Troubled families project - lessons for Wales?

Troubled families project - lessons for Wales?

Paul Heaney

9 лет назад

169 Просмотров

A scheme which is tackling anti-social behaviour in England and has turned around the lives of 53,000 families could work in Wales, the MP for one of its most deprived areas said.

Blaenau Gwent's Nick Smith said "troubled families" has got many adults in work and children in education.

But one expert said the initiative tended to "stigmatise" families.

The Welsh government said it funds job projects and ones keeping children out of care and families together.

David Cameron announced this week that the scheme would now look to help a total of 500,000 families.

One scheme delivered via a housing association does similar work in Wales, but the 'Family Intervention Project' isn't available everywhere and doesn't receive government funding.s


#FIP #family_intervention #troubled_families #Nick_Smith_(Politician)
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