The IT crowd - Truest moment about tech support

The IT crowd - Truest moment about tech support


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Moss and Roy show what Tech support sometimes acts like. Or more precisely: what end-users seem like to qualified personnel.


#The #IT #crowd #Ep1 #truest #moment #about #tech #support
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Nieśmieszny - 16.09.2023 20:16

It's so simple for us but for some outsider it's literally black magic

Maura Mc
Maura Mc - 30.08.2023 20:14

The sound of him eating makes me want to annihilate EVERYTHING 🔥☄️🌎

Silver Ranger
Silver Ranger - 19.08.2023 01:36

Funny bit. It's just ashamed that if you watch the whole episode it's not really that funny.

SAS - 10.08.2023 01:17

I love moss

No One
No One - 05.08.2023 01:07

Too bad i can not land single damn job at help desk…

TomK - 03.08.2023 06:04

I loved that show!

Ling Ho HUNG
Ling Ho HUNG - 02.08.2023 00:37

I think he is saying dead lock.

Hiznogood - 29.07.2023 15:04

Worked in IT since forever. We used to call user fault as Error Code 60, meaning that the faulty part was 60 cm in front of the monitor.

sdry - 28.07.2023 10:04

this could be great without that annoying laugh track

Coolio Ash
Coolio Ash - 27.07.2023 00:30

"Hello it have you tried turning it off and on again?"

Gorstak - 26.07.2023 23:00

I once explained to a customer how to hook up monitor to a PC. He couldn't believe he needed two cables for his monitor since everything he knows works with only one. I was very patient and professional. The call took 40 minutes.

MrVent - 22.07.2023 09:10

After working in an IT support position, what little patience I've had with other people up to that point was immediately vaporized

Danny -
Danny - - 21.07.2023 20:21

Most frustrating job I ever had

polski dezerter
polski dezerter - 20.07.2023 21:35

the figurines'n stuff really sold the skit

RanDoM TaSk
RanDoM TaSk - 19.07.2023 15:36

The sweedish team was way better

Ehsan Darwish
Ehsan Darwish - 14.07.2023 20:53

There was this one time that a girl told me to her out because whenever she's trying to type her password all that appear are just stars

Jay - 30.06.2023 14:32

I miss this show... I do not miss the annoying laugh tracks.

jose lorenzini
jose lorenzini - 27.06.2023 03:52

hahaha happens all the time

Katrina Anon
Katrina Anon - 19.06.2023 03:05

Whenever we showed up on a PCIT issue, and we had been digging in the system for just 5 minutes the manager would show up and ask what is wrong. Our answer was one that we used by one of our best techs and I used it to end of my 38 year career..."Something broke somewhere"... Proved a successful answer for decades to the Process Managers to leave us alone while we figured out what was really broke.

Napalm_Cake - 18.06.2023 03:24

These fable graphics are so realistic!

Liz Collinson
Liz Collinson - 11.06.2023 12:22

A couple of days ago i got very angry with my dock because the computer was telling me i was using the wrong power cable and to use the one it came with.
Only to realise i was plugging in my phone charger into the computer, the dock cable have dropped behind the stand.

IYBJS 530 - 08.06.2023 19:05

In my little experience of IT, we found most of the problems can be put down to PWU

Problem With User

PuffinPass - 06.06.2023 09:00

You deal with a lot of 1d10t errors in tech support and it wears you down quickly.

Koholos - 05.06.2023 23:42

I once worked for a place with an IT office so bad that it took the IT woman they sent up 5 tries to replace a SCSI drive and get the computer to successfully boot.. Finally I got sick of it and told her I’d do it myself. She was (disturbingly) actually impressed by my ability to do that and said she was going to start sending her troublesome issues to me to resolve.
I told her “Sure, I know an excellent solution to deal with troublesome issues. rm-rf.” Once she looked that up, she came back to tell me they didn’t need my help after all.

KroutSuprem - 04.06.2023 09:09

Microsoft washed our brains thinking rebooting a system to make it work is something normal...and those who don't know are dumb....

F1reguy - 03.06.2023 22:28

Try talking to a cannon warrenty agent… i went through 3, then dumped the printer. Was like talking to someone that had no idea what a printer was…

thesteveus - 01.06.2023 12:47

PEBKAC - Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.

Louis Bowels
Louis Bowels - 01.06.2023 09:33

This is barely satire

_Bigmán - 31.05.2023 14:04

Yeah, if the show is like this, i will never watch it.

Harry Flashman
Harry Flashman - 28.05.2023 18:40

If you want a laugh just ask someone in IT if have you ever seen the IT crowd.

Southern Comfort
Southern Comfort - 27.05.2023 11:44

This one goes back a little way. It goes back to the days when, very often, you would have a monitor on your desk and the actual computer was a tall box that lived under the desk.

The location was the University of Central Lancashire. The then Head of Law phones IT. "This mouse-thing that you have given me simply will not work. Why do you provide us with this rubbish and expect superior intellects such as ours to get on with our proper work?!?"

The IT guy bit his tongue and said "I'll be over in a flash."


He knocked on her door and came in. Immediately the problem was clear. For the mouse was on the floor, just beneath her desk, with a foot upon it. The foot belonged to the Head of Law. She was clearly confusing a computer and mouse with a treadle sewing machine. By the time the IT guy picked up the mouse, it was cracked beyond all recognition.

"See what you've done to it?" the IT guy said, holding up the shattered mouse up to the light.

"Well it's NOT my fault," she said, "that they make such poor quality pedals. That's you're fault for supplying such third-rate equipment!! I did not break it. It simply broke itself."

By the time I met the guy from IT that evening he was getting though his seventh pint.

The woman? She is now a Professor of Law.

TheModernSeeker - 26.05.2023 20:00

I'm sorry Are you from the past :D

Giwrgos Giwrikas
Giwrgos Giwrikas - 22.05.2023 17:36

I'v seen both the American and the English version of this (English was far better for me) , never actually realized he was wearing a Read The Fucking Manual T-shirt xD

Steven Phillips
Steven Phillips - 19.05.2023 15:13

Bloody awesome comedy

The Algorithm
The Algorithm - 19.05.2023 04:47

Read the fucken manual

vjc2270 - 14.05.2023 06:26

I always felt a bit sorry for IT people dealing with idiots like me, so I always made a point of trying to understand what they were doing, taking an interest and being really grateful for their support. In my last workplace, this resulted in me acquiring a coterie of IT ‘groupies’ - there were four of them - very nerdy lads, bless them - and they started coming up to the building I worked in for lunch and chats on a regular basis. I think people may often have been quite rude to them - ten years later, I’m still FaceBook friends with one of them! 😂 I worked in a large organisation, but I never had to wait for any IT issue to be resolved - pays to have friends in the right places!

vjc2270 - 14.05.2023 06:19

It’s funny, because it’s true. 😂😂😂

Jeff B
Jeff B - 11.05.2023 16:46

I love his shirt. RTFM Read The F*ckin' Manual!

Beep - 10.05.2023 19:45

We used to say the problem is PEBKAC

Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.

katie ☠
katie ☠ - 06.05.2023 05:43

i was this fucking years old when i realised "have you tried forcing an unexpected reboot" was just "have you tried turning it off and on again"

Maggie Lawrence
Maggie Lawrence - 06.05.2023 00:16

I absolutely loved this show ❤ 2:45 a.m.

PC Henderson
PC Henderson - 02.05.2023 17:27

In my Tech Support days, I once had to teach an 80 year old Catholic Nun how to use her new computer... it did not go well. This could have been a literal support call from her.

George O'Brien
George O'Brien - 01.05.2023 07:27

"All of our helpdesk personnel are busy. Please hold the line. You are 4th in the queue".

Pate Williams
Pate Williams - 01.05.2023 06:09

Probably the funniest show ever to be on TV. How I wish they'd bring another season back!

DJordydj - 19.04.2023 16:47

I HAVE to use that phrase at work.
"Sorry, are you from the past???"

Therese Bernier
Therese Bernier - 17.04.2023 21:26

OMG! Where can I get that t-shirt?

Dorothy Tanner
Dorothy Tanner - 17.04.2023 07:27

My daughter said I should watch this show, so glad I did. So funny, so many great moments, I just love it!

disgruntledgrrl - 16.04.2023 12:23

Ooof, IT helpdesk here from 1995 to 2017. On one contract, I had to support anyone who could walk in a Wal-Mart and buy a computer. Corporate jobs, military contracts - I've done them. And I want to say here and now - it was always the idiots above our managers that made the job intolerable. And sometimes, it was the managers, too. Especially if they weren't promoted from the helpdesk. I hated transplants from outside the company. While the Dilbert comic wasn't IT - it really hit the nail on the type of management we'd get on American helpdesks and we'd often have at least 2 managers. Yeah - I had 4 at one point.

Fred Flintstone
Fred Flintstone - 13.04.2023 02:36

I have a copy somewhere of Harry Enfield doing the start-up sounds for our Apple computers in a dealership back in the 80’s in Baker St.. He was a great customer and a lot of fun. Plenty of you ‘don’t want to do that’.

Fred Flintstone
Fred Flintstone - 13.04.2023 02:35

The classic is the Apple coffee holder that keeps closing after 5 seconds, knocking the coffee off and spilling all over the desk.
