How to quickly get out of a rut

How to quickly get out of a rut

Better Ideas

4 года назад

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stephen michael
stephen michael - 08.11.2023 03:40

Its easy,

1st - makes good routines & good thoughts as a habit and not a burden.

2nd - keep in mind, if you do the same things everyday for 21 days, it becomes a habit and a routine. Good news, you do not need to do it physically, you can imagine, manifest, project the new good routine/thought for 21 days straight and it still going to be your new habits in reality. Somehow, you'll move for it oneday without any hesitation anymore.

For me, motivation is garbage without manifestation & projection.

Sir Reginald Fishington XVII
Sir Reginald Fishington XVII - 07.11.2023 20:09

I seem to have misunderstood...
I'm a buck, and this video did not help me at all with my condition.

Jon H
Jon H - 07.11.2023 06:16

This video came up as I feel unmotivated. Thanks

Sohu - 06.11.2023 03:05

Sounds like depression.

ani a
ani a - 05.11.2023 21:51

Nice timing, just got in a rut

Hoang Ajax
Hoang Ajax - 05.11.2023 17:07

why didn't I think of it? instead of comparing myself with somebody else who is entirely better than me, I just need to compare myself with myself from yesterday to recognize the improvement even if it's the smallest, I would still be happy, thank you really much for making this video, I do appreciate it!

SyferHalo² - 03.11.2023 09:53

I thought your title said “how to get a quick nut out”

Laura Magann
Laura Magann - 03.11.2023 05:14

Thank you!!❤❤❤

xys7 - 02.11.2023 23:05

Sun get some sun you look like egg

Harthik Thumma
Harthik Thumma - 02.11.2023 17:52

Literally me this year

Tyler Bonts
Tyler Bonts - 01.11.2023 22:47

Abridged version:

1. Go brush your teeth, it’s a small win…”I did something”
2. Reward yourself for small wins. Take a break when you get tired. Builds confidence that you are doing something to give you momentum.
3. Slowly add more load. Like building strength. Compare to yesterday.

LLN NYC - 01.11.2023 09:28

Thank you I'm going to take action! Also subscribed.

FLIM - 31.10.2023 05:24

Personally for me… if I ever feel like I don’t want to do something or am thinking of doing it the next day because I feel lazy…. I just get up a do it, for me pushing past the “I don’t want to” is the key to success. As soon as I start doing that thing I was going to do the lazyness goes away. It’s the same for workouts. Some days I just dread it. Seriously contemplate skipping that day so I can have a “rest day”, I just make a deal with myself. I have to start and get my heart rate up to 150+ before I can officially quit. If I still feel like quitting for that day then I will. Never once have a quit with that mindset. Even with the worst headaches, as soon as the heart rate gets going I’m fine, like I was never even considering not doing the workout.

Smudger_83 - 29.10.2023 22:52

This is my life.

Robert Paulsin
Robert Paulsin - 29.10.2023 12:28

Nailed it

Ishan S
Ishan S - 27.10.2023 08:17

it's been 2 months since I went to the gym. I really needed this. thank you Better Ideas.

Christopher McCutcheon
Christopher McCutcheon - 26.10.2023 08:41

Step 1) close this video

No shade. But if you're in a rut watching a video when you should be being proactive is probably why you're in the rut to begin with

Matt - 26.10.2023 00:59

I’ve been in a really bad rut and it’s ironically because I’ve been so busy/preoccupied with school. I’m a junior and every productive moment is spent on coding assignments/ giant piles of homework and the neverending stream of exams. I’ve stopped going to the gym, and whenever I have “down time” I’m always glued to my screens and trap myself indoors. I want to finish my education ASAP but I’m just so burnt out with the endless grind that I’ve stopped doing constructive stuff.

I’m a college student but I’m almost out of money, so I’m gonna have to pick up a part time remote job, which will only add to my burnout.

Safwan Mujeeb
Safwan Mujeeb - 25.10.2023 18:22

Looks like the guy from dude perfect.
