Lust for Youth - Denial, Veronica

Lust for Youth - Denial, Veronica


8 лет назад

1,368 Просмотров

Artist: LFY [Lust for Youth]
Track title: Denial, Veronica
Featured on: The Glass House Etiquette
Release type: EP, Cassette
Genre: Synthpop, Industrial
Label: Posh Isolation, PI-060

Artist info:
Members: Hannes Norrvide
Country: Sweden

Note: I do not claim any content of this video as mine, I am uploading these videos for entertainment purposes. If you own any content of this video and want me to take it down, I'll oblige.


#lust_for_youth #lfy #the_glass_house_etiquette #synthpop #industrial #posh_isolation #hannes_norrvide
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