Building Your First Scale Model Figure! | 1/35 Model Kit Tutorial

Building Your First Scale Model Figure! | 1/35 Model Kit Tutorial

SpruesNBrews Scale Modeling

55 лет назад

48,868 Просмотров

In this video, we'll learn how to build up a 1/35 scale plastic model kit of a US infantry figure from WWII! If you've never build a scale model before & you're thinking about giving it a try, this is a great place to start. Or, if you've always been a tank or an aircraft kit builder & you'd like to give figures a shot, then this video is for you!

For today's demonstration, we'll be using Tamiya kit number 35379: Military Miniatures 1/35 Scale US Infantry Scout Set.

*Supplies Used*
US Infantry Set:
Modeling Mat:
Sprue Cutters:
Craft Knife:
Plastic Cement:
Nail File / Emery Board:

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@cjdavis2684 - 09.08.2023 19:07

this is really cool, However the problem I have is they only make Army, and Marine figures. I myself am a Pacific War Navy fan and would love to do some Officer and sailor figures to stand on a shelf with some of my ship's. However they don't make Sailors as far as I know or have ever seen. But it would be interesting to make Figures of them in my opinion.

@zacharynix2691 - 09.08.2023 19:09

I'd pay extra for the kit(any kit) if they would add some type of weapons sling so I don't have to make my own

@rickvillarreal2907 - 09.08.2023 19:12

Thanks for the new video...but I have got to ask where did you get all those uniforms behind
you!! I am very interested on how and when your collection started. 🤩😃👍💥💥

@Hey_MikeZeroEcho22P - 09.08.2023 19:12

Cool Beans!!

I DO want to do a Good Job in the painting I'll check out That posting.

@russellwilliams825 - 09.08.2023 19:14

You make it look so easy. I'm impressed. Personally I really don't like figures. It's a necessary evil. Hoping your techniques and videos help me get better, thanks.

@muhdfauwazel-emin2132 - 09.08.2023 19:57

patiently waits for your figure tutorial step by step lesson.

@kinomike268 - 09.08.2023 20:05

He ist wie immer Super gemacht, Vielen Dank dafür! Ich bin schon sehr gespannt auf die Bemalung da habe ich mich noch nicht wirklich rangetraut!

@Chilly_Billy - 09.08.2023 20:22

The few figures I've done recently have GREATLY benefitted from your other tutorials. You're like a 21st century Shepard Paine!

@manofaction1807 - 09.08.2023 20:23

Prep your workspace.
Read through it all before you start cutting.
Get all the flash off BEFORE you start gluing.
Take your time.

@jerryg957 - 09.08.2023 20:46

Wouldn't it be easier to paint these parts before they are cut off , maybe not all parts but some things ?

@woodwindkath - 09.08.2023 21:28

Thank you so much, this is amazing!

@Subzero2151 - 09.08.2023 22:44

Alpine do some great figures, and the tamiya new ones are of great quality aswell

@massimozanetti9967 - 09.08.2023 22:47

great as always, can you show the painting process?

@mikebehm2359 - 09.08.2023 23:44

Thank you Sir, for a interesting and informative video. I'm not a drinking man, because I inbibed hard liquor and it almost killed me. That being said i enjoy your videos. Thank's for your time Godspeed: Mike. 😂.

@lesthiele4921 - 10.08.2023 00:57

Hi Hank, I don't place figures on or in any of my kits, but I will have to watch this series, best regards from Australia 👍👍👍👍

@matthewrinehart2367 - 10.08.2023 01:12

I was told to scrape the flash off with the back of the x-acto to save the sharp blade.

@paulsawyer2326 - 10.08.2023 01:20

I havent entered the realm of figures painting yet, but your video tutorial has me thinking otherwise. A great video for beginners. Well done.

@mrvictor810 - 10.08.2023 03:46

Excuse me, may I know the color number of paints you used for the helmet, tops and pants in your video "1/35 German Infantry | Tamiya Figure Painting Tutorial" ?
It looks great !

@mlee65 - 10.08.2023 04:48

Good video, I have two figures to build and paint, I never painted army figures can't wait for the painting video.

@mikec2810 - 10.08.2023 12:25

Nicely done Hank!

@fjdexx - 10.08.2023 17:20

Thx. Very nice work.

@modellersworldtv - 11.08.2023 01:00

I love figures to!

@opie_candoit78 - 11.08.2023 06:13

hey ole hank the stank need to play STEEL DIVISION 2

@jimmyjohnson7027 - 12.08.2023 14:12

Tamiya have really upped their game in the last few years. The new figure sets are truly excellent.

@НиколайКазарский - 13.08.2023 23:54

nice kit)

@hobbyrookiee - 15.08.2023 08:40

hi im just curious if there's a video explaining manual symbols... i just got into the hobby and there are some symbols that are confusing to read.

@2lionsgate - 17.08.2023 03:24

Where is the best place to shop for model kits?

@carlosromojaro3672 - 18.08.2023 19:22

Great video. I have never done a figure but I am tninking to start with this kit. Are you going to continue doing additional tutorials with these same figures?

@thibster5590 - 18.08.2023 21:07

I’m trying to figure what scale figures I need for my 1/25 scale rc boat.
What do you suggest

@paulrichardson2229 - 14.10.2023 03:56

wow thank you great video for beginners, so informative, i do figures but they never look very realistic, definitely going to try allot harder and you make them look so much better, especially since i discovered your face painting vids as well Thankyou

@rickysmith9599 - 21.10.2023 21:24

Finally! Finally!
I found someone that after watching your videos actually makes my model figures look great. You have great tutorials thanks brother can’t wait to watch the rest of your videos. Oh yeah and I subscribed and I didn’t forget to hit the notification bell. 😂😂

@Jaybo-f5x - 07.01.2024 07:25

Would love to see you paint a WW2 Marine figure with the beach side or brown side helmet cover painted.

@andrewm3934 - 07.02.2024 17:20

great - bought these today

@yoz1967 - 15.09.2024 19:15

What size buildings do I use with 1/32 figurines?

@TheTeddyEdwards - 27.09.2024 21:21

This was super helpful thanks and after following your videos I've surprisingly not done a bad job with my Taniya figures!

@History.Production_Official - 23.11.2024 17:08

i like youre ww2 collection you got in the background of youre intro.
