Therapist Reacts RAW to Listening to Strangers’ Real Voicemails About Suicide

Therapist Reacts RAW to Listening to Strangers’ Real Voicemails About Suicide

Mended Light

1 год назад

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Deesh - 14.11.2023 15:04

my father is not well I am feeling depressed single girl child of my parents my father lost his job last year got ill i earn but money goes in household expenses pls help if each of you just gave me 100 rps only i can save my father pls if anyone of you read my comment pls help i am not doing any fraud any thing i just want to save my father pls

excuse me
excuse me - 14.11.2023 09:04

it's really sad because death happens to everyone around you it doesn't really happen to you, and I understand because a lot of people in my family have wanted to K themself's and I'm also going through something similar right now, but I've learned that taking time for your self is more important then anything in these moments in life, because once you cross the line, will you truly be satisfied? and will it be enough? because you only get to live once, a great song that's helped me have less dark thoughts is satisfied by marina and the diamonds because it talks about if it's really worth it or not.

ted logan
ted logan - 13.11.2023 22:30

my attitude is help is not coming and neither should it, that why ive decided to get it over with

Jeni Lyn
Jeni Lyn - 13.11.2023 19:12

I can never talk to my family about the struggles I have emotionally and mentally. I am not and have never been close to my father and brother -- they're too emotionally distant, and my mother often times would tell me that she suffers way more than anyone else of us do. Also, if there are suicide topics going around, for them, and they say it out loud, it's just a form of weakness and selfishness. I don't have a lot of friends I can confide to, and the closest ones I couldn't even tell them as my problem is just too meager compared to theirs. I did tell someone, at one point, when I felt like I would explode, and I was told that I was just tired. I know I wouldn't take my own life but there are moments when I just stare and wish that I wouldn't wake up the next morning. sorry for the rant - the anonymity I have here helps get this off my chest.

It'sTis Guy
It'sTis Guy - 13.11.2023 16:04

Who else has ever noticed pathetic with an email in front all of a sudden becomes a good thing, empathetic... And who else noticed therapist is soooo close to being the rapist... Weird how it works ey

Luna - 12.11.2023 17:58

People want you to stay because they're selfish. They say you're selfish to kill yourself, even though they know you're suffering. They don't want to suffer that loss, even though they know you're suffering. That is selfish. Wanting someone to stay, even though they know you're suffering, so they don't hurt. Mental illness is not something you can always see in a person. If someone has a disease that you can see. people wouldn't judge. They would understand that the physical pain was too much. I'm here to tell you I'd rather have physical pain over the mental anguish I have day in and day out. I could tell you about all the supplements, drugs, psychiatrists, counsellors, meditation, talk therapy, hospitalizations, etcetera, and nothing worked. You get to the point where you have exhausted everything, and suicide feels like it's the only way out, when nothing has given you relief.
Mental illness sucks the life out of you. You struggle every day just to get up in the morning. Try waking up in the morning and trying to go to work, and you have 100 pound weights weighing you down. It's a struggle to shower, get dressed, eating is sometimes too much of a task.
I'm sure anyone grieving would prefer physical pain over feeling like they're dying inside from missing a loved one. That is the best way to describe it. That pain never goes away completely either. That pain changes, and they learn to deal with it. But imagine feeling that same pain you feel the first time you hear that person has died. It's gut wrenching, but that pain always transforms. For people with mental illness, it never transforms, never gets better. It feels the exact same way as when you heard that bad news right at that moment, and then times that pain by thousands, and it goes on for years, never wavering. That's what it means to suffer from mental illness.
Mental illness sucks the life out of you. You don't enjoy things like you did before. I love music, always have. I have got to the point where I can't stand to hear music anymore. I have lost interest in pretty much everything. I can't even stand to hear any kind of music anymore.

Now tell me that suicide is selfish.

Donna Anderson
Donna Anderson - 12.11.2023 15:46

I don't love anybody (that's still alive) and nobody loves me. What I'm still doing here I don't know! The only thing that would be difficult for anyone is settling my estate.

Colleen O'Brien
Colleen O'Brien - 12.11.2023 14:07

I’ve thought about it a lot I’m 51 alone and what is the point I’m just tired’ i see a therapist but some times it’s just too hard

Ruth Nolan
Ruth Nolan - 12.11.2023 07:45

I feel very sad and/or cry almost every day, to this day, 13 years after my partner's suicide. He, too, was a widely loved life of the party type of guy with tons of friends and a big, loving family. I'll never get over it.

Henry Adkins
Henry Adkins - 12.11.2023 04:28

Thanks for making this video. In 2020 and the beginning of 2021, I broke inside and tried to end myself. I went as far as trying to buy inert gas to asphyxiate myself. I researched and found that death by inert gas was the most painless and complication free way to die. I couldn’t figure out how to buy N2 gas, so I gave up. Nothing in my college apartment would support the weight of a 170lbs 21 year old, so hanging myself with a power cord didn’t work. I tried cutting my carotid artery with a kitchen knife, but when I pressed the blade tightly against my neck, my arms felt like lead, and I couldn’t do it. It took everything I had to build up the courage to seek help. It took all my friends showing me that I could still have fun and had a life to live. I was lucky i wasn’t alone. No one knew I was suffering, and if I didn’t have those friends, I would be dead. All over a girl who broke my heart — that coupled with not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. I still miss her tbh. Sometimes I worry that since I’ve crossed the line of attempting suicide, if it will be easier to cross in the future if I find myself on another downward spiral.

Mandy - 11.11.2023 07:21

I’m sorry and people might not agree but I do think s*icide is selfish. I’ve wanted to go for ages but I just couldn’t do that to my family because they are the ones that would suffer the most. I would be gone but they would suffer until the day they pass and anyway I’m scared of death, and thanks to my ocd and anxiety. I hate not knowing what is to come next. When I die of old age I just want it to be over with, don’t damn want reincarnated. One lifetime is enough.

Mandy - 11.11.2023 07:02


ltz_CDzGhost - 09.11.2023 06:38

I am 17. I hate myself. Or at least what I am. I can’t change the things I would like to change about my body, and I am thoroughly convinced I can’t fully trust what used to be my faith. Life’s confusing and beautiful, and really weird. And I don’t know if it means anything. Whenever I die, I hope it all makes sense if there is an afterlife.

Spring Summer Winter or Fall
Spring Summer Winter or Fall - 09.11.2023 04:02

I’ve had suicidal feelings all my life and I’ve gone to therapist and still do go, but sometimes I feel like I’m just holding on with a thin thread. I am 74 years old now, and still holding on.

Sam Glover
Sam Glover - 08.11.2023 07:37

I know people will be devastated when I’m gone if I choose to do this. I just don’t know how else it will improve. Therapy is helping but it’s not enough. I’m trying to be honest. I may tell her next week that that the feeling of being wanting a be dead is just a “numb” feeling. If it happens it happens. I’ll be finally free of all this pain. I’m just afraid as a believer of Christ if I’ll still make it to heaven it I decide to end it on my own terms. I just don’t know what to do.

Anime King
Anime King - 08.11.2023 05:47

Depressed, anxiety, lonely, hopeless, worthless.
Feeling all of this for the last 20 years. Constantly thinking how and when would be the best time to end it all.
Thinking how selfish is it to want to end it when so many others have it so much harder and I have no reason to feel any of this, but here I am still depressed and always have these thoughts.

Meepmooorp - 07.11.2023 21:28

When I was twelve years old my mom was manically depressed, and attempted suicide. She survived. When I think back to how I felt then as a child, and now as an adult, I feel like what breaks my heart the most about all of that isn't the fact that she felt that way, or even the fact that she attempted to do that, it was the fact that if things had been slightly different/she had succeeded, I wouldn't have a mom right now. She wouldn't have come to see my high school graduation, she wouldn't have celebrated with my when I got into college, she wouldn't be there, in my life with me. If someone is depressed/suicidal and doesn't want to reach out because they dont want to hurt people, or they think it'll be easier for everyone if they disappear, you're wrong. What fucking hurts the most is if that person is gone. For the next two years after that, my mom was so depressed she was barely there, but shit, I was just so happy that she was alive. She's feeling a lot happier/better now with life, but that's just an insight I wanted to share. Please live.

Aimee Gallant
Aimee Gallant - 07.11.2023 21:03

I really appreciate this video and just the raw truth surrounding suicide. I have struggled with suicidal ideation most of my life. I can't tell you how many times I have attempted suicide. There has been too many. Too many hospitalizations. Too many complications. My attempts have resulted in acute organ failure (liver/kidneys/lungs/heart). I honestly don't know how I am still here. It's also resulted in a deep depression as thoughts like "you can't even get this right" or "not even death wants you". I try to turn it into a joke. I know its morbid humor but sometimes the best way to handle things when you cannot cry anymore tears is to just laugh - it's better than crying and saves on mascara. My last attempt was several years ago and while I have come close to other attempts, I have been able to control my impulses and instead reached out for help. It's very hard. Some days it feels like I am moving mountains but I am still here and I am still trying to live in this life and not give up. I only share this because I want others to not feel alone. And I hope you will continue to try and not give up too. And for those that have known someone that has died from suicide or struggles with it, please know its not a weakness and its not about attention-seeking or causing another person pain. It's the very opposite. I hope we can continue to create safe spaces to talk about suicide because with more conversation comes more understanding, knowledge and helps to reduce the stigma surrounding suicide and mental health.

michelle quinones
michelle quinones - 07.11.2023 05:04

I think about suicide daily, life circumstances make it more reality. Not everyone enjoys life, no everyone enjoys being alive. Sometimes words from others are just words, they are empty

ThursdayDog - 05.11.2023 07:18

I shared with my husband about my sucidal thoughts. He was angry with me. Went to work and told his co-workers about my suicidal thoghts I shared privately with him. Then, when he came home, he told me, his friends were angry with me.
I will never tell my husband anything again.

Ashlynn Whitman
Ashlynn Whitman - 04.11.2023 07:44

The needing permission to leave really struck home with me, because when i was struggling more than I am know I would always make those things up of "why would would anyone mourn for me?"

Loren Ambrose
Loren Ambrose - 03.11.2023 23:34

I've struggled with suicide pretty much all my life. My first attempt I was five or six. Last year I killed myself. I crashed (flat lined) five times before they managed to bring me back. It's tough, every time I think I'm doing better I have weeks like this week and I don't know how much longer I can hold on. I guess we'll all find out together. Lolish

Ryan Chand
Ryan Chand - 03.11.2023 20:03

Great video in terms of spreading awareness but it’s ironic that he said the guy doesn’t fit the bill for what he’d expect a suicidal person to look like when statistically that white guy fit the bill really well. At least he admitted that it may be his own bias.

Jabari Ellis
Jabari Ellis - 03.11.2023 15:41

What if I want to commit suicide and ik that nobody cares for me but everytime I attempt I end up unscathed so I makes me give up
on killing myself. Should I continue trying to die?

CenturionGirlW58 - 02.11.2023 05:04

I hade my first thoughts if suicide when I was 9. Even w a loving family, I felt so lonely. I had no real friends. And when I started exploring my queerness in my teens, I was abused by many in my small community. I only survived my childhood because of hope that I could leave when I graduated. And I did. Now I'm a 33 yo trans woman w bipolar and borderline, and I feel more alone than ever, despite trying to get help. I'm exhausted w trying to find reasons to keep going. I have a small number of friends now, but I think they are getting weary w my mental health problems. I'm afraid they will abandon me

אא - 01.11.2023 11:28

I keep calling but I can't get through. I've been not wanting to be here for a long time. It's just me in my life and I'm not sure how to cope.

VanmarTR - 01.11.2023 03:04

The fact that he brought up compassion is the key thing for me. For those of us that know, forgiveness is probably a little bit easier, for those that don’t or have different background forgiveness can be harder but the point of compassion and the idea of “the beautiful and” is so important and such a wonderful thought. You can have valid feelings of sadness and anger but compassion helps you reach peace and let’s you keep that part of them you still love and grieve for. Andrew Garfield had an amazing quote in an interview one time where he describes grief as unexpressed love, and I think that’s so beautiful.

Chaney Kane
Chaney Kane - 31.10.2023 11:12

I’ve been depressed since I was 6 and started having suicidal ideation at 12. As sick as it sounds, there’s this sort of standard you hold yourself to that if you don’t try to die, your pain must not be legit. I also had this reinforced to me by a therapist who said I was wasting her time because she’s had clients who’ve attempted and I hadn’t. I was 17 when she said this. At 22 I mustered the “courage” to try. I’ll admit, I left room to back out. I took lots of pills and drank alcohol. I rarely hear people talk about the guilt they feel after an attempt. Not just because of your loved ones, but also for yourself. To kill someone, even yourself, is such an extreme act. I felt so disgusted with myself. And even though I failed, I still feel guilt that I didn’t write a note. Had I succeeded, my family would’ve had no last words from me. The whole situation haunts me and brings me a lot of guilt.

MissBea LovesAlbert
MissBea LovesAlbert - 31.10.2023 11:02

I hate this place, always have since before I could speak. I don't want to be here, but I'm unsure of what's over there. I can't abandon my son. He would be utterly alone. But, I want nothing to do with or to contribute to this prison.

Aniwayas Song
Aniwayas Song - 31.10.2023 08:42

We didn't have any (Conscious) choice about being conceived/born.
Once we become adults, and are capable of facing our individual problems/medical conditions honestly, I see zero problem if choosing to end One's life is the best option taken.
No one has the authority to demand anyone suffer.

GILBERT HERRERA - 31.10.2023 07:17


GILBERT HERRERA - 31.10.2023 07:17


GILBERT HERRERA - 31.10.2023 07:16


GILBERT HERRERA - 31.10.2023 07:15


GILBERT HERRERA - 31.10.2023 07:15


Donna Lambeau
Donna Lambeau - 31.10.2023 03:39

The first time I attempted suicide I was eighteen. The Dr. said one more pill or one number drop in blood pressure then I would've been dead!! Since then I've attempted at least six times. I couldn't 😢 believe I didn't die. Now I'm 63 and I'm SO relieved. I have an awesome family! Three grown children and five wonderful, healthy grandchildren. I would've missed all of the Lord's blessings. I have bi-polar disorder and anxiety disorder. I'm an imperfect Christian and my ❤ breaks for anyone out there who is struggling and who are in so much emotional pain. I'd like to give all of you a big hug. Feelings are okay. God bless everyone with love, joy and peace.

Carrie M
Carrie M - 31.10.2023 03:19

Thanks for sharing. I'm seriously struggling here. Worked really hard today to build a psych care plan for myself. Was on the phone all day.

st pt
st pt - 30.10.2023 21:16

Thank you so much for this video.
To people who say "suicidal people are selfish", well it's not very easy to think of others when you're in constant extreme pain.
Saying "suicide is for the weak" will probably not make a suicidal person think "oh, so I'm never gonna think about ending my life ever again. I'm gonna be strong from now on". What it can do is to make the suicidal person think "oh no. I am weak. I am a disgrace. A disappointment." So you're just causing more damage than good by saying "committing suicide is for the weak."
Another thing I hear or read a lot is that people around the suicidal person say "But we love/loved you/them so much". Yes sometime a little love and care is enough to save people's lives. But not always. Love isn't always enough. Imagine a mourning mother surrounded by so many loved ones. She constantly receives love and understanding from everyone every where. But that doesn't take away the extreme pain of the loss of her child.

thepuppetboy87 - 29.10.2023 13:54

Now I wouldn’t call myself suicidal, even though people say I look emo (I’ve also been called an antisocial pedo behind my back) I don’t mean it. But you see, I did have a very low point. I’m someone who has moved a lot and been molested, and verbally and physically abused, and neglected by half my family (the other half is in Mexico so…). All of this moving meant that every friend I made would disappear to the point where I decided to not make friends in fear of losing them. My father has been in jail since I was 2, I had an abusive drunk step dad (he got deported eventually), relatives that hate me because they hate my mom, and other hardships at a young age that would make you think I’d commit an act but I don’t and I don’t know why. There was a time where I returned to a school and it turns out that no one remembered me. It felt like I had already died and came back only to realize how insignificant my life was to those around me. Like the only reason I should stay was because of my responsibilities. But I wasn’t suicidal. Nor did I do self harm. I did let hostiles harm me though. Like a cat scratching me, I’d let it happen. Accidentally burned myself? Oh well. Got a cut from a knife somehow? Strange. But something I did do was starve myself. You see I’m underweight I think with 116 at 16yrl. But this was in 9th grade when I starved myself and had a lot of blackouts. I had been erased and was motivated by my lack of purpose. My legacy. I had missed out on a few months of school transferring and was told I wasn’t gonna graduate. An a-g student with avid, advanced classes, band, and getting top 50 in the state suddenly wasn’t graduating simply because I became homeless. And now that I was back I had realized that I meant nothing to the people I once knew at school since they have forgotten me. After starving myself for a few days I ended up throwing up somehow. It was probably all of the mucus from crying so much. I’m doing fine now though. I’ve got an apartment, I’m in band again, and I’ve finally made new friends. However I know that I will spiral down the depression of purpose again as know that I most likely will never be able to touch a marimba again after high school

Randah A
Randah A - 29.10.2023 01:30

I lost my best friend to suicide years ago. It never goes away. I know she suffered so much and is at peace now. I just wasn't done loving her ☹

itzb3ll@ - 28.10.2023 21:42

Bye to whoever sees this hope your doing ok this is my last comment ever on this platform I will miss you pearl

AlexandeKnight - 28.10.2023 00:52

At the beginning of 2022 I started working at a mental health crisis stabilization Center on. There were so many people who had thoughts of killing themselves, some intrusive, some accute distress, some who didn't know why they had to live anymore. There were a number of occasions where i had to interviene. You needed to get skilled in talking about suicide, and all the ways people had to address it. Now I'm a clinician in training, working with upstream approaches. That piece of finding an age appropriate way of talking about suicide, because it can start the grief process again if it was withheald initially, is soo important to understand. I'm working with a kid going through that right now and a big piece of it is rebuilding trust. This was a right place at a right time video, just processing some thoughts. Thanks.

Brooklyn Randles
Brooklyn Randles - 27.10.2023 17:16

I have struggled most of my life with suicide. The only thing that keeps me here now is my animals. They only have me. And even though I want to die now. I keep seeing them starving and not having a place to live.i. now 31 and I so want t to die. I just did 6 years with out self harming and tonight I just ended that 6 years.

Shannon de la Paz
Shannon de la Paz - 26.10.2023 23:44

I’m desperately struggling right now on reasons why to live…. Have no fam, no friends & no hope. I’m sooooo sad. I wish someone could see me…

Wild- Energy
Wild- Energy - 26.10.2023 23:44

I'm trying to stay strong. Not sure if I'm gonna make it till the end.

jamminjoe44 - 26.10.2023 14:52

Ever since my beloved cat Scrunchie passed away on 4-25-2023, I`ve been contemplating suicide. No family to worry about, as I`m single and live alone. Scrunchie was my soul cat. He followed me everywhere. Then without warning, he was here one moment, and gone the next. Even though I`m in therapy, the pain of losing my cat is overwhelming. I too where the fake mask of being happy, where I`m already dead inside. I don`t know what the final out come will be, but It`s certainly headed towards self deletion.

$koolkat1216 - 26.10.2023 02:23

I feel like this EVERY SINGLE DAY. I have no one. My children's father makes me feel worthless and ugly and like I'm a disease. My kids treat me the same way. They all call me AWFUL names. It has to be true. Otherwise why would they keep doing it? I don't wear makeup anymore, I don't do my hair. Showering feels pointless and it takes soo much energy. And what's the point anyways? I can't wash off the ugly or the whore, the moron, the stupid can't, the disgusting. It doesn't wash off. I feell like ANYTHING would be better than feeling like this EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Gabriel Gabbi
Gabriel Gabbi - 25.10.2023 01:43

Honestly the only reason I’m still here is fear of pain. It seems like I’ve already overcame the fact that my friends and family would suffer.

I can’t talk with anyone, they would either say I’m doing this for attention, or advise me to go to therapy. Either way, they won’t understand me beacause they’re not me. I’m scared and lack of money to go therapy as well. I don’t want to ask my parents for money because we don’t really talk about mental health and this would be so awkward and would raise lots of questions.

I don’t think I will handle this life. I’m 18 and I don’t see myself in the future. I won’t be able to provide for myself, I will be poor. It’s so hard for me to study, I can’t concentrate for a longer than 15 minutes on almost anything.

Sometimes I think that I don’t want to die, I just want someone to hug me so tight and say that I will do this, that I’m capable of living this life. In my daydreams where I almost commit suicide, there is that one person, that does everything I described above. So I concluded I don’t necessarily want to die, but still I think intrusive thoughts might win one day

Yasminister - 24.10.2023 20:52

What does one do when the reason for wanting to end your life is due to a medical negligent surgery that got worse when a senior professor tried to fix it. The physical pain I’ve had for years gets worse and worse. I’ve tried everything. The pain is horrific and there’s no break. Not once. I’ve lost everything but it’s the pain that caused this. And he immobility. No matter how smart or pretty or how many friends I have… the torture is inhumane. If I was a dog.. I’d be put down years ago. Sleepless night.. screaming..crying. Going to appts laying on the backseat silently weeping from pain. Ppl assume because I want to die I have depression..which is fine but not for me because I so much want to be understood or it’s just another thing I’ve lost. ❤ if anyone read this, thanks xx
