StarCraft 2: Opening Assault on Char in 1080p

StarCraft 2: Opening Assault on Char in 1080p


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@Cryogenics12 - 24.06.2017 21:24

These missions were so fucking cool.

@lavaot5207 - 25.07.2017 20:39

still trying to figure out how mutalisks fly in space..

@PCRyder - 07.12.2017 20:39

You guys are haters, this was an awesome campaign. Also, nothing made you shit your pants quite like the final invasion of char.

@September2004 - 23.02.2018 01:35

I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I do wonder why Valerian Mengsk didn't make another Psi-Disrupter and pointed it at Char.

If his father can make a Psi-destroyer in that time, surely his son could make a disrupter.

@JBrander - 14.04.2018 15:47

I like how Warfield tries to show off his battle experience at Jim with his "5 separate invasions against the swarm" when it practically pales in comparison to everything that Jim had accomplished during the events of Starcraft 1

@lionsinofprideescanor8709 - 01.06.2018 20:46

Warfield: clear the bridge.. i gotta battle to win today.. walks out carrying his big hairy balls like a badass

@thegamingpigeon6501 - 13.09.2018 20:36

When the drop pods were landing and the zerg were just killing them as they landed those marines screaming, at first I was like XD XD GET REKT BOOYYYY and than I replayed it and imagined being them ,,Ive got zerg commin out of my. cuts off...." ANY STATION ON THIS NET!?!? WE NEED FIRE SUPPORT!!! WE NEED FIRE SUPPORT!!! WE NEED IT NOW, AAAAUUUAAAWWAAAAAA..cuts off... welp that was an emotional rolercoaster I never wanna visit again, hoooo, I need a breather... By the way people saying ,, how do mutas fly there is no gravity and no air!" the devs said they fly by releasing green goo (revealed to be acid which they attack with). So the zerg... the zerg... mutalisks... fly in cringes... diarrhea... help, just, just,help.

@TMoDDD - 04.03.2019 10:15

Dugalle and Stukov kick the shit out of the swarm with Overmind included and slave it with a single base but Raynor and Warfield with half of the Dominion fleet suffered alot of casualties and they needed 3 bases just to push into the queen of blades main base but they had help from the xel naga artefact. In conclusion, the UED is alot stronger than the terran Dominion and have better tacticians. If the UED decide to fully invade the koprulu sector i belive the Dominion its pretty screwed and they will need help from the protoss and zerg swarm but i belive that help will come to late.

@FedoraReshiramGaming - 20.04.2019 07:57

just the fact that Valerian says "already?" When Warfield informs him of Zerg Attack waves incoming, proves that Jim was right in his comment to Warfield about the zerg.

"You can't plan for the zerg general. They aint ganna fit into your nice clean time tables."

And he was right, not even half a minute after the transmission ended, and the zerg were already swarming the fleet and assaulting it, attempting to weaken and kill off as many as possible before the fleet could land forces upon Char.

And they dont care if they lose forces, as Zegara said during the invasion of Korhal, "It doesn't matter, we are the swarm, we are endless!"

They can lose millions, and it will only be a dent in their numbers, they can replace soldiers easily, they can just keep coming and its a matter of numbers. You kill one, ten more rush forward to cut you down.

@puppet4978 - 24.04.2019 03:42

Battlecruisers can stack together without collision in the gameplay. How come they can't do that in the cutscene?

@jamieolberding7731 - 20.05.2019 17:46

I have never played any of the Starcraft games before in my life. I take it Raynor is the Hero?

@jamieolberding7731 - 20.05.2019 17:49

The Terran ships strongly resemble those massive heavily armed Klingon Negh'Var class Battleships/Attack Cruisers from "Star Trek."

@theliato3809 - 13.01.2020 01:52

While he was arrogant in how he approached the invasion Valerian certainly planned for it well in getting Warfield at the head of half the dominion fleet, the Xel naga artifact, and brought raiders in for their experience in dealing with the Zerg, particularly Char.

@garrettgeary5531 - 01.03.2020 05:44

Valerian has some badass shoulder pads

@macbrown99 - 17.02.2021 05:41

Maybe the mutalisks have an air jet, like a squid, with an internal pocket of gas to propel themselves. Like a squadron of pointlessly flapping murder-bats sailing the stars on clouds of fart.

@araja90 - 20.02.2021 12:11

the closest thing to a starship troopers RTS experience

@fjuraa - 23.02.2021 13:48

but but but.... how are Mutalisks "flying" in space?

@ZeraSeraphim - 15.04.2021 19:49

Commenters: How do mutalisks move in space?

Easy. They produce a gas that they press against with their wings, moving in a similar way as starship thrusters do.

Commenters: Okay, how do the Zerg breathe in space?

They don't. They undergo a spontaneous evolution prior to going into a zero atmosphere environment where they reserve large amounts of high pressure oxygen in little sacs inside of them. Should let them exist for several days before asphyxiation. This is similar to what a Camel does with its humps to survive in the desert.

Commenters: How do Zerg make FTL jumps and get to these combat zones?

Leviathans have the ability to use their psionic powers to open wormholes into warp space. They're actually incredibly powerful psychics but can only use their powers when commanded, much like the rest of the Zerg. The Overmind and Kerrigan can also open these same wormholes to let the swarm travel through. The power of these wormholes is immense, able to yoink Zerg off planets and yeet them at their destination, and can be executed with incredible precision. There's a moment in lore where a Leviathan executes a pinpoint jump, and lands practically right on top of a hapless victim ship with ZERO warning. Anymore questions, class?

@rheubhenncabizares9912 - 25.04.2021 12:31

Starcraft 2 Main Antagonists
Kerrigan and

@rheubhenncabizares9912 - 25.04.2021 12:31

Starcraft 2 Main Antagonists
Kerrigan and
Arcturus Mengsk

@eternuncd3976 - 19.06.2021 07:03


@alanyuan8565 - 16.01.2022 11:53

Drop nukes?

@CasualDraws - 20.01.2022 03:10

what valerian basically said to mengs was
"you aint my daddy anymore ive got a new pops"

@Heidao623 - 26.01.2022 00:35

Looking back, you'd think the Terran navy would've researched on specialized ships to deal with the mass waves of zerg aerial units. Like ships that are simply blocks bristling in point defense to spam the void with enough dakka to make an ork smile

@hoangtrung2253 - 29.01.2022 16:55

Just quit playing your game and feeling hurt please...

@Dimitri1221XxX - 30.01.2022 04:36

With microsoft taking over, im hoping for a Starcraft 3 in the next decade.

@Siptom369 - 19.02.2022 17:55

One hell of an invasion

@TAURON85 - 26.03.2022 17:56

Why this thing looks like 40K?!

@GreenuniverseEuro - 14.10.2022 20:06

Jim is not a badass

@mr.v6052 - 08.01.2023 15:36

I just wished Valerian and Arcturus had more interactions in the game to develop their relationship more.

@rawfleshStarCraft615 - 13.01.2023 23:33

Duke: Warfield, where did you study tactics boy?

@onetwozme - 05.02.2023 14:26

If you ever feel like a bad commander, remeber that Warfield tried to zergrush the Zerg on their main planet.

@LamborghiniDiabloSVPursuit - 08.02.2023 19:38

What is it with Terrans and flying capital ships without any smaller escort craft.

Interceptors and frigates exist for this exact reason.

@blingwraith6951 - 04.05.2023 02:25

Clear the bridge! I've got a battle to win.

@LordXerpentoR - 20.09.2023 18:10

"Do you think DEATH is the worst thing that can happen to you here? INFESTATION, is what's coming to you!" The best line ever !

@Amoth_oth_ras_shash - 02.10.2023 15:57

dominion leaders +''we planed for all that''
zerg planet side hives neural networks +''none self parts perceived in low orbit.. hostile intent.. bio matter & fuel within none self parts.. hatching escape velocity capable bio drones go fetch!''
dominion staff +'' MAYDAY MAYDAY ZEE SWARM DIDENT WAIT FOR USS TO LAND THEY ARE HERE NOMING USS INSIDE OUER OWN HANGARS! '' XD ...why do i get a feeling that what ever veteran troops the emperor got left from his insurrection times are the only ones that fought zergs that is actively swarming and not just is lone nests with no more then feral animal thought capacity or singular hives in 'self preservation & infection' instincts that has no greater cognition then an average human rts player.

well , provided zee emperor even have any of them left and not killed of all to keep it quiet exactly why zerg invaded the confeds stronghold so ..conveniently..

@Blundabus1337 - 02.02.2024 08:17

I feel like in this scene, Mengsk really feels that Kerrigan cannot be saved.

Mengsk is probably my favorite villain in sci-fi, because he can be, and usually is an absolute snake that will deceive and backstab you the first chance he gets. . . but is also capable of being honest and leveling even with his sworn enemies. He is one of very VERY few villains in sci-fi that aren't their own worst enemy, because he is willing to set aside rivalries for his own survival, like when he worked with Raynor against the UED.

In short, Mengsk was like "bro she ain't good for you."

@roshango125ab - 20.02.2024 06:24

You know the thing that kinda dawned on me about this. Arcturus couldve recalled the fleet but allowed his son to take this gamble anyway. Why? Because from his POV, ethier he actually pulls it off and Kerrigan is no longer a threat or the plan fails spectacularly and Raynor dies on Char, removing a massive pain in his ass. Maybe even both! We all know Mengsk has no issue sacrificing his son to achieve his goal.

@sananaryon4061 - 14.05.2024 20:26

Valerian in Wings of Liberty: Machiavellian schemer pulling all the strings and always in control (until he isn't)
Valerian in every game since then: Twink who no one respects

@Bobzonthejob - 22.06.2024 18:03

Terrans: Attack Char, thinking that this time they are prepared and the last faction just wasnt smart enough to pull it off.


@cane6074 - 04.07.2024 16:34

The whole Char portion of the game was homage to Starship Troopers!

@WildHorseProductions - 05.07.2024 05:21

Just another day in the life of a Helldiver.

@Tantemify - 09.07.2024 04:41

Anduin is here ! ??
