Jen Jen Gomez

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@AmandaOakes-tx4ic - 06.03.2024 18:33

@Brandyhellokitty - 07.03.2024 21:31

You are about to be famous! You have all the qualifications! I'm glad I found your page! Stay real, and you will rise like a star! ❤🎉

@lifewithjake8660 - 15.03.2024 01:46

This is insane!! What private adoption agencies do this?? We adopted our son through private adoption, and have an open relationship with his birth mom. We had to have a home study, FBI background checks, and be licensed to adopt by the state of Fl. We also had to go through our social worker if our son’s birth mother needed any financial help so she could keep all the receipts in case the court asked for them. I’m sharing because our experience with private adoption was so different. I can understand why some mothers would choose to place their children with a family rather than see them go to foster care, but the fact that there are no qualifications for the adoptive family to meet in these cases is extremely alarming!

@MrSoldierperson - 15.03.2024 14:38


@alinapurcell7417 - 16.03.2024 16:37

I absolutely love your channel, your content and your personality!

@christined4842 - 16.03.2024 23:06

I think it’s a good thing but I wish they would have regulations as well like no felons etc

@gentletouchpodcast9095 - 19.03.2024 11:09

Would you be interested in sharing your story on a podcast?

@nursecollins77 - 20.03.2024 03:40

You could really build your channel with more frequent posts. I've binged watched all your videos in 2 days lol. Proud of you!

@Rescued56 - 20.03.2024 10:05

That's on the same level as child trafficking and black market babies. This is pretty messed up. 😥😡

@Rachael-R - 21.03.2024 22:29

Like others have said, please keep posting, and more frequently. You have what it takes to not only blow up and make a good life with this, but to change the lives of many women of all ages in the process. I'm a 48-year-old woman and just found you, can't stop watching. Honored to hear your story and hope to follow your life for years to come. Please keep going - you're a rising star ✨

@CarbideSix - 22.03.2024 16:58

No wonder why these Red “Pro-life” states treat women as breeding sows, especially in Florida. Babies aren’t humans to these people, they are commodities.

@Kewljean - 23.03.2024 01:02

Fascinating & disturbing! Wondering...who watched your son while you inside? I hope you had good family who helped!

@user-kf6yw3be1o - 23.03.2024 03:08

New subscriber. Shout outs from ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO.
Love your content

@eliezerrodriguez2025 - 23.03.2024 19:11

Dat is Wild!!!!!😮😮

@simeon2851 - 03.04.2024 13:40

How many children are taken for nefarious purposes through this channel?

@LadybugMilissa - 10.04.2024 03:39

Hey Jen! I took a YT break for a while but I’m about to get caught up on all the content you put out in the last couple months. You are just getting better and better 😊

@teemarie5478 - 11.04.2024 00:16

Thanks for the information, this is wild 🥺

@Pleasurechest985 - 16.04.2024 12:44

It is an option for some. Hey, what drugs were you on?

@RALPHCASALE - 16.04.2024 15:30

❤ You Ms. Gomez !!!

@ChiefsFanInSC - 20.04.2024 23:33

I doubt that many women in prison have a familial support system that can take care of a newborn baby. Unless a woman has a strong familial support system that can raise the child in a GOOD environment while she is locked up, she should strongly consider letting another family adopt the child.

@Edward-zw9ld - 23.04.2024 04:51

Tough sweet girl🎉

@lizajane1878 - 05.05.2024 03:45

Binge watching! Wow you are talented!

@tandrews4030 - 05.05.2024 11:59

Sad I grew up in foster care and I thank God daily after meeting my family

@erinlynch7259 - 05.05.2024 14:34

If the woman has no family and no money she’s going to lose her baby anyway so I can see doing this in that situation. Especially if she’s a drug addict and has mental issues. People abort their babies all the time and don’t get paid 20k to do it. We live in a morally tragic time in history.

@TheStigmawarriors - 05.05.2024 19:07

I can't believe this happens. So basically, this is glorified trafficking. It's against the law to sell your child, but they do this mess. I never understood why you have to pay agencies to adopt a child anyways. I can understand having to pay for legal fees and having to pay other types of fees. But literally paying someone money to give up their child is selling a child and it's illegal.

@SeeingHimNow - 05.05.2024 21:32

The only thing I can see bad is it’s all transactional and the adopted family could be god knows what. Also, if selling a baby on the street is illegal, and this is ok? Hell NO

@showtime951 - 07.05.2024 03:35

Do inmates use guards as sperm donors to get pregnant?
The women would not only be gay for the stay, they'd be laid and carrying to be paid for the stay.

@koontzman123 - 08.05.2024 18:03

I wonder if child molesters and satanic people are buying children. Especially with the low requirements.

@Djjdynomike - 08.05.2024 20:48

on the outside they pay in gift cards and call it making the mother comfortable....

@lanejohnson2433 - 10.05.2024 02:05

So I take’away on this is if a woman is in prison , Yea she wants to sell her baby for cash , Hey why cant she ?? What if she sells her body to a male guard get her pregnant for cash ,then when she delivers her child 9 months later why can’t she , do of such if it’s her only way of making extra cash while she is locked up in prison ??

@jeffrey9882 - 10.05.2024 02:40

i hope you didnt give up your kid! thats wrong

@glennl9630 - 11.05.2024 23:48


@FREE_WILL_AAHhhhhhhhhhhhh - 12.05.2024 03:00

what if communities supported its members so that stress and struggle to exist are not part of the perpetual debt sentence of everyday life. the state has money to pay foster families, but the same money isn't available to help families? The $y$tem is corrupt and it's tearing apart families and individuals so that they are seeking happiness in a bottle or pill rather than conscious expression of their free will. Luckily solutions exist for the problems we face, it's just that they are not yet popularly supported.

@lot6129 - 15.05.2024 21:30

What i see is business opp. and a win x win, i would want say $500 a woman to "service" these women in jail, get them preggy and them they get $20k, everyone wins!

@Sav2256 - 16.05.2024 08:52

So what about the RIGHTS of the fathers? All this talk with no inclusion of their voices.

@livin4racks191 - 21.05.2024 18:54

It’s a hard F U C K NO!

@babsshaney - 21.05.2024 20:13

So Proud that You for keeping your baby, if they sell their babies they are worthy to be call a Mommy, so the child is probably better off, but so happy that you have integrity and Family values to do what it takes to be a wonderful Mama!!!

@deanabs - 21.05.2024 22:28

Love how you tell you stories I reckon they could do a series about your life … stay healthy *drug free

@Tanyawana - 24.05.2024 23:59


@RCFSULAW - 29.05.2024 01:09

Were you in Broward or Dade County jail? My guess is BrowardCounty because the recently retired DA had a policy of overcharging all inmates and try to get guilty pleas thru legal extortion because the charges could result in a huge prison system based on the point system. I got arrested in Broward County with a revenge city police charge. It was a 3rd degree felony charge. At first they offered 3 years and two years probation. Then as trial approached 364 days and 1 year of probation. Then the day of trial they offered time served which was 10 days as I bonded out and a year probation. I refused as I would not plead to a felony I did not commit. In fact they pursued a case when the alleged victim in the original pilice report attested I did not do what I wad charged with. Three days later both him and a witness changed their ststements. They had one video out of 8 that wete available that made me look bad. The other 7 that implicated the alleged victim were lost even though they had a two year redundancy videotaping system. My guess is you were overcharged and over sentenced.

@danielgingras2427 - 31.05.2024 00:12

As a loving father I can’t help but get very upset that the mother could legally give away a father’s baby who should have equal rights to the child without even having him sign anything.
It’s bizarre that you don’t mention any conversation on the father.

Just look at circumcision at birth, the rights of a male child to his body does not even exist. Men need to wake up and fight back as the legal system is failing us. You got 10 years but males for the same crime will likely get far more time.

And why would mariage even matter as a criteria? Who cares, it’s just a stupid piece of paper. A couple can spend their lives together and be loving parents, the marriage certificate does not do anything to ensure that.

@IllKeepALightOn - 31.05.2024 06:38

This lady was addicted to heroin when her kid was conceived and she went to jail and yet here she is making it sound like they’re the bad ones for wanting to get the kid out of that situation.

@Angel-tt8tq - 31.05.2024 09:54

I have more than one family member who could not have babies and adopted children. Many loving parents are willing to pay hard earned money for children so they can love and take care of them as their own. It depends on the situation.

@Shelb13v - 02.06.2024 08:19

This is very very wrong. Sorry that happened to you and all those women. I've always felt like those "helpful systems" were just preying on women in bad situations.

@betsybabf748 - 03.06.2024 02:03

I never served time, but out first pregnancy was very unplanned when I was about to enter my senior year of high school. I was harassed by Planned Parenthood to abort and called by another organization trying to push us to go the adoption route. While I have full respect for adoption, even raising two foster children later in life, I was clear that we were having and keeping our baby, having a very supportive family and a great relationship. They would not stop calling over and over, insisting there was no way we could raise our child being that young. I had the baby, graduated high school, married his father, went to college and law school. My husband started and built a very successful construction company. I am an attorney. We had more children, plus fostered even more, and stayed very happily married until my husband's sudden death when I was 41 yrs old. Our youngest children, twins, will graduate high school next year. I was a young parent mentor for a few years, and hate when what should be informative guidance turns to being pushy or manipulative to someone struggling and confused.

@brucesheets5314 - 05.06.2024 05:41

Prey on the vulnerable... Classic haves and have not. Glad you saw through the greed

@Boston2VA - 07.06.2024 15:03

I really wish you were lying. How awful, and sadly I'm sure some woman really don't have a choice but to go this route. 😪

@JenniferLee367 - 08.06.2024 00:49

