gets shocked/astonished by the part where the lala skip the cutscene 🤣

@jojorumbles8749 - 05.01.2022 19:28

Yep, that's my story on going from Wow to FF14.

@pirategoku3218 - 30.12.2021 09:26

I left wow cause it’s not the same anymore

@mikoto7693 - 12.12.2021 04:22

I’ve never played WoW but have been researching it lately. All the WoW refugees got me curious. And it’s sad what they had to endure.

I joined FF14 about seven months ago and I didn’t even realise WoW was so toxic. I was used to a friendly population from FF11 years ago. I just thought it was common sense.

During the Keeper of the Lake boss I was healer (Sch) and we wiped twice before two party members politely explained it to me. We got it third run.

@user-pe9gz8si8k - 04.12.2021 16:34

Did you know they took out all the joke emotes? Wow really is going to shit.

@azurecommander7667 - 28.11.2021 02:46

The community of FFXIV being that nice is true. Like it's actually true. Here are some of my own story with the community:

I was running Wanderer's Palace Hard Mode as a tank and the whole entire time the healer was having issues with stuff in real life or forgetting skills and stuff, healler was close to just wanting to just end the dungeon by just leaving, instead of leaving her out of it we wanted her to stay and kept trying. I even went as far as to slow down the run a bit just to let her catch up and people were more than willing to help this healer out explaining as we did (being toxic, she shoudl know how to play a healer class, but at the same time, I've played healer and I sucked at it), so we went on to the last boss, we wiped aboutt 3 times, we never once said she was bad, if anything she was struggling with the last boss, either she was messing up with the mechanics and stuff or she was struggling with it. The guy that was explaining it all to her even guiding her through the mechanics was patient with her. We eventually cleared the dungeon, but unfortunately we couldn't add each other, since what ended with that was friendship between the 4 of us that will never be due to the where we were.

@momozappa3118 - 23.11.2021 21:29

I've been there like that Roe :( but I'm in a better place 😌

@nickistrauss203 - 23.11.2021 16:02

I'll never get this picture out of my head - Blizz gamemasters are Ascians.

@sapphire356 - 22.11.2021 07:22

KB, you need to check out Pint's FF14. It is super funny!!

@xeralexdragonheart3464 - 18.11.2021 15:43

After playing ff14 all I have to say that ascians are true saints compared to blizz devs X'D...!!

@ryanmcleish1498 - 16.11.2021 03:31

The best part is how accurate it is on both sides

@snonyabeeswax - 15.11.2021 10:09

i want more i hope captain grim does more

@Zerif69 - 12.11.2021 22:22

Forgot to hide your dog there fury's after all.

@erikaloy8894 - 04.11.2021 06:36

Wow refugee here.... frikkin love ffxiv, not lookin back

@patriousthefallenknight3185 - 04.11.2021 01:57

i gave FF 24 hours to give me something to latch on to... just never stuck with me, so tomorrow i am going back to wow.
i dont wanna look like a hot character or cute, i wanna look badass.

@merlana3479 - 30.10.2021 11:45

The last guy with the dungon can confirm its true. I was playing the trail Titan ultimate and people were having trouble. We wiped five or six times and finally defeted him. To my suprise no one left after a few wipes. Like the guy in the video I was used to people just leaving after a wipe.

@terikuruzu5424 - 27.10.2021 17:38

After doing some unsynced min ilevel extremes with him, as well as getting him to join our fc, and seeing him enjoy the game as much as he is, it brings a smile to my face. Amazing guy.

@TheDwagonHD - 25.10.2021 19:44

I left wow, because of the lack of relevant content, and forced retention mechanics.

Edit: or is it retension?

@Daddo-Penguin - 25.10.2021 00:15

I played FF14 first and tried WoW with family and friends welp..... already from the chats and gameplay it was awful compared to 14.

@yoanignatov7610 - 24.10.2021 20:52

"Then we waste our time together."

Truer words were never said, today I finally got my first ever EX clear on Hades after 5 hours of wiping and the group which started it finished it.
Wipe after wipe, until in the end we got him!

@jimi_jams - 24.10.2021 11:52

I too am a WoW refugee, I picked up FFXIV end of August during the latest raid tier of WoW. It took me less than two weeks of jaw dropped wonder at how this game does so much right that WoW tosses in the bin, to announce I wouldn’t be refreshing my WoW sub, and dropping my main tank and raid leader roles. Endwalker is preordered, I’m here to stay, Eorzea.

@unknownguy6393 - 23.10.2021 09:09

Too many of us bro

@truecountry8915 - 23.10.2021 06:39

I'm ashamed to admit I've skipped every msq cutscene and I'm regretting it. I'm almost done with shb and once I am I'm gonna replay on ng+ before I start endwalker

@robertmcdermott818 - 22.10.2021 02:48

played wow daily for 15 years had over 700 hours on my main alone it just got so bad it made me sick every time i logged and left all of it for ffxiv in june of this year

@gn0stica536 - 20.10.2021 18:30

Yep. My story as well

@dazzlemasseur - 20.10.2021 08:56

FFXIV players. They'll welcome you with opens arms and if you don't like their game. They'll just FORCE YOU TO LIKE IT.

@Nuinwing - 20.10.2021 06:58

My experience mirrors that orcs....the positive community sure helped get me settled in 14.

After 3 months of playing I finally encountered my first genuine jerk player aaand in was a sprout, likely still in the wow mindset.

@NightWhisper8462 - 20.10.2021 05:15

Not exactly my story but pretty similar. I quit right after the Mists of Pandaria beta as the game felt very directionless after Wrath and the social element of the game was becoming less and less of a thing. Tried out the free trial of FF14 in 2014 and have been playing ever since and couldn't be happier, still love the world of the warcraft franchise and it pains me to see what they have done to it and the lore over time.

@_ViIe. - 19.10.2021 10:47

It was mine. Pre-ordered Shadowlands based on Blizzcon..... I never made it to the launch after all the broken promises in the beta/PTR alone.

@Hatedeathandblizzard - 17.10.2021 15:52

I use to be fan of warcraft i am not fan of warcraft anymore for many reasons i mean hey dont get me wrong i still like warcraft but i like gta online more then warcraft spoiler alert gta online is much better then warcraft well to me it is i dont know about anyone else but still.
