That fans sign is funny as hell lol 😂
Ответитьi Think aew roster is little bit stacked .
ОтветитьThat same guy had another sign saying Adam Paige is a cowboy bitch. And when i seen what he looked like, it’s some random nerdy looking guy who could easily get beaten up by any member of the locker room. 😂
ОтветитьMJF going to WWE??
MJF would ve watered down, and probably character change.
It can't happen.
That sign had me laughing my ass off
ОтветитьRuby vs her jacket was match of the night
ОтветитьA “transphobic sign”. SMH. What’s it like to be a “pretend hero”? Where you champion wrong and bad things and pretend that they’re not and that you’re a hero? I ask because I’ve never done that. Tell me, are you saying that Nyla can’t father children? Exactly when did his chromosomes change? I know he wears make-up, I know he wears feminine ring gear, I know
he wrestles women, but exactly when did his CHROMOSOMES CHANGE? I legitimately consider your video to be “truth phobic”. You’re a pretend hero, you’re a phone savior, but you’re not an honest person.
I don't like the damn judges for the match I like Hangman's idea of an inferno match
ОтветитьMJF wouldn't go to WWE for 2 reasons ... No.1 he was in WWE and they didn't want him. No.2 WWE would see MJF as a Superstar and MJF is a Wrestler. I believe that I would be seeing OWENS in AEW than the chances of MJF going to WWE.
ОтветитьKinda sad, signs are great and you allowed a man to dress as a woman and compete against women lol. So you will get sign, comments etc. This is normal seeing a man shouldn't be dressing as a woman and fighting women. Look how that worked in mma. No lie, disappointing Tony. Grow some balls and $#$@ cancel culture
ОтветитьKicking out fans for trashing a HEEL transgender competitor???
ОтветитьNo ko signed with wwe
ОтветитьSo AEW started saying win and losses count but then how is Danielson number 1 contender when he's just recently joined and others completely disregarded?!?
ОтветитьI hope the fan who was kicked out for a idiotic reason sues them.
ОтветитьNylander should be wrestling people her or his size sorry this ain't Trans phobic it's real life,men should wrestle men and women wrestle women ,or tag male female vs male female,if u have a 220 pound guy or girl and all they wrestle r 120 pound women its not fun to watch and it ain't fair
ОтветитьKevin Owens and Sami Zayn already resigned with WWE...
Ответитьthat sign was hilarious
ОтветитьThat sign is very disgusting. Have some more class dude.
ОтветитьMJF TO WWE
put him with miz,ziggler,rhoode and call them the
This comment section really has a lot of disgusting, uneducated people in it
ОтветитьNyla Rose is disrespectful two people that have disabilities just for the fact that she tweeted something like that to a person in a wheelchair I don't have any respect for who she is
ОтветитьSoho vs Rosa would be a good match AEW could really kill it with them too at the end. Jade just needs a little more time before she gets a belt.
ОтветитьDuring his entrance lol
ОтветитьThanks WrestlePlanet for all the great recap and news content.
Happy Holidays fellow pro wrestling fans. Stay safe, stay awesome!
Looking forward to a better 2022!!
Um Nyla Rose is a man. So calling a man a man isn't trans phobic.
ОтветитьBut Nyla rose is a men no matter what the confused minded think it common sense and science plus wrestling is supposed to have fans that challenge wrestlers they don't like that's what you pay for no wonder wrestling sucks ass today to many adult in their feeling and emotional foolishness
ОтветитьI have heard transphobic comments in the audience at AEW shows and didn't know what to do. I'm glad to see that there are consequences for visible jackasses at least.
ОтветитьGood for that guy standing up for people who have morals we do not and are sick and tired seeing men pretending to be women destroying actual females at their own sports and such across the board AEW needs to stop following narratives for money or to be on major channels they could be beyond that. AEW GET THE HINT WE DON'T WANT TO SEE THAT TRASH. Your shows should be rated M and you shouldn't have tiny children to be allowed to attend your very adult shows.
ОтветитьKyle O’REILLY didn’t waste no time going straight to AEW 😂😂😂
ОтветитьWishing everyone dealing with the virus a speedy recovery 🙏🏽❤️
ОтветитьWishing everyone a safe and amazing holiday 🎄❤️
ОтветитьJokes on the aew fan because wrestling is 💩 anyways and a waiste of money going there in the first place😂
ОтветитьPeople are too sensitive it was just a joke please Nia rose please just a joke. If rose looks like someone dad what’s the issue
ОтветитьAEW is fun and I enjoy watching but they are doing esactly what WWE did. They have too many talents to get on TV. And AEW Rampage = WWE Superstars...No watches these shows except diehards.
ОтветитьDaniel Bryan playing Daniel send that stupid liberal he wore a chair Rivera shirt he can drop dead for all I care he's a comedy a wealthy comedy of course we'll have everything for him and his wife but nothing for the other people
ОтветитьKevin Owens signed a new contract it was on the freaking news not that I wanted to hear it but they included in sports
ОтветитьKyle O'Reilly huge? Don't make me laugh. He's another internet darling who never drew a dime.
ОтветитьHow long before Wardlow turns on MJF? Will Wardlow join Team Taz? Loved the Nyla Rose fan sign....ouch!
Ответить??? I don’t understand why the person was kicked out for the Holding the sign? Can someone please explain why he was kicked
ОтветитьI Mean it's a Trend going some men aren't MEN ENOUGH To compete against other Men so they have to resort to switching genders look at MMA , High School Track and field etc Some Men beating on women i guess it's their schtick !
ОтветитьThat sign was hilarious
Ответитьlmao that sign is fucking hilarious. if Nyla Rose is a chick, I'm Brad fn Pitt.
ОтветитьKO is WWE!!!!! Loyality
ОтветитьI thought the Nyla Rose crowd sign was funny on the Christmas edition of AEW Dynamite. ^_^
ОтветитьI saw the reports about him being kicked out online, but went back (on Fite) and checked and he was there through pretty much the whole show up to and including the main event. So I figured either his 'one amazing trick' of removing his hoodie had bamboozled the security (zoinks!) and web pundits - or it was one of these things where they tape extra matches for other shows and he'd been kicked out after the main show and during some dark match or other.
ОтветитьLol I guess fans can’t say anything anymore. The golden days of wrestling are gone.