Track Status Visually With Microsoft List's New Board View!

Track Status Visually With Microsoft List's New Board View!

Bulb Digital

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Thierry Flament
Thierry Flament - 23.08.2023 00:15

agree with the full 100% MS really needs to consider WHICH task planning / management tool it wants to implement and focus their efforts on that. Planner could create list items in the background to make it all function as one big cohesive flow without massive re-development... Too bad it hasn't happened so far.

DigitalMesh - 06.06.2023 13:47

aaaaaaannnddd its gone, Microsoft is decommissioning the Board View.

Speechless - 05.06.2023 03:29

Does anyone know of an app that supports handwritten tasks \ Todo list?

douaa Ey
douaa Ey - 12.04.2023 22:13

How to restrict permissions to change due dates on MS list and planner ?

Growth Factor Accountants
Growth Factor Accountants - 31.03.2023 04:20

I'm working on a list we can use for tracking recurring and ad hoc tasks for our team. I have a master list of tasks with information about recurrence, duration etc - and I'm thinking that should then feed via power automate a more day to day/week to week list, so that the list sizes are more manageable and so that the daily/week view isn't overwhelming. I'm thinking a Start Date and Due Date in my master list, as well as a recurrence number should mean I can power automate both the task dropping in to my day/week team list and that the master list "next start" "next due" dates get automatically updated. Does that make sense?

Dave FS
Dave FS - 17.03.2023 08:54

Great video! Just getting started with Planner to help manage our operations that require multiple projects of varying complexity. One of the things I wish Planner could do is assign Due Date(s) to Checklist items within a card.

Which app do you recommend (have feeling it’s going to be Lists). Thanks!

wannabe DAL-ADX
wannabe DAL-ADX - 04.03.2023 16:52

Great summary and comparison. Even though this was meant as a update video for MS List. My suggestion is that the ease of use for List with respect to tasks be incorporated into Planner and let Lists just track stuff, etc.

Chele Kimaje
Chele Kimaje - 04.03.2023 08:29

Thanks im managing a small group but with so many taks that some we forget and get delayed so you made my day thanks

Scott Wendell
Scott Wendell - 04.02.2023 17:38

What is the best tool for team tracking of multiple jobs? For example, the general flow is the same for bringing customers from contract to operational fulfillment to billing. One place to see all the related documents, emails, current status, who does what next in their queue...

Nicole Rivett-Carnac
Nicole Rivett-Carnac - 02.02.2023 10:59

Thanks! Really helpful. Keen to see how I can integrate with Outlook calendar - guess power automate.

Mark P
Mark P - 13.01.2023 03:29

Thanks for the video. As a long time coda and notion user I don't get MS' platform overlaps like this. So confusing as to which to use & I'm limited to either priority or status when making a board? No fun. I'm desperately trying to pull my team out of legacy apps and into a doc system. If we weren't already an MS customer I'd just use coda that's been able to do this for a long time.

Dave M
Dave M - 29.12.2022 17:27

Hi there.  I was hoping you can help.  I am in the hotel business and oversee 10+ hotels in different states.  My General Managers at each hotel have due dates for different things.  Some weekly, monthly, bi monthly, etc.

I have been reading up on Teams and Tasks by Planner inside of Teams.

This is what I am looking to do-

Create a Task (or Due Date or what have you)- Ex. Weekly Report is Due.

Have it recurring every Wed.  I see how to do that.

Assign it to the team.  I see how to do that.

My questions or what I am looking for is that when I assign this they get the task.  They are reminded by email or something when the task is getting closer.  Then they can complete it and I would get notification through teams so I can track..  Basically an easy tracking tool so once that day comes I have notification that for example, 6 managers have completed this and I have to remind the other 4.

Currently I am playing whack a mole.  Some let me know they are done.  Some are done but I don't know so I have to ask.  Some just haven't done it and I need to push.  I thought having all the daily, weekly, monthly, recurring tasks on Teams in one place I can really control and see who has done what so I don't have to constantly email them back and forth.

Any suggestions would be awesome.  Thanks!

yogibearstie - 07.11.2022 23:35

Thank you. List is greatly improved since I last used it. I am starting the research on an IT project and want something to track OPEN ITEMS such as how does accounting need this to work, how do reports need to work, vendor discussions… and I need to assign the items with a due date and see progress.

Kavin Yudhitia
Kavin Yudhitia - 23.10.2022 02:18

Nice video! Thanks! Who knows maybe in the future Planner becomes a subset of List 😁
I think for now for simple task mgmt I would stick to Planner. For non-task related or a complex task or any needs of custom column, I can use List.

C. Yusuf Mumtaz
C. Yusuf Mumtaz - 17.10.2022 12:21

Any idea when this is available for consumers?

John Murphy
John Murphy - 13.10.2022 19:57

Hi - In MS Lists, for each new item you create, can you create tasks/sub-tasks inside that? Example: I will create a list of 10 projects I'm working on, with priority, status, etc. I want to create sub-tasks within each project and track the progress of each sub-task. Any way to do this in MS Lists?

Crow Friend
Crow Friend - 05.10.2022 10:39

I was surprised it's not possible to put the inbuilt "Title" field into the board view, unless I'm missing something?

Kevin Mulhall jr
Kevin Mulhall jr - 14.09.2022 03:41

Wondering if you'd be able to reorder the cards by importing the data into a SP or Canvas Power App...

HERO TIME - 17.08.2022 15:48

This is the first video I watched on your channel, really great content.

Victor Cuevas
Victor Cuevas - 11.08.2022 04:48

I am building a centralized request site using Sharepoint. Users submit a form and data flows into a sharepoint list. Here there are status column with New, inprogress, and complete. Trying to figure out how to possibly add planner (task list) to each record. What are your thoughts?

Virru112 - 10.08.2022 11:36

I tried Lists for the pasts couple of days and it just deletes data that you've entered, especially if you add or edit a column setting. A whole line of data, if not all will disappear. It seems an issue going back to last year from what I can see. Any ideas on this?

A P - 09.08.2022 05:44

I like the permissions features you mention with Lists over Planner. You also mention Planner does not have a list view of tasks but if you set up Planner as a tab from within Microsoft Teams, it does provide a list view. It is strange Microsoft does not allow it when using Planner in the web. Like you, I wish the best features of Planner and Lists would become one product.

MG - 08.08.2022 23:32

Great video
