How to Set Up and Configure LF (The Best Terminal File Manager)

How to Set Up and Configure LF (The Best Terminal File Manager)

Eric Murphy

2 года назад

62,685 Просмотров

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Дмитрий Голуб
Дмитрий Голуб - 21.09.2023 18:08

dont work on fish ((

Samuel James
Samuel James - 12.09.2023 00:57

Iam a little lost on the installation part of this program. However great job explaining it usage

Валерій Швець
Валерій Швець - 10.09.2023 22:55

Top it's gg. Aa? what the gg means?

Echoes.... - 02.09.2023 21:06

Thanks, It helps, what I was looking for.

Charlie Kim
Charlie Kim - 01.09.2023 14:34

I think I have tried most (if not all, including my own) file managers but I have never been totally happy with any. But, this 'lf' thingy looks promising. I should give it a try. Will I be happy? Or, will I be disappointed - again? In the latter case, I can go back to 'fr' (filerunner, an old program written in tcl/tk.) It has been one of my can't-live-without programs for a few decades now. Although far from ideal, it is still the only file manager I am reasonably happy with. Other essentials include nedit, python2, tgif, etc. all of which seem going extinct - like myself. (Sigh!)

Dale Holden
Dale Holden - 27.08.2023 14:48

Hi Eric and chance or thought on doing a video on .zshenv, .zshrc, .zlogin, .zprofile, .zlogout how to use them when to use and when not to use them?

Aaron - 07.08.2023 20:06

ueberzug is not maintained 7 months ago maintainer has no interest in keeping it going.

Aaron - 07.08.2023 19:37

LF github page does not have a dedicated icons link anymore.

Flavorful Coding
Flavorful Coding - 19.07.2023 19:03

if only image and video previewer would work in fish shell....😞

Ivan - 10.06.2023 14:03

how to use it like file manager with tcsh, not like ls

mono - 07.06.2023 17:11

How do you change default app when opening a file

Heroe /
Heroe / - 29.05.2023 20:52

I don't really understand the use case for terminal file managers outside of getting an easy way for previewing images, if I'm in the terminal it's way faster to move with ls cd + tools like fzf and zoxide, same for copying/pasting etc.

If I use a file manager, which is rare, it's usually for GUI functionalities like draging and droping into the browser.

Dale Holden
Dale Holden - 29.03.2023 14:53

Hi Eric i notice ueberzug is no longer maintained so not sure it would be safe to use moving forward. Do you know any better solutions ?
Also the Icon list has been removed from lf site. Its ok i got a list from your zshenv file :)

Subhajit Mishra
Subhajit Mishra - 18.03.2023 22:51

Awesome!!! Thank you! Btw, what's your color scheme for the terminal? Also the font please.....

Gizmo Truveauth
Gizmo Truveauth - 16.02.2023 22:13

can you please explain how to make all the gadgets work together within one lf session?

Mantikal - 14.02.2023 00:08

Great video. I like the look, feel and speed of this file manager.
If you have an audio, video or text file - how do you open them with your preferred apps or how would you change your preferred apps to run those files - using this file manager?
Also, how would one go about having a transparent back ground?

Nidhish Shivashankar
Nidhish Shivashankar - 12.02.2023 04:02

james burnham and julius evola 👀


code - 17.01.2023 11:58

Thank you for sharing!

Daniel Diaz
Daniel Diaz - 31.12.2022 12:20

Great! very clear and very good configuration. Can you compress files?

Piush Paul
Piush Paul - 22.12.2022 14:44

damm ueberzug github repo is unvailable and on top of that I am windows user :(

Cipher - 03.12.2022 05:32

Somebody pissed off the creator of ueberzug and he's chosen to archive the project and no longer maintain it. Use it while it works, or maintain it yourself, I guess ;[

Alon - 26.11.2022 12:00

Hey Eric! you know if there's chance for installing this for centos linux? i dont see on the package list :-(

LittleBird - 31.10.2022 09:27

Nice choice of atire :)

jacobtb1 - 16.10.2022 23:33

awesome thanks

Lobaluna - 09.10.2022 19:02

Thank you! A big hug! Thanks for all your great educational videos!

Kid Amanecer
Kid Amanecer - 13.09.2022 02:08

Hi Eric!

I got a question. Is it plausible to use it when dealing with downloads and file uploads with firefox or any other browser?
When i have to upload a file to any site, it usually pulls up my default file manager (i'm currently running a openSUSE machine w/ KDE Plasma)

When I try to move from KDE to something more minimal, let's say i3 or bspwm, I'm forced to use whichever file manager Firefox is feeling like to pick. That's inconvenient, and to be fair Dolphin is great because it gives you the opportunity to filter, see previews, etc. Whereas the other graphical file managers are awful to work with.

However, if I can make Firefox to work with LF (or at least Ranger) I'll do the full change, since that's the only feature holding me back.

Thanks for your content!

Linden Hawthorn
Linden Hawthorn - 30.08.2022 04:44

lf-gadgets didn't work for me[must be outdated], I endup up using luke smiths dot files for lf and made lfub, cleaner, & scope executable and got it working. For sxiv to work in lf I had to grab ~/.local/bin/rotdir and ~/.config/sxiv/exec/key-handler and make them executable. I grabbed all of his ~/.zprofile ~/.config/shell & ~/.config/zsh dotfiles too cuz he uses a lot of variables and sourcing files/directories.

Nomad Trails
Nomad Trails - 23.08.2022 18:35

SOLD, looks absolutely awesome

Abdoulaye Balde
Abdoulaye Balde - 05.08.2022 02:14

Hey thanks for the video. Actually I need your help. I install LF and customize it the way I want but for example if i wanna play music or video when I click on it it's showing " Running shell exit status 127" what should I do? I am using MPV for both music and video.

Michael Kashkov
Michael Kashkov - 19.07.2022 08:36

Amazing! ) Thanks Eric )
Basically Ranger for Linux / Mac == LF for Win

Quiet - 15.06.2022 15:11

Thanks a lot! You helped me getting started on lf!

CyperN077 - 01.06.2022 13:48

Can you do a bulk rename like ranger?

CyperN077 - 29.05.2022 01:09

Very good video. It helped me out! Thnx...

Sergio Araújo
Sergio Araújo - 22.05.2022 16:14

You can map delete this way:

map DD % gio trash "$f"

It will send the file to the ~/.local/share/Trash

Ritchie - 22.05.2022 10:52

New to LF. What are the tags for ? I presume to manipulate the tags fine with a custom command? In nvim tags allow you to jump to files. In LF I presume you create your own custom command with the file it creates.

Swithun liu
Swithun liu - 21.05.2022 11:33

how to cd the current directory with powershell (just like print 'S' with ranger)

MoreChannelNoise - 15.05.2022 09:50

Cant decide between this and Cfiles, both are so good

171RR - 14.05.2022 08:46

It's great!!
on WindowsPowerShell(WindowsOS)

previewing text.

Felipe Miotto
Felipe Miotto - 22.04.2022 09:48

Is the icon function unavailable now? Looked everywhere for this icons folder on the official GitHub repository, but it seems to be gone. Tried doing by myself too, with the icons I've found on reddit, but yet it did not work.

Rogue Ren
Rogue Ren - 08.04.2022 06:30

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but a bunch of the later stuff in the video doesn't work for me (Pop!_OS 21.10 w/ KDE Plasma). Previews just don't work in the terminal at all even after installing all the prerequisites, I just get text saying "binary" of stuff that isn't a directory or text file, and the link you have to the icons is just gone.

Mateus Gomes
Mateus Gomes - 17.03.2022 14:32

Thank you! You helped me a lot to better understand how to use lf and how to get image previews with ueberzug! I hope you're doing well and that your channel grows much more!

Zakaria Habri
Zakaria Habri - 13.03.2022 23:26

You can put the two lines in lfrc-ueberzug in your lfrc, it works the same with less files! Thanks a lot for all the awesome videos, I'm loving my system more with every modification.

Akshit Thakur
Akshit Thakur - 01.03.2022 14:48

I am getting an error. lstat $PATH: no such file or directory. Help please!!

Mark Ring
Mark Ring - 18.11.2021 09:21

Thank you Eric! I’ve been looking for this information for a few weeks. This video was perfect 👍

Miracle Web
Miracle Web - 18.11.2021 00:50

Thank you again for the amazing video! Also I'm now learning VIM first time, because of your channel, lol)

Can you make a video, how to setup i3wm (or what tiling manager do you use)?

Glider Suzuki
Glider Suzuki - 17.11.2021 23:31

Lf is good. But I'm just love Vifm. It has a easy to setup preview. It also has a dual pane.

Ekky Mahesa
Ekky Mahesa - 17.11.2021 20:20

What's the difference between this and ranger?

Arijit Gogoi
Arijit Gogoi - 17.11.2021 18:58

Right here
