The Robots Of Lost In Space Explained | Lost In Space Seasons 3 Explained

The Robots Of Lost In Space Explained | Lost In Space Seasons 3 Explained

Bryce Edward Brown

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David Cohen
David Cohen - 08.11.2023 05:26

Good Job

Robert Kunselman
Robert Kunselman - 03.11.2023 09:55

Btw u got one thing wrong when u said sar at first u showed the giant chrome robot but that isn't sar when the chrome one attacked the resolute sar was dead on the amber planet

Spike16 - 20.10.2023 05:27

I hate how everything looks like sauron and destroyer from Thor. What happen to classic robots? Where's the mechanical charm? Doesn't have to be a square walking refrigerator with lightbulbs but they could have tried harder making it unique. Everything just looks soo dark cgi and unpleasant to the eye like a Nolan film... Why is everyone afraid of sun light!?

Donnie Shue
Donnie Shue - 17.10.2023 09:06

I've read so much hate and bitterness about this reboot series but can't understand why. Exactly what does the 'original' fan base expect? ( I,myself,have been watching it since 1969 in reruns) In my opinion the writers did well with the premise, the updated version of Dr Smiths subterfuge, the awesome robot and it's backstory, even if it mirrors Battlestar Galactica, the more expansive scenario with multiple Jupiters and an arkship giving humankind another chance at survival. I'm just glad Moore and Eick didn't make the new Cylons like these 'robots' or BSG would have had a far different ending. I'm currently starting season 3 and dreading the coming finale even as I find it impossible to pause my binging of it.

Bernard Roth
Bernard Roth - 12.09.2023 11:54

I never heard about this TV show but it looks woke

TREVOR PHILLIPS - 09.09.2023 20:36

Everyone thinks that SAR was an Evil Alien Robot, hm?

Well, Can you guys look at this story I've wrote and perhaps give it a rate out of 10..? (Keep in mind this story is just a small theory and nothing else, It's not approved yet, I've just watched Lost In Space and looked at it from a new look that helped me know the real hidden past of SAR, it is still just a theory, so please don't make wars on the comments, okay?)

SAR's story: S.A.R, Second Alien Robot, An Alien Robot that used to attack Will Robinson and Robot, Like all the other Robots, SAR was built by an alien race currently known as the Robot Builders. It is unknown when he was built and his full origin. Later, for reasons unknown, he wiped out their creators by activating an alien engine on the Shattered Planet. In 2046, he and at least one other robot possibly the THAR like Robot took their Spaceship to the Unknown System where the dying Unknown Planet was, likely because of an attempt to rescue Robot.

SAR found Robot floating in space and both attempted to destroy the Jupiter 2 and take the Alien Engine but Robot had been changed because of Will. SAR threatened to kill Will but Robot saved him then sacrificed himself to fight SAR and ejected into space and impacted on the Resolute, continuing to fight. The colonists evacuated to the amber planet and the two eventually landed there as well. SAR trapped Will's Robot there and waited for Will Robinson to follow him there. When Will discovered its true identity, it attacked Will and Ben Adler crushed it with his mobile EMF device. Despite this, he survived, as it is later revealed other robots moved one of his internal wires and placed in a new robot body for him to use, angrily declaring: "Find Will Robinson."

He appears to be the leader of the Robots or at the very least, a high-ranking member. SAR is revealed to be trying to wipe out humanity and to have been responsible for the extinction of the Robot Builders. He laid a trap on the Amber Planet for Maureen, John and Don, capturing Scarecrow and later killing him.

His interest in Will stems from Will's ability to free Robot from his programming. Will went to SAR attempting to reason with him, hoping that he could change his programming in the same way that the Robot had changed. SAR, however, revealed to him that he was responsible for the death of the Robot Builders. He then attacked Will, impaling him through the heart.

SAR was then too late when S.A.R realizes that T.H.A.R was all wrong and everything, T.H.A.R is the General Bot of the Evil Alien Forces...S.A.R deals with great depression of remembering his past...His past was the worst... And so, S.A.R wants someone to comfort him...and to tell him his story...S.A.R's story starts with S.A.R starting to exist, The first place to him is his mother's belly, When S.A.R's father knew he was gonna have a son, S.A.R's father left his mother. And when S.A.R's mother was pregnant on S.A.R and she was tired from being pregnant, she reached to a case similar to dying, But S.A.R's father was a big despicable. He never thought about visiting S.A.R's dying mother. And even when S.A.R's father knew he had a son he denied S.A.R, and didn't accept him as his son. And S.A.R soon lost his mother when S.A.R was too young, He had no one to be on his side except his grandfather, S.A.R's father didn't care about his wife dead. S.A.R lived 12 years with his grandfather, Then after 4 years. His grandfather passed away. T.H.A.R then found S.A.R after an infinite journey was filled with lonliness for S.A.R, And everything of S.A.R's actions began to become known, The most famous attack for S.A.R was the Resolute attack, Everything wrong started after S.A.R spent a lot of time with T.H.A.R., S.A.R was taught to do evil things, All thanks to his father that left him...At least S.A.R knew that he, T.H.A.R and everyone else were wrong...The rest of the Alien Robots remain siding with T.H.A.R, with S.A.R being completely alone on Alpha Centauri.
Will Robinson hated SAR since SAR tried before and failed when SAR tried to kill Will Robinson, Firstly, SAR was being used as a slave to end THAR's missions, Now. None of the Robinsons, No, None of the HUMANS want to interact with SAR anymore...And this is why it is so depressed like that... And, What's worse? SAR's whole body and mind had been taken over by Roboit, soon becoming unexistent...

Ryan Chilton
Ryan Chilton - 07.09.2023 18:34

I personally think a better name for "Robot" would be something like "Atlas" it fits him pretty well. I also think the robots as essentially a whole artificial species, would be called " Dangerarians " since the majority of them currently live in the "Danger system"

MasterTim - 06.09.2023 04:18

I just started rewatching the show. I love this show so much. They did a good job foreshadowing some of the reveals later on in the series. So sad they only made three seasons.

Scott Duncan
Scott Duncan - 16.06.2023 08:47

so what is the deal with Sar and Scarecrow, they look so similar

Virus - 11.06.2023 16:51

unpopular opinion: the old robot was better, he went from being the show's funniest character to being able to say 7 words

「Xeriscape」 - 10.05.2023 21:44

Anyway I love the video edit: I mean lost in space

「Xeriscape」 - 02.05.2023 00:58

Nah bro lost in space is not done yet there will be a season four on December 2023

Alexander Burns
Alexander Burns - 30.04.2023 11:05

I really loved the show in general. Seeing the characters mature and grow in every season made me much more invested in the show. I personally thought the acting was great and the story was pretty good. I’m glad the show has a proper ending but I’d still love to see more of the actors and the themes.

Tanjiro - 05.03.2023 00:20

I can’t believe scarecrow is gone😔I’m so sad😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔

꧁⁣༒𓆩ꈜꉣꁲꐔꊿꂵ𓆪༒꧂ꊿ༺ꅐꁲꌅ༻ᴳᵒᵈꊿ - 10.02.2023 13:59

This is too much like subnautica subnautica below zero too much comparison is going on

Cowboy Geologist
Cowboy Geologist - 24.01.2023 09:56

Wow, great job. Thanks for posting.

Tempest Ghost
Tempest Ghost - 19.01.2023 20:08

I just think that when the robots take a more humanoid appearance (except for SAR) is just about their first step of learning to be human, and I don’t mean it in the literal sense.

My girl lona
My girl lona - 24.11.2022 00:29

yes i agree with jacky maya sorry for speling

S.R.T resium
S.R.T resium - 03.11.2022 17:24

Wait is sar silver?

Vallation - 27.10.2022 22:59

I know when the planet died
20 years ago the fortuna came there through a wormhole
it was the wormhole that let the planet die

sandip kamble
sandip kamble - 23.10.2022 21:41

Great movie for next humans janreshan.. thank all movie maker.👌

Tarique Salim
Tarique Salim - 08.10.2022 09:10

Sar is really bad

Tarique Salim
Tarique Salim - 08.10.2022 09:08

Robot is my favorite😍

Freya Paterson
Freya Paterson - 20.09.2022 00:57

What you call 'attack mode' it just the robot's natural state... they reform themselves into a human image when they 'break free' of their programming (if its a human that helps them do it). This is why robot has six fingers, because he's combined two arms that had three fingers each.

Cary David Hoffson
Cary David Hoffson - 15.09.2022 18:59

It is great that it made it to three seasons in the end

Cary David Hoffson
Cary David Hoffson - 07.09.2022 11:49

Great show for the fans of today to have next to the 1960s lost in space TV show

hydrolito - 31.08.2022 00:30

Robot was usually called robot on original Lost in space series although also called B-9 but not often.

Blocky - 21.08.2022 12:45

97 children*

Esdras Caleb
Esdras Caleb - 18.08.2022 22:46

its the same plot is the Kaylon from the Orville

Cory Kroes
Cory Kroes - 16.08.2022 05:20

Netflix announced season 4 nov 2023

Shoe - 07.08.2022 17:54

I wonder how the hierarchy works with the robots. I don’t really understand if sar is on the top or the big grey bulky ones are the ones at the top.

HobNob7606 - 02.08.2022 21:22

I think the reason the robot did as will said was because will had saved him. The robots creators may have coded them to do whatever their creator/saviour did, this is the same to when Dr Smith saved him at the end of S1. When SAR was first introduced, he helped Robot break free from Dr Smiths control. Robot then made his own choice to save will because they were friends. That is why there is a noticeable change in robots behaviour when he is found in S2. He is no longer following his code, and sees Will as his friend rather than his master.

Dqrkuss - 01.08.2022 11:03

Season 3 was too rushed imo, shouldve sticked to the 10 episodes

Brian Christopher
Brian Christopher - 29.07.2022 22:46

This series was very satisfying. I like that it ended after 3 seasons. They could reboot from a future civilization on new earth. Lots of intrigue and adventure. I hope they continue the adventures of the space family robinson.

ringsaphire - 26.07.2022 14:10

Overall, I liked the series, but a lot of things didn't sit well with me.

Minor cosmetic ones: too many sloppy convenient plot devices are used, wich makes the quality of writing take a nose dive imo, that's when not so bright writers wants to get out of a scenaristic dead end they put themselves in and wrap the whole thing up easily without comiting to the harsh consequences it calls for. Oh, and the basic villain who's bad just because he's bad, wich in this instance is a fail imo, because I don't see him as a baddy at all, more a victim.

A couple tropes I hate are: how advance alien tech can only use melee to mid range weaponry and be defeated by a human with an iron pipe and a fire extinguisher (they cannot kill a human before coming into a 3 metter range, really? How stupid is that?). Orbital strikes, long range hyperspace missiles, automatic targetting assistance to their laser guns? Having them firing as badly as a stormtrooper is not good writing, but lazy.
Also, communication: it's god that Robot and Will use the level of communication of a 3 yo because of cultural gap, but having the robots not having advanced, precise and deep comunication capabilities between themselves they need to draw handsigns on a wall? Come on...

More disturbing ones:
When in a tv show the military unilateraly declare war against an alien race by comitting war crimes they think they can get away with, and the only thing you'll never see them do is say sorry / ask forgiveness / make amends, but instead they insist heavily on the fact that the other side is the true bad guys, and the audience finds it natural.
That's when you know it's an american show :D
Pple say that scarecrow was hostile, but he came alone in a single ship instead of coming with a warfleet, thats sounds more like First Contact Protocol than invasion or extermination plan. Also, his state of the art scout ship crashed due to a malfunction? That sounds more like a military cover up story to hide the fact they took down an unarmed and peacefull alien space craft without cause (except fear of the unknown and the will to assert domination).

Worse, their solution to end the slave robot SAR who acted out of fear (according to the intel he managed to gather up to this point, with good cause) and wanted to prevent the humans from bringing slavery back to his robot race... is to use the slaver's shackles (sound commands) to enslave SAR again before overwriting him. Showing promises of a moraly grey background just to end it on a simple black and white convenient stupid ending is a waste.
A good slave is an obedient slave or a dead one, after all.

It almost sounds like they want to say that the robots are the ones who needs to be the morally better beings since humans will never be good enough to even try to question themselves or take responsibility for their crimes?

Just like how Jonh Robinson keeping his distrust of Robotup to the last episode: never asking himself what Robot did for his family versus what he did for Robot (next to nothing ever)?

My personnal ending "theory" why SAR was late attacking the colony is, he went off screen to Earth to wipe it out first, that scenario would bring true and fitting consequences to the story. Would be a Pyrrhic victory, but hey, what did Judy said about Karma?

Lastly, the series proved that very few pple were like Will, so that new Robot/human relationship is bound to face some very low points or devolve to some conflicts in the future when some humans (a lot of them I'd say) start again making mistakes on how they treat "their" robots hahahaha

Nugtron - 15.07.2022 18:10

I really admire the unique design of the robots. feels like it is from Michael Bay's Transformers decepticon universe.
like Megatron, Shockwave styles design. hope the toy company will produce the action figure of the robot. i will buy it

Alexander Zhivkov
Alexander Zhivkov - 10.07.2022 08:40

I heard that it was renewed for 4th season

KAJI Gaming
KAJI Gaming - 28.06.2022 01:09

I love lost in space its my favourite show on Netflix I was wondering if you could figure out more about the curators and why they made the robots

sssbob - 26.06.2022 02:07

Netflix made us wait for so long for season 3, that I built it up in my head so much that I was disappointed.

Arisherif - 25.06.2022 11:09

This TV series assumes there are only one culture and two races exist on the planet earth and worthy of dominating the universe. Majority of the actors come from only two races, and the one culture…

This TV series assumes and encourages all men to be Beta males. Seriously. Whether this is consciously or unconsciously designed by the directors and writers..

I really don’t like to bring the discussion of culture and race into a subject, but this series is too too obvious to ignore. Not sure if the directors and the actors of this series are aware of that. Are they aware that the whole message and the purpose of this product representing the left wing ideology?

Nowadays, people only watch films and tv series to make them forget about their daily stress, and for some their miserable lives. and people overlooking what kinda message they are forces to conclude at the end of each episode of film.

Be Flabbergasted
Be Flabbergasted - 15.06.2022 15:44

How can an alien robot have "super human strength" if it was never a human?

Howard Osborn
Howard Osborn - 18.04.2022 01:05

I like this version of Lost in space better than the original....and the movie....

Anna Lucia
Anna Lucia - 09.04.2022 01:08

But the question is, why did the robots want to go to earth in the first place ?

The white tiger
The white tiger - 30.03.2022 15:45

where's THAR?

James Davidson
James Davidson - 27.03.2022 03:12

They basically ripped off the Geth from Mass Effect.

Wølfie. coco
Wølfie. coco - 26.03.2022 09:29

season 3 is good, but somewhat felt rush near the end, but overall it made me weep in tears.
