Ed Calderon: 'Mexico Is Becoming the New China' | Official Preview

Ed Calderon: 'Mexico Is Becoming the New China' | Official Preview


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@ElZopilote911 - 28.02.2025 06:30

AMLO put its people first 🥇 wow hes such a dictator 😂

@DarkHistoryProject - 27.09.2024 14:46

The left is Mexico is more conservative than an average republican in the USA

@icelandlady771 - 24.09.2024 03:51

For Ed: I am working on a book that pertains to instances of torture and related crimes against civil rights.   If you have any stories, examples or other information you wish to share I would be grateful.  This could be in your time abroad or otherwise. Please feel free to ...

@cmm3338 - 09.09.2024 09:22

while that’s all said and good, if it came to actual warfare between the US, and Mexico.. the US would have 3 Assault Carriers, 40 massively armed attack boats, mass planes, mass cyber attacks, and enough AA to take on everything and anything mexico could throw at it.

they know this. However, americas strength lies in its people. Good luck coming in when you have an army of 100M+ gun owners who if the war came here.. would be armed and ready.

hospitals turn into ciscos, lined with beds, walmarts turn into food and ammo warehouses, the list goes on, and on.

the junkies, and drug users.. well… in times of war the useful make it. tough to hear for some… but that’s reality.

I hope it never comes to that. People agreeing, learning, and building is what creates the future.. war weakens the human race.

@elperro3056 - 08.09.2024 14:36

Mexico going woke I can confirm 😅🤣🤣🤣

@marcoramirez6452 - 04.09.2024 03:50

The USA says they’re going to invade Mexico to get to the cartel and both of you idiots think that’s OK

@marcoramirez6452 - 04.09.2024 03:48

Mexico is finally standing up to the USA and you idiots say Mexico is radical. What a bunch of hypocrites.

@Jewel_Screaming_Chango8387 - 01.09.2024 03:39

So is the United Americas going to become true

@moisesgustavodazcarbajal2741 - 31.08.2024 18:04

México is México, it is not pro Maduro, pro Putin, pro some thing. Mexico has its own interest in economy and global power today. Mexican American have an old vision about Mexico of today.

@moisesgustavodazcarbajal2741 - 31.08.2024 17:57

Mexico is against DEA corruption. This organization doesn't combat domestic cartels that traffick drugs and arms. American politicians don't have extragegyc programs to avoid drug abuse. They have no programs to keep families united as in Mexico is happening. That explains why Mexican do not use drugs in the same frequency as the Americans do. There is violence in Mexico cause the use of drugs in US. If US stop selling arms to cartels the trafficking will desapear magically.

@alfredodiazramirez3955 - 31.08.2024 08:36

I am AMERICAN first and foremost, Mexico will not thrive without the support of their Hispanic counterparts in the US, we won’t allow it

@Smooshmx09 - 31.08.2024 07:34

This is why America is in decadency: a lot of lies, a total irreal perception of the history line, also a total bully attitude in international politics. Those pro-american politics before AMLO just wasted the country but now a guy say "No more" and he´s Osama-H¡tl3r-Mao Zedong all in one. Pls... no one believe you anymore... 🙄

@Gilcampeon1022 - 31.08.2024 07:17

Would love to see a podcast with Gafe 423

@51colibri - 31.08.2024 03:10

Finally someone speaking up!

@byronquezada2063 - 31.08.2024 02:33

calderon you cannot say oh the us might have done coups who knows. just watch CIA directors saying they were directly involved. no seas un MAMON

@dominickmoura165 - 31.08.2024 01:17


@sycospart10 - 30.08.2024 14:13

Ed is talking about gafe 423

@abelduenas987 - 30.08.2024 10:05

Ed mentioned that Blackrock is behind Sheinbaum, who does he think is behind the democrats and republicans?? The US is not a democracy but an Oligarchy.

@alfredoguerrero - 30.08.2024 07:40

This guy is a joke

@keitokuchineyreyes6332 - 30.08.2024 02:30

Vamos a tomar lo que nos quitaron.

@zero_baja8015 - 30.08.2024 00:04

This guy is a warmonger and he's saying all these things so he can be on more TV shows... Mexico and the US are.going to merge with help of the current party, founded a mason, the same ppl that sold half of the land to USA.
Pro maduro is pro Mexico and pro USA... Think about it

@oliverkahn2224 - 29.08.2024 23:54

Ed is the Mexican Steven Seagal. So take it with a grain of salt.

@RagingDragonBowl - 29.08.2024 22:42

I would be mad as well if I found out my president's run to the cia's payroll

@deanfirnatine7814 - 29.08.2024 21:53

The incoming President seems far more radical and anti American than the outgoing one. It is unfair to blame America for the CIA meddling when Americans are the biggest victims of the CIA, they control our politicians, our media, our culture, killed our President etc.

@user-vz3uf8us7f - 29.08.2024 20:39

Gafe would be an awesome guest

@hiruu - 29.08.2024 19:30

😂😂😂, I love when ppl act as if the US isn’t the US. I love going to Mexico, and I hope to move there in a few years, but for anyone to think that any country can challenge the US, at this point and time is laughable. Even China knows these limitations, and as for Mexico being the new China…Mexico’s success is dependent on the US…that is the common denominator here when you say it is the new China.

@adantorres8056 - 29.08.2024 17:00

That's because US corporations hurt the Mexican local economies

@sombra6153 - 29.08.2024 15:53

I don’t know whether Putin would take up the invite, but could see him doing so to flip the bird to the biden-harris administration and Ukraine war hawks. Ed’s assessment of Mexico’s insurgency capabilities and the Mexican military’s understanding of how to operate in their own back yard is on the money. Author and former Army officer Harold Coyle wrote a novel about a US military intervention (invasion) of Mexico and published it in the late 80s or early 90s. Even then, Coyle came to the same conclusions and the cartels weren’t even envisioned to be as powerful as they are today. The movement of illegal drugs such as fentanyl needs to stop, but that needs to be Mexico’s responsibility. It likely can be accomplished thru diplomatic and economic means such as exercising free trade agreement provisions. The PRC will certainly be eager to offer more and more assistance if it leads to a US demise on the world stage, but all the countries accepting the assistance now will have to face the fact that the PRC expects a lot in return.

@DavidGonzalez-ud1ee - 29.08.2024 01:23

mexico is against imperialism that is why they dont get along

@dicksanchez - 29.08.2024 00:08

They have to have plans in place half the natuon was already lost to the united states its been invaded twice by the united states and the dea is behind the cartels

@IMBMO-5 - 28.08.2024 20:58

I got relatives in mexico from my dad's said and my mom's side I am american with mexican ancestors I've been to Mexico and I get treated like I'm not mexican because I was born in Los Angeles my dad was born in michoacan and has been in america since he was 17 he is 68 now he is mexican american I'm american

@marcosaparicio4863 - 28.08.2024 17:09

Sharing a board with Rome isn't easy. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 Mexico needs better friends. Let's start off with changing the reserve currency.

@you7219 - 28.08.2024 10:39

3 Mexican presidents where CIA goes to show Mexicans have their reasons for their feelings towards the US ..

@yodaddy6586 - 28.08.2024 09:47

You guy's should not worry about México. You guys should worry about china

@Queteimporta123-u2u - 28.08.2024 05:06

Ed sorry but I totally disagree with you, Mexico IS anti American intervenism because Mexico is fed up with the US having their boot on their neck. Plus, the US looks for any excuse to enter a country and control the resources, this is no surprise.

@meta_aeirein - 28.08.2024 02:41

Kind of worrying how easy this dude label our government pro.venezuela, antiamerican jajajajajaja ¿wtf?, also there is opposition, shamefully they are lame asf. Not our fault. Our country is doing great right now, even though the CIA interventions through the past six decades and all the destabilization of the paramilitarism imported from La escuela de las Americas and the narcotic market in your country. The issue is still here the corruption, "por dinero baila el perro" which had been a dark cultural component of Mexican society. Moffos are thirsty for money, some dawgs will do everything for coins. Empty vessels, here we are in a dense spiritual war, in all levels. The light and the shadows are no more that clear, but pretty f up mix.

@o.h.guzman9081 - 28.08.2024 02:03

To answer the question as to why ot seems America has so many enemies. It is simple, US foreign policy os shortsighted, it is planned to last 4-8 years, and then change again. Invade x country? "Yes, who cares, thats give me a push in the polls".. but they never care to see beyond that, whybdoss the US keep focusing on opposing forms of governments, idelogies, or leaders? We should be pragmatic, like China is doing. They dont care who is the other guy, as long as they are fiendly to them and provide good business...I was shocked when I learned in college the number ot tines the US intervened or invaded overseas. Its WILD

@Gori-hv9qi - 28.08.2024 02:02

We need to make America bigger

@edselscentenno115 - 28.08.2024 01:18

I love hearing Calderon speak on his topics

@rodrigogodinez6880 - 28.08.2024 01:08

No manches, nos estas pintando como una amenaza a estados unidos como nación y las cosas no son tan extremas como dices, es como decir que trump causará la tercera guerra mundial si llega a ser presidente.

@harryswow1257 - 28.08.2024 00:39

Blah blah and blah

@MrDellasc - 27.08.2024 23:33

Mexico and the USA have never been friends, ever. We’ve been a shitty neighbor towards them, and that’s a fact. China is setting up shop in Mexico, and are building up the border cities like Mexicali. The vast majority of people crossing the border aren’t Mexican, they’re from Central and South America, but I guess some people think they’re all the same, lol! Will Mexico be an enemy? No, but they can be a friendenemy.

@brangomez1466 - 27.08.2024 23:25

He is wrong morena is not pro Venezuela or bull crap it’s pro Mexico they are Mexico comes first this guy is full of shit

@blackshatemyplaylist8643 - 27.08.2024 22:17

White liberals are moving to Mexico 😂

@blackshatemyplaylist8643 - 27.08.2024 22:14

Sheinbaum was elected president for a reason

@blackshatemyplaylist8643 - 27.08.2024 22:03

And a NEW Jewish president to help expedite the process ….

@RandomTornado124 - 27.08.2024 21:10

dude mexico has had diplomatic relationships with russia for over 100 years, stop it

@russellsnead3977 - 27.08.2024 20:40

Very interesting but I think he’s got his left and right confused. Just because Mexico wants to nationalize its national resources and not turn them over to American corporations doesn’t make them leftist.
