Pro-life, pro-choice groups clash in protest uptown

Pro-life, pro-choice groups clash in protest uptown


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@Jetstreamhustla - 04.02.2024 21:51

I saw a “I was adopted thank god” what about thousands of children who aren’t and going through hell everyday this is so selfish

@otakuwolf4ever985 - 23.12.2023 11:13

We're all entitled to our beliefs and opinions. But forcing those beliefs on others is not a solution, it just creates more problems.

@henrycole8705 - 05.10.2023 16:12

I had to dump several ladies after they admitted to abortion. Reason is. It would take a cold, vile person to do it.

@inhimrecreated - 16.09.2023 00:04

When a woman says she has a right to do with her body as she sees fit, the alternate reality is that a baby within the womb of a mother is not part of her body. Basically, the baby is within her and she is feeding the baby through an ambilocal cord just as if the baby were outside her body and she was feeding the baby with a spoon. Inside or outside the body makes no difference, it is the same, and the child, either way, has Human Rights.

A growing child no matter how the child looks to us is in a stage of human development just the same as a child outside the body of a mother is in a stage of human development till they are completely grown. So, no matter what stage none is considered not to be a stage of human development and therefore, a human without rights.

@User_ussr_ - 25.07.2023 18:12

Demons vs angels

@user-st8fh2vr5d - 13.05.2023 09:27

If you're not pro-life, then you're pro-death. Can't hide behind a convenient term like "choice".

@elizabethmirakian2563 - 17.04.2023 14:26

Don't let yourself get pregnant in the first place! Take measures! Don't be promiscuous! Don't do one night stands! Don't get drunk and sleep with strangers! Taking pills to terminate a pregnancy or abortion is not health care. It is murder. And who is the murdered? The innocent child growing inside of you who cannot escape! Who is the murderer? The mother who is supposed to protect it even with her own life! Shame on you for demonstrating so passionately for killing a life!

@MeadeSkeltonMusic - 12.04.2023 12:03

What choice ?

@cleatusbloveall9294 - 28.03.2023 14:39

Oh it's so nice to say that the only people who are allowed to screw are those who have money when not everyone has access to money...

Because the rotten republicans do not want to allow Certain people to have access To bank loans and fair business practices This is why the Republican shut down the black panthers who are trying to improve their communitys Through education now And urban planning But the white republicans are ripped it right out of their hands...

This happened in my lifetime and that is why they do not want Critical race theory taught...

@dallasgarber2029 - 21.03.2023 20:40

If you are a man you should not have a say in abortion or keeping imo, but having the man be forced to pay child support no matter the opinion is odd

@kaynaraine7499 - 20.03.2023 03:04

How about everyone mind their own business and let the pregnant person decide.i mean are you supporting them or wiping their a$$es? Are you living with them and feeding them? Are you taking them to the doctor? No then shut the fluff up!!! Mind your own damn business!

@jessicadarnell4209 - 19.03.2023 21:10

I wonder if any of these groups thought about teaching our children not to have sex before marriage and just not get pregnant in the first place.

@mewmew1026 - 09.03.2023 23:12

Funny how anti-abortions think they can tell what people can or cannot do with their bodies

@bigjohn2810 - 09.03.2023 02:29

Nobody wants to abolish the rights of responsible abortionists. We just need common sense safety measures:

Background check and finger printing prior to obtaining an abortion.
Must be 21 years of age or older.
"Red Flag" confiscation of abortion rights.
Mental Health Evaluation.
Pay for Your own aborton.
Two Week Waiting Period before abortion.
National Abortion Database.
If suspected of being "unstable", abortion rights immediately suspended.
Government abortion permit requirement.
Limit number of abortions.
Restrict abortions for felons and mentally ill.
Show "cause" for needing an abortion.
Abortion restrictions for those who may be a danger to others or themselves.
Abortion education from a certified licensed trainer.
Establish "Abortion Free Zones".
Father's permission required.
If the Mother doesn't want it, mother should sign away her parental rights,
Plus she should be required to pay child support until child is 21.
A "No Abortion" list created in secret without due process.
Exorbitant fee and tax stamp for late term abortion.

Certainly we can agree on these simple things. Millions of deaths can be prevented with these simple common sense precautions.

@bigjohn2810 - 09.03.2023 02:19

12 pro-choice things show up

@joshoree8960 - 08.02.2023 08:25

Do pro-lifers tell parents to keep their childern when they tired to put the baby into foster care?

@johnmech4617 - 01.02.2023 10:43

When the sperm fertilizes the egg successfully, the Egg becomes life. It's own DNA then takes over the process of growing. Abortion should be outlawed. Ok so we all make mistakes when it comes to sexual encounters, she forgot to take the pill, and bingo, you're pregnant.

With this "My body, my choice" rubbish, if you were for real then you would understand that life growing inside you also has a body, and therefore should have the same rights as the mother.
No child is a mistake, you have the choice to give him/her away for adoption after the 9 months.

At least this is humane. But just another thing for the woke to whinge about I suppose

@dsmalls2080 - 31.01.2023 01:17

Can we talk about gun control

@COFFEEMAMMI - 20.01.2023 07:17

This new gen is becoming another Sodom and Gomorrah

@slpblaze0762 - 15.01.2023 08:15

only way i think its ok to getting rad of it is if the person is raped they should have every right to not have it

@freshmintweed - 10.01.2023 18:29

Yeah women should have the right..but men are involved in the law making process…you can’t just throw them out…we as a society should be somewhere between both the worlds !!

@ageis3250 - 26.11.2022 17:41

If you want to end the pregnancy even though abortions are banned. Here is what you can do. Pretend you want to go through with the pregnancy. Cause your own accident like falling or something that would cause a miscarriage and make it look like an accident happened and no one can stop that at all. Abortion bans really only stop clinics not the actual abortion. No one can stop a woman from ending the pregnancy themselves...Just dont tell anyone you want to end the pregnancy. PRETEND you are happy your pregnant then cause your own miscarriage. Problem solved. And dont listen to some claiming you will die. How often do women die from a miscarriage? Ive seen a lot of women who miscarry and they seem fine to me. Those are just statistics but even then its worth the attempt because when you end the pregnancy your also saving a child from this trash world. Pro Life only want us born so we can suffer. I wish I was aborted. And I hope more women make the right choice and end the pregnancy themselves if abortions are banned...

@silviodonnarumma4300 - 22.11.2022 23:04

how much I hate then when men meddle in things that will never, never concern them

@alexkenchel - 14.11.2022 23:40

You can be an abortion advocate OR a human rights advocate. Not both. The two are not compatible.

@johnpaulpastore5394 - 10.11.2022 01:06

Not his body but his baby???

@corybrown1450 - 09.11.2022 21:19

If all these people have the right to take kids lives away we have the right to take their lives away

@cinta3805 - 30.10.2022 12:16

If you got pregnant and dont want the baby just give it up for adoption, there are so many couples who wants to adopt espacially those who dont and cant have kids of thier own. Most couples adopts in other countries because it is so hard to find and adopt a baby in the US. That way you can make a family happy and you avoid killing the unborn baby (abortion).

@daveking-sandbox9263 - 18.10.2022 08:58

In a country that still allows the death penalty, what does pro-life even mean?

@ATG.0331 - 16.10.2022 00:06

Imagine a female is pregnant and the guy says I don’t want this so either abort or get zero support

@snoopiewolf6535 - 07.10.2022 10:02

Woman had the open to abort the baby, but the man has the option whether to pay child support.

@ttlarsen2246 - 21.09.2022 19:49

so that white primate with people clothes and a red hat is basing the law and debate on a fictional book. is he from the past

@crioscancer5732 - 10.09.2022 21:24

I hope these disgusting pro lifers all get killed

@cinnamon9286 - 05.09.2022 08:20

I don’t want hear that from a white boomer

@dannyneumann1850 - 04.09.2022 17:51

Men and woman , be grateful we still have the right to reproduce in America !!! Murder is no reproductive health !!!!

@whateverrrrrr123 - 23.08.2022 19:01

Pro life Org should stop Guns and War b4 talking about other things concerning life!!!

@winstonjen5360 - 15.08.2022 09:46

Why is Al Q**da more compassionate than pro-lifers?

The 9/11 hijackers got to die instantly.

@waynemcghie6500 - 12.08.2022 18:40

Increased female breast cancer rates, premature births, depression, suicide. These are the secret wounds of millions of women, and abortion is the common thread. Are you at risk? If you want to be informed, I researched this issue and wrote about it in "My Right to Choose," available online, wherever you shop for books. It is time for the facts to come through, if you truly care about women's rights and the issue of the unborn child.

@Coppers117 - 10.08.2022 17:10

Women should be allowed to have abortions, it's their body.

Men should not have a say in this matter, doesnt matter which side they're on.

Fetuses are not thinking creatures who can feel pain, have thoughts or make decisions.

@bigcarswithnofinance - 08.08.2022 21:45

I also agree with legalising all drugs including powerful opioids such as nitazenes, fentanyl, carfentanil and isotonitazene

@patriciamartin6756 - 02.08.2022 08:10

Prolifers usually confine their need to controlbto their wives/ children / other family members. This abortion thing where you want other people to have children they don't want, can't afford is a good indication of how important it is for you prolifers to cause pain. None of you seem to be willing to contribute money to help the unborn

@patriciamartin6756 - 02.08.2022 08:04

You prolifers must have a lot of fun molesting little girls and boys because it gives you a chance to use fear to control children. Hoe many of you prolifers have a big collection of kiddie porn. One thing you prolifers share is the need to appear as rock solid pillars of the community. It is important to your ego to be seen as perfect. Your children are to be pitied. I imagine you exert total control over them the way only a narcisstic person can do, subjecting thrm to years of emotional suffering. What a shame prolifers are allowed to breed. They are twisted, empty caricatures of human beings who abuse their wives and kids and even kill them just because you demand total respect from them. It's time prolifers are exposed for what they are. Psychopaths/ Narcisstic sadists who are unable to have a relationship with anybody

@wdvest8333 - 01.08.2022 19:48

Donald trump is the poster boy for legal post natal. Abortion.

@robertwhite3121 - 01.08.2022 19:28

abortion is much higher then ever now to be exact 63.6 million+ if you don't believe me look it up yourself when is enough is enough people need to bear the consequences when having sex protected or unprotected if they didn't want kids in the first place then don't have sex it's simply as that and the rape victims doesn't cover half of that FBI recorded 85,593 rapes you can literally look this up yourself people need to stop playing victim and take their responsibility for their own actions it's like if you rob a store prepare to be arrested if you don't want to be arrested then don't steal it's simple as that

@idesofmarchUNIAEA - 28.07.2022 14:00

Ladies, if that's what you identify as, most of you that I have seen here have no worries of ever being impregnated by a sighted individual. If you seek a change in the law, go visit your Congress then.

@jasonweinstock1282 - 23.07.2022 03:31

My heart goes out to the pro choice for men who oppose a woman's right to choose .no uterus,no opinion

@Slevencolevra - 18.07.2022 06:00

I notice that everyone for abortion had been born already.
