My hatred for driving saved me $78,516.

My hatred for driving saved me $78,516.

Zach Gallardo

3 года назад

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@Cobwobbler - 22.11.2022 23:09

I’ve saved £2,000 in the past year now I cycle to work and do local runs. So I think it’s only fair to use that £2,000 on a new bike right? Looking back over my 58 years I’ve realised cars are nothing but a money sucking pit. If I’d kept riding bikes my life would have been richer in so many ways.

@gregmarcus3064 - 05.08.2022 03:38

Ever considered moving to Portland...but nah...the rain I guess. They are very bike centric over there,

@gladiatormaximus4913 - 14.04.2022 04:08

I hate driving in San Francisco!

@Ober1kenobi - 03.04.2022 01:30

Im still frugal when it comes to travelling,

I will take public transport as close as it will get me to my destination and then Uber the rest of the way.

If I need to travel 100 miles, and it’s just not feasible to ride, (terrain, traffic, highly way only) m, I will get a train or Bus the 70-80 miles I can and Uber the last 20. Because that’s way cheaper than an Uber for the whole 100 miles.

“Rich people don’t stay rich by spending heaps of money”

By the same token

Poor people get poorer the more money they spend.

I’m a middle class income earner. But in the grand scheme of things, im poor, above the poverty line, but, ain’t no Elon Money ever in my future.

I’m 30, got my ‘license’ when I was 16, and never finished it. Riding and public transport does everything I need it to.

I can get from one state to the other side of my city (actual suburbia anyway) for a few Dollars. Its to cheap not to.

Depending on the city, country and their public transport, its even quicker than driving.

Especially if you got Bullet trains or something

@Ober1kenobi - 03.04.2022 01:17

I would much rather ride an electric bike (albeit, an 8-15kw electric bike) than drive a car.

Having a bike is also a great excuse as to never giving people lifts.

“Nah sorry bro. Can’t even give you a dinky, see my wheels are only rated for another 20lbs, so unless I’m taking you piece by piece, it ain’t happening”

@cendol987 - 18.09.2021 09:48

Give it time kid. You'll realize you need driving soon.

@anand3033 - 19.08.2021 23:25

Hmm, for $78,000, that’s def goin towards med school tuition debt!

@dreyn7780 - 23.07.2021 11:30

That's not how creation works.

You acquire something, it costs you to be at the next level and that makes you get good at something.

You're on a 1 way journey in life.

So by now you should have the top of the top bike but you don't.
You should actually have 2 of them.

But you've ended up poor like the majority of global citizens always do.
You don't see a value in GETTING THIS IMAGINARY money and play with it.
You don't actually invest in your bike life.

99.9% of the time bicycles prevent you from spending cause you don't see a need to spend.

@tbz1551 - 09.06.2021 23:33

Turned 50 yesterday, sold my car and 2 of my 3 bikes 5 yrs ago when I moved to Germany. Stayed a year and came home with no bike ... bought a SS to get around right away and now own 2 fixed gears, that original SS and an MTB... and STILL no car. I live in a hilly city in Atlantic Canada and ride year round.

@hugo9846 - 07.05.2021 16:39

Okay, right? Driving a car is awkward and yucky. Glad I'm not the only one. Bikes feel so much safer and practical.

@bas6628 - 06.05.2021 17:39

If you're bike is broken then would it be good to buy 2 bikes

@Colonist83 - 03.05.2021 16:25

Love to ride, however I do own cars, Two actually. Im 28 and have a family so a car is a must for my household also I am a car enthusiast and was one before I got into riding and will continue to be. I see your point on the savings. Even tho I own vehicles in have saved money on insurance because I dont drive too often now. Gas, maintenance, tires and vehicle value. Its awsome!

@Colonist83 - 03.05.2021 16:11

Do you take girls on your bike when out on a date?

@moto_rad - 01.05.2021 19:14

What does your family think? How much do they ride?

@lavonnealexander6936 - 11.04.2021 11:10

I am still going to get my drivers license but I love biking and yes it’s cheaper.

@notl33t - 07.04.2021 11:36

I used to own a single gear, but living in a city with bike sharing, I traded it in for a bike share membership. I am super happy with saving so much money!

@princeserapiloyzoro1258 - 23.03.2021 22:32

Plsss sponsor me a fixie parts

@xxzmk - 20.03.2021 23:57

I saved 530€ every year for commuting by bike instead of train. (ps. I arrive way quicker at my commuter stop than my train connection) In total: 2650€ worth of tickets saved.

@SergioAlbertoRomero - 13.03.2021 15:28

Just started riding an actual bike (Been using stationary for working out for well over 4000mi) I'm currently supplementing the bike with my car, because I figured it's a quick boost to my already established workout routine but it would also help me save some money in the long run as well! I'd say I've saved $20 so far....Not much...But surely beats handing it over to my credit card lol!

@kotelettschweiss7811 - 13.03.2021 12:17

Im the weird dude with four different bikes that I ride to school out of fun. Yep I can relate

@justinecharlessimbul1776 - 25.02.2021 16:41

I want a fixie bike but im don't have enough money to buy it!!😢

@matthewjennings7645 - 23.02.2021 07:15

As far as traveling around in the same continent, going by train is often affordable, enjoyable, and easy to take your bike.

@MaQuGo119 - 13.02.2021 05:23

Did he came back to California?

@agneia8170 - 09.02.2021 13:30

Hey there, would it be possible for you to have a gear/part/component review for navigate trispoke rims. I've been planning to put one on my steel sgm fixed gear bike but have my worries as to would my heavy, steel frame be in any way affect (break or crack) navigate trispoke wheelset.

Love your vids btw and still waiting for more upcoming fixed gear bike vids.

@gabriellopez7592 - 07.02.2021 02:24

love that dog🐕😢

@batterycock - 06.02.2021 20:35

there is air conditioner on a bike - its called speed

@sunnyj209 - 06.02.2021 07:15

Is he back in San Diego?

@steve00alt70 - 04.02.2021 20:37

Over how many years tho? The interiors of cars are looking more attractive with dem futuristic panels and leather, aircon....
But how do you stay alive on your bike?
If I had a choice of 2 transport options I would pick a moped or a single speed bicycle. Having a family I would let the wife use the car and I cycle even if that means we'll never transport togeather.

@anielyantra1 - 03.02.2021 02:07

Because of covid, my job went away. With that so did my ability to make a car payment. So the bank Repoed my car. That was the best thing to happen to me lately. It forced me to finish my bike project. I have an '80s MTB converted to a 1X with V-brakes and all new parts. The return on that investment came in health benefits. I am no longer scheduled for knee surgery, my arthritis is almost gone, I am on the minimum Bp meds, and I have lost 60lbs. So now I am saving up for a Wabi because I am now in good enough shape to ride a single gear. I do not miss the car (not that is was a bad thing), I do not miss the payments, insurance licensing, etc. I am now 65 and(I work that excuse for being crazy). Tomorrow, I ride my bike to give blood (how's that for ya?) after I go grocery shopping.

@AdamChiz - 01.02.2021 06:33

Yeah - I did some figuring and most people are disadvantaged by owning a car.

@_DBPooper - 31.01.2021 17:27

I did a similar thing recently, made a video hauling a bike via bike to a shop to deal with a seatpost. Building this sucker up now.

@klausfrezza917 - 31.01.2021 13:52

Yes, but as we all know money is time, a bike is, faster but costs ten times more than shoes, a car is even faster and costs at least ten times more than a bike, since the point is saving walking is best, and if you need some speed sometimes think of bus, subway, streetcar, a friends car, etc

@queertales - 31.01.2021 11:35

I'm almost twice your age, but have never owned a car, and don't plan to get one ever. I do have a driver's license, so I can rent one if I absolutely have to.

The problem with massive car ownership, besides the obvious, is that it makes alternative modes of transport harder. When everyone has a car, public transport gets cut, bikes get no infrastructure and cities are no longer walkable. Instead they become congested and polluted, and not very pleasant to stay in, so we build suburbs to get away from them, where you almost have to have a car to get anywhere. It's like a vicious cycle, that is fortunately starting to change in many places, as more and more people are realizing that this is not sustainable, or maybe they're just tried of being stuck in traffic and envy the cyclists that fly past them on their way to work. 😁

@prodifycycling4177 - 30.01.2021 18:07

Hey Zach is there an attachment that holds your camera for you to free up your hands?

@RuezgaDaniel - 29.01.2021 19:17

My car has taken me to amazing places far from home. I also enjoy driving my car. It has been well worth the money I have spent to use it. To each their own.

@mindciller - 28.01.2021 18:40

You forgot to mention the heart ache when something isn't in stock and you rode all the way over even though they said it was there. Would that situation be as bad with a car? How about trying to get there but can't in time because you can't ride fast enough but could have made it with a car which happens A LOT. I find there's a balance because sometimes I want to ride with my friends but also want to sleep in more to get better recovery so that's a car day to meet at the staging spot by car instead of bike etc... Is it more expensive yes, but is it more convenient absolutely.

@gerraldsmith527 - 28.01.2021 16:19

There's a lot of people that asked me why I don't have interest in car and just used Uber or grab in south east asia. I don't really care that much bcs traffic and city is my playground on my trusted fixed gear. I ride with thrill and adrenaline rushing but in car and motorcycle I don't see it eventhough they're a lot faster. Nahh I just don't listen to people HAHA

@hellopsp180 - 28.01.2021 00:24

@zack did you know they make trailers for bikes?
Even ones that can carry OTHER BIKES :D ahhaha a bike trailer for a bike ;) its like inception

@lakaumbucha - 27.01.2021 17:37

I haven’t driven a car since 2017. I hate driving too.

@lancerturner79 - 27.01.2021 10:58

<3 this!!!!

@spongebob139 - 27.01.2021 09:21

Hey i ride single

@MindfulOfTheBear - 26.01.2021 23:26

I don't usually comment when your videos. But this video made me outright laugh. Because the fact is you were so true I mean I have a house and I'm only 26 years old that I own no mortgage. And I like to cycle I own a fat bike. And you're so right that if somebody's going to judge you based off of how you live your life. Because that's what makes you happy that's not somebody you should have in your life LOL but keep it up with the videos man they are motivating

@carrotsoup7264 - 26.01.2021 13:54

I can put bigger things on my cargo bike than in some cars. And biking is just better in every way for me. I have lots of friends that just use their car for 5min trips to the school I can't understand this.

@elorz007 - 26.01.2021 11:01

In my younger years a car gave me a lot of "freedom" to escape, make plans with friends, travel places on the cheap, etc.
Ten years later I have ditched my car and live completely bike and train based and I got to tell you it's not only the money you save, it's the fact that you have one fewer thing to worry about.
But this is Europe, things are way easier for car-free living here. We even have sidewalks.

@nerdygurl - 26.01.2021 09:53

I’m subbed, and have notifications on.. none of your vids popped up for me but I’m here now. Phew*

@michaelwalters7554 - 26.01.2021 07:33

For 78k I buy a beater truck and be happy with it.

@pw510577w - 26.01.2021 07:13

If you bought a few spares you wouldn't need to go back to the bike store if it happens again. Which will closed when you need it.

@atomiccat2002 - 26.01.2021 05:34

How are those handle bars on your single speed? better or worse than the ones on your fixie?

@LuisVargas-lm9id - 26.01.2021 03:09

May not seem much at the moment, but living in NYC I would buy a monthly metro card for commuting but after 8 months of having a bike I have saved $1,016. Probably do not see myself buying one again, let alone a car, in the upcoming years.
