The Flawed AVS-36 Rifle

The Flawed AVS-36 Rifle

Fade Away

9 месяцев назад

82 Просмотров

During the interwar period and the Second World War, the Soviet Union developed and produced a number of rifles, many of which were plagued with issues that led to their eventual abandonment. One of the most notorious examples of this was the AVS-36, a rifle that was quickly phased out of service due to its numerous flaws. Despite the Soviet Union's success in producing tanks, their handheld weaponry, such as the AVS-36, failed to meet the necessary standards for effective use in combat. The AVS-36's shortcomings led to its reputation as one of the worst rifles ever developed by the Soviet Union, and its brief service life serves as a testament to its inadequacy. This rifle serves as a cautionary tale of the importance of thorough testing and development in the creation of military equipment, as well as the potential consequences of rushing into production without addressing critical design flaws.


#AVS-36 #Guns #Soviet-Japanese_Border_Wars #Weapons #Winter_War #World_War_2
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