My Favorite Senior-Level Job Interview Tip

My Favorite Senior-Level Job Interview Tip

Andrew LaCivita

4 года назад

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@KellySilverioli - 17.02.2025 08:34

I host seniors, Founders, Vice president's in the busses. I get nervous and doesn't know how to ask questions or answer when I'm in the conversation

@franknoneofya9585 - 04.08.2024 03:49

What you're explaining seems like the ITIL service delivery model.

@bethiciaprasek1008 - 27.05.2024 21:25

Interesting enough, I love talking about problems I encountered and how they were solved. Maybe a part of getting a job offer each time laid off or pending lay-off within a month each time. The main part is just keeping good connections. And I have a passion for what I do.

@sunnythree8904 - 04.05.2024 23:33

Thanks! I didn’t do so well on an interview by not knowing how much detail to give and not sound like I was rambling. I am still trying to learn how to navigate questions at a leadership level.. this is helpful on my journey..

@jpark907 - 02.03.2024 09:39

This is amazing advice. Thank you Andy!!

@NextLevelTherapy - 10.02.2024 02:34

Listened to a few of your videos in time for a third interview today that was with highest level execs, and got the offer this afternoon for what I asked!

@tpgjes71 - 12.01.2024 02:51

Thanks for always having a new idea and somehow I find the right videos just at the right time. Thanks, Andy!

@p49N - 13.09.2023 20:17

So I'm trying get the sequencing down Andy. Would you suggest a tactical prompting question directed at the interviewer to entice the "how would you go about managing that transition' or should you wait for it?
BTW, loved the example, I was part of a bumpy transition from perpetual license to subscription it was a Doogie. Defining moments for me.

@PamelaLee-o4w - 19.05.2023 08:24

I remember once... walking through the steps... and the recruiter only wanted to hear buzz words. We should have ended the interview way sooner. I was so checked out after that.

@skyrangerbob - 14.05.2023 03:30

How do you know if you are in hell? Answer: when someone who could be your grandson is firing you because you showed them all the technical mistakes they were making. It went like this...

Manager: we really need this problem fixed.
Experienced worker: these standards and design rules were broken. Follow the design guides and the problem will be fixed.
Manager: that is your opinion.
Experienced worker: Not opinion. Look, here is what the books, industry design guides, manufacturer application notes all say.
Manager: you are fired, leave now.

@asishjoshi5774 - 22.02.2023 13:23

ur awesome Andrew!! :) wat a great way !

@yixiguan6520 - 06.02.2023 18:01

Love this. This will really make the candidate stand out. Thank you.

@ElenaFraga - 25.03.2022 15:22

Excellent video

@rwingender - 23.02.2022 02:04

"Surfacing the pain". This was soooo awesome and brilliant. So good, I think I will watch it one more time!

@TiagoCapristano - 12.04.2021 16:41

Been away for a while. You still rock! :) That is a great approach to a tedious question/answer.

@gamabunta5634 - 31.01.2021 07:11

I got the job. Thank you Andrew 😌

@vincem6399 - 25.01.2021 06:20

Hi Andrew, do you think that it's a good idea to request a visit to the company? It is a foreign based company and the hiring manager is not on site but it would be a good means of finding out more information and also show my interest. However, there is likely an internal candidate so I'm not sure if it is appropriate. On the other hand, I'd like to maximize my chance.

@sydneyeve6029 - 24.01.2021 23:37

This is incredible advice, especially the attention grabbing tip to flag the anticipated challenges. I wonder, for some jobs, the candidate is asked to write the "Vision Statement" for the position. These documents are usually 2-3 pages long and the candidate is asked to describe their leadership philosophy and what their vision is for the position. Do you think some of the same advice would apply to highlight anticipated setbacks? It would be great to hear any advice you have on writing those documents.

@vincem6399 - 18.01.2021 04:06

I won't lie, it's tough. It had been months since I started. Some interviews, lots of dashed hopes. Now I'm waiting for the next stage of the interview (crossed one recorded and one online interview). The process was interrupted over Christmas and New Year. It's mentally draining. I've given up on other offers while I drag myself through this company's hiring process because this best fits my family and I. It was suggested that I take up other offers first as I wait for this or another better one. I disagreed because it is a senior position and I personally feel that it isn't ethical if I were to do that. If I were to take up a senior position half heartedly and have an eye on something else, then I'll be wasting everybody's time and expectations. Nonetheless, this is a semi rant and I'm here to listen to your familiar voice for some encouragement.
Thanks Andrew.

@mikemcgeehan4321 - 16.01.2021 23:18

Excellent points. This will lift you above most candidates.

@echtalion - 15.01.2021 04:33

Hi Andrew, did you sleep in the sun with sunglasses on?

@coash - 14.01.2021 10:15

Andrew, been a year since my historic interview that landed me an outrageous senior position following your 12 tips senior exec video.

This one is another awesome tip. Thanks for the content.

@safamodak8607 - 13.01.2021 19:09

Loved it Andrew. You never fail to provide food for thought 👍🏼

@funnybugsbunny - 13.01.2021 15:49

Great tip. Very true, but you've put it eloquently

@RanchuMom - 13.01.2021 06:29


@McDonaldPhotography - 12.01.2021 17:55

Great tip...
