What Will Happen During & After The Millennium Reign?

What Will Happen During & After The Millennium Reign?

Grace Digital Network

1 год назад

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WakkerWordWoord - 19.09.2023 22:40

You are ignoring DOZENS of Old Testament prophecies... try an "ALL Scripture" approach.

Jacob Everson
Jacob Everson - 02.09.2023 20:58


T R - 23.08.2023 01:28

If the new Jerusalem is in heaven right now , then are those I. Heaven right now living in the city?

John Lewis
John Lewis - 15.08.2023 04:32

I'd love to be closer to God and be a conquer in his way not my own

Moto Man
Moto Man - 09.08.2023 06:05

As a believer, why not build the kingdom from currency and Bitcoin since it will be useless anyway? Maybe because currency is the root of all evil and those (soros, Klaus, bill, mark, trump, joe, barak hillary and more) whom sit upon it don't want you to enjoy in what God rightfully bestowed upon you in the first place?

Ljay Me
Ljay Me - 24.07.2023 22:15

Its weird listening to a robot. Better read the Word yourself. Don't just "believe". Know by the Holy Spirit.

Ming Panganiban
Ming Panganiban - 27.06.2023 08:11

John 14:15 If you love me, Keep my commandments.

Moths to the Flame
Moths to the Flame - 30.05.2023 03:32

We are in satans little season.

Proviah - 18.05.2023 07:44

Anyone reading this, if you haven't repented yet, please REPENT, FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND.

randy krahn
randy krahn - 06.05.2023 18:11

Where in verse 7 does it say certain people will get a greater reward or a closer relationship ???

David Morales
David Morales - 06.05.2023 07:46

This is kindergarten spirituality.

Carolyne Dunsford
Carolyne Dunsford - 05.05.2023 13:52

missed sexually immoral

Kimona Lansing
Kimona Lansing - 13.04.2023 16:22

After the 1,000 year righn of our Lord is over Satan will be loosed again and will immediatly go out to decieve the world again. It's as if God gives him one last chance.
The Satan and his angels and all men not found in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire to be detroyed forever. Death and Hell itself will gone
Fear not man who can destroy your body, fear God who can destroy your body and your everlasing soul (spirit)
To be in fire and torment for eterninity is cruel and our God is not that way. God will detroy them eternally, oblivian as if they never existed.
God will also detroy the Earth with fire this time aka sterilize the planet and recreate it as it was in the beginning, Amen.

Valencia Walker
Valencia Walker - 02.04.2023 07:12


Richie Jacobs
Richie Jacobs - 28.03.2023 13:32

No millennial reign of Christ anywhere in the Bible. Either you don't read the Bible and are just parroting what everyone else is teaching or you're lying.

Maurice Gaudreau
Maurice Gaudreau - 28.03.2023 04:15

Amen and amen. Praise the Lord.😇❤🙏

Roger Metzger
Roger Metzger - 26.03.2023 16:26

I thought I commented on this video about a month ago but I don’t see my comment now so here is a comment similar to the one I thought I posted in February:

I’m 79. For most of my lifetime, the majority of conservative Christians in the United States have been taught an interpretation of Bible prophecy similar to the one in this video BUT

1: The majority of those conservative Christians are totally unaware that A) The method of interpretation most popular in northern Europe from the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries was premillennial but based on an entirely different premise, i.e. that Christians should look for fulfillment of Bible prophecies in the past and the present as well as in the future. B) During those same centuries, the interpretation most popular in southern Europe was that the prophecies had already been fulfilled, i.e. that the Church was the kingdom of God on Earth and that references to a new Earth would be fulfilled gradually as Christians expanded their influence worldwide. C) Beginning in the eighteenth century and throughout the nineteenth century, the interpretation most popular in the United States was postmillennialism, i.e. that Jesus would return AFTER a thousand years of intense worldwide evangelism/missionary work during which time the majority of civil governments and other institutions would become Christian. D) The interpretation in this video was developed in Ireland in the nineteenth century but remained unknown in the United States until after the War Between the States.

2: The method of interpretation on which this video is based fails to provide satisfactory answers to the following questions:

Was the prophecy of Jonah conditional?

Did either God or Jonah say it was conditional?

If Jonah’s prophecy was conditional, is it likely that SOME other Bible prophecies were (or are) also conditional?

Was the gospel preached to Abraham? (Galatians 3:8)

If Christians are people who have faith in the Messiah, were Abraham and other Hebrew patriarchs and prophets Christians by that definition?

Were some of the restoration prophecies fulfilled after the Babylonian captivity in the sixth century B.C.?
Who will inherit what was promised to Abraham? (Galatians 3:29) For further study, see also Romans 4 and the rest of Galatians 3.

What is represented by the olive tree in Romans 11? Israel? The Church? Both? It is true that, beginning at the Exodus and ending after the reign of Solomon, there was a nation of Israel. After the division of the kingdom, did the promises to Israel apply to the northern kingdom (which continued to be called “Israel”)? Or did they apply to the southern kingdom of Judah? Who (or what) is the “holy nation” mentioned in I Peter 2:9? Is that the same as the olive tree of Romans 11?

Based on Romans 11:23 & 24, is it likely that, before Jesus returns, a higher percentage of Hebrews than non-Hebrews will consider the evidence that Jesus really is the Messiah foretold by the Hebrew prophets of antiquity and thus become the children of Abraham by faith - not merely the children of Abraham by physical lineage? Compare Matthew 3:9; Matthew 8:5-13; Romans 2:28 & 29.

Did the seventieth week of Daniel’s seventy week prophecy (Daniel 9) begin in A.D. 27 at the baptism of Jesus (483 years after the commandment to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem), was Jesus crucified in A.D. 31 (in the middle of that seventieth week of years) and did the seventieth week end in A.D. 34 when Paul and Barnabas said, “It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.” (Acts 13:26) (when Stephen was stoned and the gospel went to the non-Hebrews)? Or will the seventieth week be fulfilled sometime in the future? i.e. Is there a “gap” between the sixty-ninth and the seventeenth week?

The tribe of Judah was Jewish (The word, Jew, is derived from the name of ONE of the great-grandsons of Abraham.) None of the other sons of Israel (aka Jacob) were Jewish. Neither was Moses Jewish. He was of the tribe of Levi. There is more to this subject but maybe this is enough to get you started.

Is it literally true that he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God? (Romans 2:28:29)

Jamie Chippett
Jamie Chippett - 16.03.2023 23:26

The rapture doctrine has been debunked and is from the pit of HELL! Plenty of stuff on the net debunking this. You've missed the boat mate. The 1000 years reign has already happened.the problem is these days is people clueless to European heraldry history and it's roots and beginnings and ties to Israel. Do the homework and study the birth of this doctrine and how it was propagated into fundamental churches and publications of the bible ie adding footnotes etc into new additions. The 1000 years was when Charles Martel pushed the Muslims out of Europe and Europe had 1000 years of Jesus being pumped into Europe and pagan religions turning to jesus.this included the Renaissance period etc and Europe progressed with Jesus until the 1000 years expired at time of French revolution and the onslaught of communism and later the na....zi Satan was released for a season to decieved the nations.this is carried on until today with the woke idiology and a fall from yahweh God and his son Jesus the CHRIST. The bible calls this present period JACOBS TROUBLE. Trouble coming on judaho Christian western world governed nations for rejecting Yahweh God and his son Jesus the CHRIST but when their eyes of understanding are opened like JOSEPH opened his brothers eyes in Egypt and ditch their pagan heathen hedonistic immoral corrupt evil deceptive fallen angel demi Gods and know their history and heritage and stop wrestling with Yahweh God and his son Jesus and repent then they'll realise that they are Israel. Josephs coat of many colours represents the many different mixed races of people living in these Joseph Judaho Christian western world governed nations. Do you have grain wheat seed (the word) in your silo(body temple) ?

Metal Disciple
Metal Disciple - 12.03.2023 17:19

I hope I see my dog on the new earth 😢

Ron Evartt
Ron Evartt - 09.03.2023 01:16

Why the Millennial Reign should not be taught!
1) It’s only found in 1 chapter of Revelation 20:2-6
2) Nowhere is it mentioned in the Word except Rev. 20:2-6
3) The Father, Son, Prophets, and the Psalms do not mention a thousand year reign of our Messiah (In proper context)
4) It’s built on a false teacher who was a Jewish Rabbi (Cerinthus) from the first century, and he didn’t believe in Yashua HaMashiach
5) Many “scholars”, and I use that loosely, have pulled scripture out of context to build this false doctrine, instead of using scripture that says it’s describing a “thousand year reign”, which there’s none except Rev 20:2-6
6) There’s only ONE WITNESS to this thousand year reign, and not two or three witnesses…
7) If the thousand years were symbolic then that would match what the Word says, “He reigns forever”, and “This world is not His kingdom”...
8) Flesh and blood can’t inherit the kingdom of our Elohiym
9) Yashua was the final sacrifice, and He’s the Temple and High Priest
10) The Word teaches the second coming is “Judgment Day”, "at His appearing"
11) It’s what the Jews always wanted, a king to reign on earth where they are over all the Gentiles, and go back to a ceremonial sacrificial system that was to be a shadow of the coming Messiah, but it’s not our Elohiym’s desire or plan
12) There’s much more, but I think you get the point
13) If you want to understand this “Millennial Reign” then use what is taught on the latter days, and how they fit this, to understand the words of John

kenneth king
kenneth king - 04.03.2023 03:01

The person who made this video does not know the difference between what is literal and what is symbolic. The first verse of Revelation says that it was given in signs. Meaning that most of it is symbolic. Not literal. For instance, there is no way that God is going to materialize and live with man. I mean, really??? "Look, there is God, driving that nice car and wearing that nice suit." Let's have God over for dinner.' Give me a break. And this city, New Jerusalem, cannot even fit in the earth's atmosphere. That too, is symbolic. And God is not going to destroy the earth and start over again, making a new earth. He will restore the earth to it's original glory. And remove the curse from the earth. And replace the animals that have gone extinct. And have the deserts burst with water. By removing the wicked and demons, you have a New Heaven and a New Earth.
Or in other words: God is going to make the earth the way he purposed it when he put man on earth. It will be a global paradise. And man will live the way he purposed man to live from the beginning. Mankind will have a perfect human body, Like Adam, that doesn't age or get sick or dies. And there will be seas and waters and oceans. We will build houses and live in them. There will be no money. Everything will be provided by Jehovah as the knowledge of Jehovah will cover the earth as the waters covers the seas. All this talk about the streets being paved in gold is just symbolic. And the animals will be at peace with man. We will still have our seasons. In some places it will be cold for those who like that kind of weather and in other places it will be hot. God will give mankind choices to how and where they want to live. It will be a one world Government with Jesus being the King for 1000 years. After that, he will give the Kingdom back to Jehovah so that God may be all things to everyone. 1Cor.15:28

MUNDUS - 01.03.2023 00:40

God is going to destroy the Earth to create a new one? You all know that this is a metaphor?

Slot Freak
Slot Freak - 21.02.2023 09:47

The New Jerusalem is incomprehensible. It could be a four sided Pyramid.
Since the earth curves a lot in 1500 miles, it might be that the city hovers over the earth. What a journey it will be.

Joe D Hall
Joe D Hall - 17.02.2023 15:30

Respectfully, and very much so....however, all of the numbers in the Revelation are symbolic....as 12 is the number of government....144,000 is 12 x 12 x 1,000 = government taken to its highest power....6 is the number of man thus 666 = FLESH, FLESH, FLESH...the 1,000 year reign stands for the Kingdom of God in full expression. We know from what the Lord Himself said about His Kingdom that it is a spiritual kingdom....comes not with observation, is not meat and drink, can be entered only by the NEW BIRTH. To think and teach and preach that the Lord Jesus will sit on a literal throne in Jerusalem for any length of time flies right in the face of what He Himself said. We know that there will be, without a doubt, the Kingdom of God on this very earth...they Kingdom come. So, the question is...why would there be a literal 1,000 year reign followed by the eternal Kingdom of God? And sometimes the question is the answer, and this is one of those times!!! GOD IS GOOD AND HIS MERCY ENDURETH FOREVER!

critical_moves - 25.01.2023 05:10

But how about after 1000 years JESUS reign what will happen? He leaves again?

Timothy Asberry
Timothy Asberry - 20.01.2023 21:43

There will be lots of teaching there to those that was on the opposite side of the gulf.. mentioned in the book of (Luke 16) where the rich man went" that didn't quite make the first Resurrection" by God's elect during that Thousand-Year reign, this is why Satan will be loosed from the pit after wards.. to see if they will follow him or if they have learned something.. "mostly discipline", to partake in the second and final Resurrection, if they hadn't gotten it by then..then it's all over for them, for those that participate in the first resurrection this does not apply to them.. they are good to go,👌😂 they'll be allottment of lands during this time, now this doesn't apply to God's election they will receive no allottment of land..God himself is their allottment (Ezekiel 44: 28) they also.. God's election, well be the only ones that are able to approach Christ, (Ezekiel 44: 15-26) they will be able to teach their loved ones.. "family members" who need discipline, that didn't make the cut or..the first resurrection, but there's a penalty for this, they will have to wait (7 days) before they can approach Christ again cuz those loved ones they taught..are still considered "spiritually" dead, from chapter 40 of the Great book of Ezekiel to the end of the book is all about the Millennium and what will be taking place there, I highly suggest one read it, with derstanding that is 👍💯❤️🙏

James Elliott
James Elliott - 02.12.2022 10:18

Just say it’s already happened. And we are in the little while of the deceiver.

Calvin Freeman
Calvin Freeman - 29.11.2022 07:09

This narrator gots to go…period

Mark Hauser Bible Believer
Mark Hauser Bible Believer - 16.11.2022 17:21

I've probably been blocked by Satan, but just in case I haven't. There is no pre-trib rapture, according to Jesus. ASK ME

Mark Hauser Bible Believer
Mark Hauser Bible Believer - 14.11.2022 03:19

Look around you, you are in the millennium. When the Lord returns it's over. ASK ME

Archetype Alch3my
Archetype Alch3my - 13.11.2022 21:57

Will people still get married and have children ?

Jonathan Hysons
Jonathan Hysons - 13.11.2022 06:44


can we trade now Network
can we trade now Network - 12.11.2022 05:11

I don’t understand why these channels can’t find a narrator who is familiar with the subject matter or the bible.
You can tell that someone is not familiar with the bible when they read the name of a bible book incorrectly. It is not “One Corinthians” it is “1st Corinthians,” and anyone who is knows anything about the bible knows that.
A narrator is supposed to add credibility, but a narrator who doesn’t even understand the source material undermines the credibility of the entire project.

Margot Mitchell
Margot Mitchell - 12.11.2022 02:30

How do you turn the lamp i Jesus is coming back as loin of Judah thank you father God I wanna be with you Jesus

Michael Spencer
Michael Spencer - 11.11.2022 16:51

It appears this person has no education in israels' history and why God made israel. Before you make videos, you need a real king james 1611 av version bible, nothing is that says bible on it. And a strongs concordiance for king james bible to understand each word witten over 2000 years ago. You will notice we all been lied to in alot. As there is no such word in the bible as a rapture. Because a rapture is not just, God is just.

Aussie Rob
Aussie Rob - 11.11.2022 10:05

At the beginning of the Millennium, Satan will be chained up for a thousand years. He will then be thrown into the abyss, locked up and sealed. At the end of the Millennium, he will be let loose for a little while.

Ken Zedro
Ken Zedro - 11.11.2022 07:37

During the millennium reign Christ will be with his bride (the church).

Kapone Law
Kapone Law - 11.11.2022 07:11

The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ Spirit
Standard Time
Earth Is A Compass
Humans & Animals Are Activists & Athletes
Vs And Over
The Debut Of The Antichrist Religion
Daylight Saving Time
Earth Is A Radar
Humans & Animals Are Advocates & Androids 💯

Amelia Anderson
Amelia Anderson - 11.11.2022 06:39

❤thanks for making your videos

Akotos Totos
Akotos Totos - 11.11.2022 06:32

Well said! Life will be as it is now. But without evil.

Blyte Aftertaste
Blyte Aftertaste - 09.11.2022 14:41

millenial reign and new genesis arent the same but two different events

Krystin Harris
Krystin Harris - 09.11.2022 13:32

All bur, Lasksmi, Goddess spiritual raped me to get where they are, I use to be symbolize by the bull or anything or anyone used for sacrifice against my will. All submissive beings are guilty, especially Hera and Jesus.

Shan Clarke
Shan Clarke - 09.11.2022 13:22

Amen let us repent and ask God for strength

Mick Healy
Mick Healy - 09.11.2022 12:02

thats what that fanatical christ worshipper Hitler tried to bring about with the thousand year reich, ever wondered why he had a crusade against the jews?

sukruoosten - 09.11.2022 10:51

lets hope its SOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant wait for my perfect sinless body
LORD have mercy

Relations defined by constraints
Relations defined by constraints - 09.11.2022 07:21

The two Hebrew Bibles are 1) Tribe of Judah's Masoretic Text and 2) Tribe of Ephraim's Samaritan Pentateuch.

Both of these Hebrew Tribes also have a Book of Joshua. If you haven't read the Samaritan Book of Joshua you should do that now. It's free online and explains a great deal of missing information. Worth your time...

Adam Rios
Adam Rios - 09.11.2022 07:07

Be born again repent all the new Jerusalem is approaching the end times are coming the blood moons are the warning signs of his return embrace Christ all now prepare all 😢

Secondchannel1000 - 09.11.2022 05:16

but pain and bad experiences are still knowledge, how are you supposed to know what it feels like to hurt if there is no sorrow? and how are we supposed to fundamentally understand WHY something is righteous if we don't go through injustice to better understand it?

Blaise Djeni
Blaise Djeni - 09.11.2022 02:57

