Himalayan Salt Vs Sea Salt, 7 Major Differences

Himalayan Salt Vs Sea Salt, 7 Major Differences


1 год назад

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Tom Popovlin
Tom Popovlin - 25.08.2023 22:12

Avoid 'Himalayan Salt' if you suffer from calcific tendonitis or uric acid kidney stones

The Family
The Family - 23.08.2023 14:41

You lost me at millions of years

Bismillah Salt Company (Himalayan Salt Exporter)
Bismillah Salt Company (Himalayan Salt Exporter) - 02.06.2023 01:45


Neel Patil
Neel Patil - 18.05.2023 07:40

Use Kshaar lake salt

It is the healthiest one with high alkalinity natural iodine and minerals

Brandy Hamilton
Brandy Hamilton - 02.05.2023 22:01

You should also try redmonds real salt... it's pink and comes from mining in Utah and it tastes amazing

Carmelo Payo
Carmelo Payo - 26.04.2023 06:09

Dr. Can I use seeweed salt as replacement of himalayan salt

Brenda H. Nelson
Brenda H. Nelson - 20.03.2023 01:56

No more HImalayan salt for me. I watched the mining videos. Drilling into Mother Earth to rob her of her natural deposits is not something I want to contribute to. NO MINING!

Robert Bernard
Robert Bernard - 12.03.2023 20:28

Himalayan salt is not from the Himalayas, it low Pakistan salt

ChaCha Dodds
ChaCha Dodds - 22.02.2023 23:51

Surprised there was no mention of possible microplastic contamination in Himalayan Salt.
When this hit the news a few years back, I decided to trust made in the USA Redmond Real Salt from our own ancient seabed.

Karen Sepanik
Karen Sepanik - 21.01.2023 06:36

I heard Himalayan pink salt is toxic

Judy Landry555
Judy Landry555 - 25.09.2022 20:56

Remember to add the very important and essential Potassium. Potassium to salt (sodium) is a 2:1 ratio. I mix potassium citrate with Himalayan Pink salt.
RDA SODIUM <2300 mg
5000 mg = 1 tsp or 5 grams
95% of Americans are deficient in Potassium.
Iodine from Dulce is a good choice
To your good health!

Ca Bo
Ca Bo - 21.09.2022 23:04

Nicole Acampora
Nicole Acampora - 20.09.2022 18:24

Great video, so informative! I've always wondered the nutritional difference between sea salt and himalayan salt.

Brandon Downs
Brandon Downs - 20.09.2022 17:24

Why are you not even discussing the perspective that ALL sodium chloride is poison to humans? We are not designed by nature to digest rocks, nor are we designed to drink a concentration of the part of sea water that kills you if you drink it.....

Native Americans refused salt entirely when the Whites came over. They knew it was poison. Nowadays, we have been brilliantly brainwashed and addicted to this poison.

Pat Konelectric
Pat Konelectric - 20.09.2022 02:14

Is there such a thing as natural (unrefined) potassium chloride salt?

sweet monk
sweet monk - 19.09.2022 10:10

Yep refined table salt is just like a pharmaceutical!

Travis Porco
Travis Porco - 19.09.2022 08:46

any salt can have negative health effects. And if you avoid table salt, make sure you get your iodine somewhere.

DStray Cat
DStray Cat - 19.09.2022 01:48

In South America, there are salt mines, who's product is very similar to Pink Salt. Also, Baja Gold Sea Salt is a highly sought after salt from the Sea of Cortez It has all sorts of minerals that no other has... Great video but slightly lacking... Thanks

Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas - 19.09.2022 01:27

what about black volcanic salt I mix and grind all three

Bridge To The Messiah
Bridge To The Messiah - 18.09.2022 21:51

For those who are worried about the contamination in the sea, I would recommend Dead Sea Salt. It's not connected to the sea of the ocean. The water comes from the Jordan River. It has 21 minerals and has Iodine.

Brandano0069 - 18.09.2022 20:35

Micro plastics are present in all sea salts made from seawater today. Pink Himalayan salt is the best choice in my opinion.

Chris - 18.09.2022 20:27

I use both Himalayan Crystal Salt and Andean Mountain pink salt, which looks the same and tastes similar. I would not mess with anything from the sea due to plastic and other contamination. (And that includes seaweed. I take Energy Biodine, also marketed as Illumodine, for my iodine.)

Carl Daniels
Carl Daniels - 18.09.2022 19:33

benificial information on himalayan salt and celtic sea salt. one over looked down side towards both salts are: himalayan salt - if it wasn't mined from the khewra mines there is a good possibility that the other mines are near nuclear reactors that have contaminated the ground. whereas the celtic sea salt has a better chance of plastic pollution from the salt water to contribute to its unhealthy composition.
just a thought.

CMsJean - 18.09.2022 19:15

This video and the comments provide a lot of useful things to consider.

Brian Pierce
Brian Pierce - 18.09.2022 19:11

With the amount of pollutants in the oceans today I'll stick with the pink stuff.

John Lord
John Lord - 18.09.2022 18:54

Sea salt having washed around the entire Earth and its telluric currents, with solar, lunar, and cosmic irradiated energies also imparted into this live salt - more attractive and healthful of energy vs millions/billions of years old buried rock salts (dead salts). Sea salt on the periodic table of elements shows that while sodium is considered the majority component of such salts, potassium quickly follows, ... there is in actuality over 1500+ salt combinations of all of the radical gasses (fluorides, chlorides, bromides, iodides ... along with the hydrides, and oxides and their various combinations) making sea salt the greatest provider of all needed mineral and salt components for a healthy body.

With latest research that calcium is needed as the foundation for 10,000+ enzymatic processes in the body, same or magnesium and other metals, minerals, the real amount of 1500+ salt combinations of live energy, and higher bodily processes.

Just get rid of the bleached white man salt - and get back to the ancestral salt - they knew what was truly healthy and viable.

Shonté Hanna
Shonté Hanna - 18.09.2022 18:44

Can you talk about American pink salt (Redmond's Real Salt) vs Himalayan pink salt?

Karen Reaves
Karen Reaves - 18.09.2022 18:05

Ground fine Himalayan Sea Salt is still pink. I use dried dulce for iodine.

G Fitz
G Fitz - 18.09.2022 17:55

It’s been Celtic Sea Salt for me for 2 decades now. I wouldn’t change.

IvCastilla - 18.09.2022 17:30

Dryed salts minerals are precipitaded (Himalayan or sea, same chemistry apply for both) and will be very hard to make those minerals soluble again, humid or wet sea salt are the best for mineral supply to hummans. All the rest is rethoric.

SuperfoodEvolution - 18.09.2022 17:25

Not all salt is created equal. Let's take a look at the 2 most popular from a health standpoint and compare. We also look into the dangers of refined table salt.
