The Phyrexian Praetors: A Twisted Color Pie

The Phyrexian Praetors: A Twisted Color Pie


1 год назад

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@AetherHub - 01.11.2022 05:06

Amazing video as always man. Awesome job 🎉

@quinnmichel5391 - 19.01.2024 10:34

I know it's more of a different area but I wonder what your views on Gix compared to the other Praetors

@limpfall13 - 16.01.2024 10:26

Ngl I love this concept and what it shows and how every color can become vile and twisted without certain limits in place to keep them in check.

@nicholaspoignard6655 - 12.01.2024 07:28

What is a PRAY-tir/tor/ter? PREE-tər. It's pree-tor. Preeeeeee. Not pray/prey/proh/vel-VEE-ay-tor. Velveeta. But trust me, me Eeenglish good.

@joshrobinson2409 - 11.01.2024 06:31

What i found really cool is that urabrask helped the resistance, and its simply cause of his color identity he doesnt agree with norn cause he wants people to be independent which is a red trait he might want people to join him but out of their own choice, if he was real i would join him simply cause he values freedom.

@Inverts4Introverts - 05.01.2024 09:31

No Atraxa? Waaack

@federicoxcc4966 - 11.12.2023 12:09

It would be interesting to see a colorless Phyrexia

@DarkinBladeGaming - 06.12.2023 03:21

You put a lot more thought into this then Wizards did when they were actually writing the Preators during the last sets lol

@rileypowell5354 - 04.12.2023 22:04

Sobriety tip: take a shot whenever dice try uses "that of" correctly in a video.

@robfoskin685 - 23.11.2023 18:32

The Phyrexian story and the flavour had a lot of potential but ultimately fell apart in an underwhelming whiff of stereotypical Marvel story tropes and “cinematic” moments which otherwise had little meaning

@mikeheath4916 - 23.11.2023 10:49

I still wish Urabrask had survived. The red praetor having Phyrexia at least be a neutral presence in the multiverse would be a cool change, even if only temporarily.

@mzurran1003 - 23.11.2023 08:18

I wonder how this applies to multi colored pairings?

@TheAngelRaven - 23.11.2023 00:50

Phyresis twists and pushes the Magic Colors to their finest, most 'pure' form; White's sense of Order, Blue's desire for Knowledge, Black's unrelenting hunger for Power, Red's disregard of virtually all but Self, and Green's belief in Survival of the Fittest.

Urabrask was destined to be against his own people solely because Red's identity disagrees with Phyrexia's goal of Compleation.

@ComicaPaloozaStudios - 06.11.2023 17:37

It is interesting, with the hindsight of March of the Machines, to see how each of these Praetors turned out. But I think, in a way that is even more indicative of Phyrexia, is Atraxa. Atraxa perhaps symbolizes Phyrexia best by being 4-Color Non-Red, called The Colors of Growth due to lacking Red's potentially self-destructive capability. Given the Phyrexian goal of Compleation of the Multiverse (and thus Growing Out), this feels more fitting to their philosophies as a whole than that of Domain, or all 5 Colors of Mana.

@hyoroemongaming569 - 03.11.2023 06:44

I sort your vidoe by popularity to re find this. I missed it because it doesnt have Praetor pic in thumbnail 😂

@alanschroeder - 25.09.2023 09:07

elish norn: all will be one under phyrexia

jin-gitaxsis: there is always improvement in perfection

sheoldred: you WILL submit to phyrexia

vorinclex: only the apex predator will survive in the vicious swarm

urabrask: idk man do what you want🗿

@incorporealnuance - 20.09.2023 07:13

I like Jin-Gitaxias & Urabrask the most, they both seem like they would be interesting characters to talk to. Well, and also because I think (out of the five) they're the hottest ones

@RedJadeArt - 06.07.2023 00:57

Vorinclex’s hands-off approach was summed up in Mycosynth Fiend - “I wish I could take credit for it, but nature progresses on its own”.

He’s probably the most passive of the Praetors - not actively doing anything to make new phyrexian creatures or build up armies, nor interested in taking the credit for what is created.

@WendigoLumberjack - 02.07.2023 04:07


@vincentpey3929 - 09.06.2023 04:19

Something im curious about is if the new Phyrexians are still aware of where Phyrexia came from, do they know who Yawgmoth was? And are there any of the original phyrexians left?

@carsenriley7821 - 03.06.2023 17:49

Each color leans hardest into their what they represent to show how that works toward the idea of Phyrexia like the white faction using order and control to complete their idea of Phyrexian why urabrask being red the color of chaos breaks from that mold because it is chaotic not to want the other colors completion

@Rararahul1313 - 08.05.2023 00:57

I like how Vorinclex is clearly uninterested in all those schemes and politic games. He's just doing his things (makes me think of the tyranids of Warhammer 40k) and could have been a good father of machines: Phyrexia would be a brutal and dangerous treat, savage and animalistic apex predators, but not interested in the multiverse until it's a perfect killer engine. It could have been an ironic take, black and white mana made Phyrexia into a cult, and green could have made it into a deeply visceral desire to be the best life form.

It's a shame that the deeply traumatic treat that was Phyrexia was soooo mangled by the recent lore

@intelligentcounterspell16 - 03.05.2023 02:17

Boy did we get shafted on the story huh

@StalwartTirith - 20.04.2023 03:56

Now I remember where I heard this music! It's the one that Horror Review channel uses all the time

@wemrich3405 - 14.04.2023 16:11

It's not that every one of them chooses their own version of blue. In my opinion, they add colorless' transcendental nature with its purposeful mind. The oil gives them purpose, and it is through compleation they transcend and through the mana of the blessed sun's they gained themselves. It is the oil mixed with the mana that makes the faction. Now what happens when that mana has no color? What praetor would we get? And I wonder what a wubrgc phyrexian would look like, not with 1 generic mana but with true colorless mana.

@ryanstevenson2594 - 04.04.2023 19:28

Norn: We need to take over everything and I'm top dog.

Urabrask: No, f*** you.

@lolbots686 - 04.04.2023 00:39

As the heretic was torn asunder... something was wrong. Mana swirled around the praetor of chaos...and in a explosion of fire...he is gone. Yet not completely.

Floating...floating...the praetor looked around trying to find his attacker...but then he sees it.

"URABRASK." A voice spoke all around him. Or rather voices...

"Who are you? Do you desire compleation?" Scalding fire ignited from glistening oil dances across his blades.


the flames calm themselves and disipate from urabrasks claws and blades unwillingly so. Chained almost.

"...what do you have in mind."

Thousands upon thousands,upon millions,upon millions of nightmarish creatures are revealed. But one atop a prison of white speaks and them alone.

"You shall be the voice of the eldrazi. You will herald chaos,freedom and ruin. You will destroy all those who oppose our will. And your oil shall sire many who are your praxis incarnate."

Urabrask went silent. But then the creature in a sense...smiled.

"Then may they welcome our embrace."

Urabrask then wakes upon a barren plane. He himself is restored. He is reborn as a hunter,while other colors of mana flow,red mana flows strongest. And so... unknown to the dead praetors...

*Urabrask,the father of machines and new herald of both eldrazi and his praxis wakes upon his new canvas.*

@cernunnos8344 - 02.02.2023 01:16

You mention Sheoldred's defeat to Norn, what is that about ? Did Sheoldred directly attack her ?

@cernunnos8344 - 01.02.2023 04:12

From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me

@insanemang9983 - 28.01.2023 20:30

Your explanation of the praetors kinda makes me parallel their ideology to that of the chaos gods from warhammer. Twisted versions of that which they personify.

@alexanderschlieper5497 - 19.01.2023 03:40

Wait wants is Gixes beleifs

@MohaymenPK - 15.01.2023 17:01

Amazing. Thank you very much.

@devonstanko2634 - 15.01.2023 06:01

Decent overview, but I really don’t appreciate how Gitaxius, Urabrask, and Vorinclex (established as male in the original Mirrodin block) are referred to as “it/they” while Elesh Norn and Sheoldred are “she/her”. Too woke for comfort.

@phobiawitch835 - 14.01.2023 06:13

Im relisteninf to this after we got the first “All Will Be One” stories, so I wonder what the Slices, Shards, and Dualities are like when Compleat, as we saw Ixhel, Daughter of Atraxa, begin to turn against the other Phyrexians, and she is Green White Black.

@tobiasgreenhalge6165 - 13.01.2023 12:51

Outside of lore, I'm pretty sure blue has no morality.

@marcoboscarol2420 - 13.01.2023 07:48

Awesome vid Dice
Can I ask whats the name of the music during the Elesh Norn segment?
Does anybody knows?

@eyezerocool - 08.01.2023 02:38

these guys seem like the mtg borg.. lol.

@eyezerocool - 07.01.2023 23:49

it seems like here white is filtered through blue.. wonder wht would happen if the roles were reversed... blue were filtered through white... what would change or would things be the same.

@TheSOGchronicles - 29.12.2022 08:12

Urabrask the based

@nategraham6946 - 28.12.2022 21:47

I know Atraxa isn't a Praetor, but it is interesting to note, that upon her completion, red mana was left out, almost as though red is contrary to perfection or completion.

@yukiminsan - 20.12.2022 23:49

Urabrask vs Norn, or why the true essence of good is freedom not peace

@shadown5757 - 15.12.2022 05:23

The phyrexians represent what is left after biological nature is stripped away from a living being and that is a basic calculating machine that only can think in 1 or 0 and can’t see the wider perspective that existence can offer as experienced and perceived by a biological being 🤷

@LeeCarlson - 09.12.2022 22:32

Very nice.

@zachariaravenheart - 22.11.2022 07:26

My friend and I made a D&D state block for Vorinclex. He is dangerous and will likely turn you into a Phyrexian after the fight.

@lokar9240 - 19.11.2022 11:55

Atraxia, is she in this color pie?

@baconeatan4121 - 16.11.2022 01:59

I always found phyrexia to be the most interesting plane in magic. I also wonder what Gix represents since he is a pre-mirrodin phyrexian

@Ixmore - 16.11.2022 01:53

It's interesting how Phyerxia twisted the color pie. However, I have to wonder how the other colors would function when they are grouped with Colorless?

For Blue/Colorless, I see the very heart of it's philosophy being nihilism.

I don't know what a white/colorless philosophy would be, but I can see a creature white/colorless creature being Friend Computer from the Paranoia table top game.

@allistermacgregor521 - 15.11.2022 11:26

“The phyrexians are the most evil race in mtg”
Ulamog would like to know what plane your on so he can warp to it creative mode style and absorb you
