The TikTok TradWife Epidemic

The TikTok TradWife Epidemic


1 год назад

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@Senneih_cram - 11.01.2024 03:59

what's worse than having no traditionnal women in this earth ? having traditionnal women in this earth but still dying alone anyway

@barklols4607 - 10.01.2024 22:43

My bf calls me a pick me or a “ not like other girls” bc I’ve always felt more comfortable around and trusting of guys over girls.

@tbasmwmc - 10.01.2024 21:12

It is wild how many people are deeply threatened by something so harmless.

@arkikali5632 - 10.01.2024 08:17

You know, I figured I'd hate this video. I'm pretty traditional / conservative / patriotic. BUT--this just goes to show you that people with diverse views can still agree on stuff and find common ground. I'd hang out with you if we lived nearby. I really think people hanging with people they don't see eye-to-eye on straight down the line is part of how we stop some of this craziness.

ALSO--why the hell are people acting like every man in the early 1900s was a wife beater or whatever? Good grief. 🙄

@DiamondPaintWithDiamondDave - 10.01.2024 05:46

Personally, I'd love to find a trad wife. It would make all of the hours spent at work feel like it has meaning. Any man who would have a woman who keeps herself up, cooks, cleans, and takes care of the kids so that he can concentrate on providing for the family, would treat her like gold! At least I know I would. Sure as hell beats working everyday to bring money home to a woman who has a "work husband", wants to have ladies night at least once a week, demands privacy when she's constantly texting people, and you know several of them are other males, but they are all "just friends", and you aren't allowed to question any of it. So yeah, give me a trad wife any day, she and I would be the happiest couple alive!

@Powerhaus88 - 10.01.2024 00:40

Gentlemen, y'all are suckers. Doesn't matter if she's trad or on OF. Both are a SCAM.

@samguill3837 - 10.01.2024 00:36

This is wild. There a SO MANY cultures outside of “white” (🙄) where a “classic “ male breadwinner and female homemaker are just a part of normal life.

The big miss here is the idea that the man is this overbearing tyrant. Traditional family dynamics based on biblical principles have the husband serving the wife just as she serves him.

@windywillow6071 - 09.01.2024 16:26

Often tadwives describe discontent with their life and job, but that isn't the fault of feminism as they often think but of the exploitative capitalist system that harms us all.

Most people cannot survive on a single income so even if they want to live like a tradwife or have kids, it just isn't viable unless they're willing to live in poverty (if they aren't already).

A vast majority of the tradwife criticism is that many tradwife influencers demean women who don't persue traditional gender roles. Something you conspicuously omitted to (yet again) paint those with legitimate criticisms against these influencers (namely their trying to convince women to surrender their financial stability and independance to a marriage that may or may not work out for them or their partner) as "raging sjws". I thought we left that childish strat back in 2016, come on Shoe!

A parrallel trend is tradwives making "married single mother" content. In that many tradwives have found themselves trapped in a marriage where they are burdened with most if not all of the household labour, childcare and often having to still work a job on top of that while their partner sits around on their phone. They feel unsupported and alone. Exactly what these "raging sjws" warned about.

@LukeShartWalker - 09.01.2024 08:45

May the Flush be with you.

@itamiyouji4057 - 08.01.2024 22:03

This hatred aimed at "tradwives" is hilarious to me, as many modern women I meet can't even fully take care themselves...
...but yay for "empowerment", right?

@skooma4NaughtyLilGhoul - 08.01.2024 21:38

cis white women,.. ugk

@markmcghee8922 - 08.01.2024 17:59

Wow Shoe! Your video essay mode is awesome! Great look. You have trad wives beat.

@bobr2006 - 08.01.2024 13:29

No man would ever leave or harm a princess Like her !!!!!

@Grovemama12345 - 08.01.2024 08:15


@joeconnolly4353 - 08.01.2024 03:33

You are so funny.... Great presenter and cute as hell.

@desmondsquire2654 - 07.01.2024 21:46

well done ! Funny and fair ,love your work

@bigdmk4987 - 07.01.2024 21:14

Anyone who’s ever used the words “pick me”, “trad wife” (as a negative), or “alt right” in a non-joking way is too stupid to be taken seriously. “Pick me” is a term used to put down females who don’t have an extremely unhealthy hatred for men (says more about the pathetic dunce saying it than anyone else). “Trad wife” is a term used for a woman who doesn’t live the kind of lifestyle that will embarrass her in the future (if used in a negative way says more about the insecure ignoramus saying it than anyone else). And “alt right” is just a term straight up morons use because they can’t handle the fact that people think differently from them (also says more about the hypocritical bigot saying it than anyone else).

@joshua9482 - 07.01.2024 13:08

We're all f*cked. That's all I know. It's gonna go from 8bill to zero really soon if we keep avoiding reality and what is reasonable and true.

@jessicachastain1530 - 07.01.2024 10:39

button your eyelashes 🤣🤣🤣

@stephenwest6738 - 07.01.2024 06:09

I never thought this until recently, but after seeing what women have done to feminism Ive come to the conclusion that they messed it up and should let men fix it. You can get mad about it, but its not going to fix feminism, so just hand it over. You can try again later, but you are not ready.

@rpgcraftsman520 - 07.01.2024 00:27

"Depending on which party you vote for, the Red Satanic Pedophiles or the Blue Satanic Pedophiles." - Aight, this joke? 13/10, would tell to my online and IRL friends.
EDIT: Okay I honestly think the "I can't be a trad wife, I'm a guy" post was taking the piss, but your reaction was also pretty good.
EDIT2: I don't hate Starshmucks because it's "weak," it's just Hipster Cringe :P
EDIT3, re: Paying Housewife Work Like A Job: ...I've never heard such a strong argument for UBI, and while I do still think there are flaws - if only because humans respond to incentives, and this could either A) get someone to do the bare-ass minimum to get those moneys, or B) get them to stay with an abusive husband to get those moneys - or, God for-fucking-bid, BOTH - I get the argument, and I don't dis agree. I just think it needs more time in the oven to bake properly, as it were.

@svenfinke2204 - 06.01.2024 17:43

Patriarchy was also bad for Men. Look at the lives of 50 women and then on 50 men. Even in ancient roman times women had the right to read and after a divorce the man had to support her. Are we talking about genders ore religion? Because Christianity fucked the Antiquity for women which lead to the dark Age. So always great when women party God. Even when Christianity suppressed women for over 1000 years and burned millions alive for speaking their mind.

But in the Patriarchy what we had in the past a few men controlled all. Mostly with religions rules. Not only women but also the men were slaves. You were forbidden to speak your mind, you had to serve in wars, you had to follow one role.
Feminist portray today men as the evil. Even when it was not men, it was a system. Men helped women to get this freedom and mostly men are today the force which protects this freedom. The US army for an example and the NATO protects western civilization. Look at women liberties in the Middle East, Africa or Asia.

It's the western World with western States in Asia like Japan, Korea, or Taiwan which supports women's equality.
The enemy is not next door, the enemy is out there. But hey, I'm German. I know it's always easy to blame your neighbor with lies for stuff on a global basis. We had an Austrian who used this to get a lot of stupid followers. Stupid people always look for a punching bag next door and like to ignore all facts and early believe insane lies like a global world conspiracy.

@adamd6835 - 06.01.2024 17:40

Thanks for making it easy to skip the coms

@ThePowerOfTheD - 06.01.2024 06:29

I'm loving the emphasis on the irony of it all, thank you for pointing them out like Aubrey Plaza...
Love her sense of humor.

@MetaMaticGamer - 06.01.2024 03:35

I am honestly jealous that they can have so much free time and I strive everyday to be with some guy and be a stay at home femboywife and do cleaning and cooking and any other menial chore, hell I'll do it in a maid outfit if they want me to.

@pea5062 - 06.01.2024 01:10

'When I do it, its based. When you do it, its cringe' - omfg :''')

@albertbradfield1945 - 05.01.2024 20:59

NGive it up Shoe, being Traditional is beyond the comprehension of the "Modern Woman", what ever that means today.

@phantomsamurai4400 - 05.01.2024 17:41

I don't get it nobody is having ago at almost every other country that have women at home and men out of the house working?

@bonusrege7872 - 04.01.2024 19:21

Każdy mężczyzna w głębi swojej duszy śni o takiej dziewczynie jak Estee. Przykro mi, ale to prawda. Dlatego takie dziewczyny nie umierają w samotności z kotem.

@harleypayj11 - 03.01.2024 20:29

this is totally unrelated, but what lipstick do you wear? it is killer

@suntzu4607 - 03.01.2024 05:05

100% the angry and bitter vapid communal fleshlights in the comments are single.

@warrantofficerschrodinger7287 - 02.01.2024 23:06

Bring back Polio 2024!!!

@bopz9559 - 02.01.2024 22:22

Now that tiktok tradwife is telling women not to have male friends. She's toxic

@user-dr6qh5zo6r - 02.01.2024 21:23

The thing is like what does “embracing her femininity” even mean?

I liked your video and you made some good points. As a queer woman this idea that to perform femininity, you’re only “gentle” “caring” “graceful” it’s just like not real to me.

I express my femininity in many other ways including being caring when I feel like. I can be soft but also hard like most human beings.
Why is this way of being feminine the dominant one?

I think most of the criticisms on this comes from how this era really said press delete on all other forms of expression coming from femme bodies.
I’m happy if women are feeling like they’re reclaiming something that feels right for them (a place in a home with a man) however also listen to us cause we are real women and we do get erased constantly just cause we don’t choose to live in a man’s world.

I am happy for all women living their truth but we can’t ignore that a vast majority of women do end up living for men.
So the tradwife thing has a reaction just cause they’re presenting the status quo as something “revolutionary”.

Of course there is misogyny to unpack in most societal reactions towards femininity and we do need to address that. It can also be seen in the death rates of trans women, how violent our society is towards femininity.

However maybe let’s try to also leave space of a broader and more diverse sense of femininity to exist? Would be cool maybe to re evaluate and discuss what this could mean.

@davidgavranic5044 - 02.01.2024 20:14

I think a mojor contibutor to how little money people have is tha fact that the work force almost doubled. Women used to work until they got married in their early 20s, and men worked to retirement, but now that bothe genders work, the supply of workers is higher, so pay is lower.

@CosmicDoggoo - 02.01.2024 19:35

I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but what the hell is up with all the fascism talk? Estee literally looks like an American pin up girl, and the traditional values that she follows is exactly what American women in the 1940's did while their husbands were LITERALLY FIGHTING NAZI GERMANY. I'm really confused.

@hunterbxdxn9553 - 02.01.2024 18:11

I guarantee all these female goons complaining about this look like satans onions.

@Hwarming - 02.01.2024 09:50

Yeah women should be able to be whatever they want and live however they want- NO NOT LIKE THAT! Jeesaloo these people are pathetic, if she's happy living her life like that then great! It's not hurting anyone, people need to get a life

@bezzie9 - 02.01.2024 06:09

All the Africans and Filipinos at work talk about their stay at home wives. and how the men work all day to bring home food. or pay for collage. or pay for the house.
they don't call it trad. they just think this is the healthiest why to raise a family.
oh and they think western society is fucked.

@beekeeper8474 - 02.01.2024 00:24

I'm conservative and i can fix the washer/dryer. Those are but mean by boys

@beekeeper8474 - 02.01.2024 00:17

Women are really their own worst enemy

@SwankyK73YT - 01.01.2024 21:08

The video essay part was epic! LOL Thanks for that. I was NOT expecting that. Also, your "look" reminded me of that Amaranth chick on whatever platform she's on. However, you actually had, and have something interesting to say.

While Amaranth can be considered objectively hot, her Twitch/ YT/ whatever content is about as interesting as watching paint dry.

@budnation8660 - 01.01.2024 08:34

Blend your eye shadow🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 caught me off guard

@Eunacis - 01.01.2024 06:33

She looks like Marilyn Monroe...

@buthow1437 - 31.12.2023 08:17

o w o
