The process is called "Deep Satiation" and is the equivalent of writing zeros and ones in a computer. Key understandings are as follows:
The Self must, at every moment, be satisfied with something.
At the deepest level, the Self is indifferent to whether the satiation is neutral, constructive, or destructive.
Bearing in mind three basic elements: Self, as a witness of our experiences, our body, and mind.
Imagine three circles whose centers form an equilateral triangle. Each circle represents the Self, body, and mind. Emotions reside at the junction of the Body and the Mind, while Energies exist at the junction of the Body and the Self. The Ego resides at the junction of the Mind and the Self. The central common area formed by the circles is a narrative zone to which all religions, political parties, and marketing messages vie for access. This is the Sphere of Narrative, which, when given outside, makes us slaves to other people's ideas.
Domurad's main discovery is that the Self can be satisfied not only by the process of satisfying basic needs but also by Emotions, Energies, and Narratives. This discovery is called "Deep Satiation."
The primary tool for personal transformation is Incantations, as defined by Anthony Robbins, whose student and collaborator Piotr Domurad has been since 1991. As Robbins states, "Each phrase, when repeated loudly, combined with physical movement and emotions, becomes a powerful Incantation that can change our mental interior." Domurad's combination of his key discovery of "Deep Satiation" with Robbins' Incantations provides a powerful tool for personal transformation. This is put into practice during an hour-long ritual, every day, involving the repetition of specially designed Incantations.