5 Scary Truths about The Digital Nomad Life

5 Scary Truths about The Digital Nomad Life

Wolters World

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Solo 50plus Portugal
Solo 50plus Portugal - 08.11.2023 20:12

I'm nomadic but within one country. And still much of this applies. My former landlady lets me keep my old address for all official documents. I have no idea how you 'real' world traveling nomads do it!! Just being homeless with one country is tough enough. I salute you all!

Jared - 08.11.2023 02:52

I traveled for 2 years in my early 20s. 1.5 years in New Zealand work & travel accompanied by 6 months in South East Asia just travel on savings.

I absolutely love the people and places of both experiences but if I'm being brutally honest it was way more fun just traveling around on savings.

If I could travel full time or at least 75% of the time I honestly think I would but I'm not sure how I'd cope with that stress of needing to make more money online.

I'm from Canada and have a profession where I need to actually be present at work but its high paying enough where in a year I'm confident I could save enough to easily travel to a developing country and sustain myself for a year.

Rich - 04.11.2023 20:00

1200 Euros is living like a king there? I didn't realize they were that type of country

Louise Corrans
Louise Corrans - 02.11.2023 10:42

Love this realistic picture!

Rajvi Priya Robert
Rajvi Priya Robert - 01.11.2023 10:13

I truly appreciate you being honest about digital nomads, not many are willing to share the truth. Thank you!

Moy2005 - 31.10.2023 18:22

The lonely part is was prevents me from wanting to go but then again. I feel lonely now lol.

SD training
SD training - 30.10.2023 15:39

He is so wrong! Everyone is different! I make lots of friends as a nomad!

Chris Lister
Chris Lister - 29.10.2023 14:19

I'm already lonely here in Oklahoma.

Stephen Oshea
Stephen Oshea - 27.10.2023 05:16

great video much appreciated your video

Abakada - 24.10.2023 07:06

I think introverts won’t have a problem with the needing to see people in person stuff

Pahanin - 24.10.2023 05:28

My mans is on point

Fun Zone
Fun Zone - 21.10.2023 13:02

Every coin has two sides.

Rebecca Carter
Rebecca Carter - 13.10.2023 21:17

Wise words!

Padmavati Calloway
Padmavati Calloway - 12.10.2023 17:28

I personally plan to try the "digital nomad" life. But for me, this means having the freedom to go visit friends and family all over the world. I've basically been in one place all my life and a lot of my friends and family have become spread out over the world.

mung pujanarko
mung pujanarko - 11.10.2023 09:22

Matirnuwwuun untuk cerita kisahmu masbroo, tak delok awakmu cerito opo anane

Stay strong
Stay strong - 08.10.2023 23:39

Sounds very reasonable

Joao Coelho
Joao Coelho - 08.10.2023 14:49

je suis agriculteur et je ne peux pas quitter mon travail, je travaille seul et apres le travail jai besoin de parle aux gens je sui nomada digital á temps pratiel

A R - 06.10.2023 09:49

I see a child whining about his life...the life you are living is heaven for some people...this life is not bad its just not for you...

Paul Anthony
Paul Anthony - 05.10.2023 23:35

Thanks for the info

Jimm Bear
Jimm Bear - 05.10.2023 22:36

Nice 👍 video. I love to travel and some of my favorite trips have been traveling alone, waking up doing what I want yo do and eating where I want to eat. That being said for me personally, the digital nomad life seems like a nightmare. Having to figure how to get clients and income while at the same time trying to figure out where to live, customs, how to account for taxes, where to work, what to do if i don’t have internet, etc. does not sound fun at all. So for me I will save traveling for my vacations as an awesome experience and escape from work. I mean if i am in a cool place like Portugal the last thing I want to be doing is work on a laptop in a crowded coffee ☕️ shop while all the tourists are carefree and having fun.
