Hi everyone, welcome back to my garden! Thanks for your patience, I know it's been a while since my last video, but I have been very busy lately. As you will see in this video, we are creating a whole new vegetable plot, basically doubling the amount of growing space that we had last year, which is good, because I have a lot of seeds that need to be planted! Planting weekend is only a few more weeks away in our area, so there is a lot more work to be done! In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the video, and as always, happy growing!
#gardening #plants #spring #growing #vegetables #herbs #flowers #weeds #gardenplots #claysoil #permaculture #organicgardening #hugelkultur #victorygardens #bees #pollinators #watering #mulch #annuals #biennials #perennials #greenhouse #compost #raisedbeds #ingroundgardening #trees #growfoodnotlawns #medicinalherbs #herbalteas #pardonourweedswearefeedingthebees #happygrowing