UE5 C++ Enhanced Input - 5 - Directional Input to Move a Character

UE5 C++ Enhanced Input - 5 - Directional Input to Move a Character

Druid Mechanics

1 год назад

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MrMeteor - 06.09.2023 22:43

Why do you keep saying you can't forward declare a your FInputActionValue which is taken in as a reference?
You can forward declare it just as any other pointer by simply saying "struct FInputActionValue;" with the rest of your forward declarations.

Chris Bell
Chris Bell - 30.07.2023 23:12

Doesn't work for me. I know the move and look functions are running as i placed logs on there but character doesnt move at all. I get the follwoing error

LogPackageName: Warning: DoesPackageExist called on PackageName that will always return false. Reason: Input '' was empty.

Sunil Horse
Sunil Horse - 12.07.2023 13:35

Getting an error when trying to check ActionState for New Enhanced Input System, should we have to include anything in header file as you have not mentioned in this tutorial

Izmir Rexhepi
Izmir Rexhepi - 24.06.2023 21:46

how do you manage that the mesh rotatates ? is it an animation ?

Izmir Rexhepi
Izmir Rexhepi - 15.06.2023 21:41

Hi, Somehow adding a virtual void Jump() override on header file caused some errors but after removing this line. The jump function work. Is there a explaination on that ? My header file inherit from the ACharacter class

Cee Jay
Cee Jay - 03.06.2023 18:40

Hey, I'm intrested in buying one of your courses. I didn't really know where else to ask, but do any of your courses cover GAS? If they don't can you explain how long it might take going from the way you taught your course to building a game using GAS?

Brad Crandall
Brad Crandall - 30.05.2023 06:21

Learned so much more wrangling this one lesson into my code than in any other single lesson. Thanks for putting me through it. Some real potential in enhanced mappings for neat interactions.

SayaYuuki - 28.05.2023 05:52

I have a question, how can I code different functionality based on the triggers on the enhanced input? For example, if I wanted to check if the player held the input vs pressing the input, how would I do that?

Tbhunter - 07.05.2023 23:36

Im so glad you made a tutorial on this. But am I the only one that feels like the original way of movement input was easier lol

Grant Wojciechowski
Grant Wojciechowski - 05.05.2023 19:56

Running into an issue with Look, it's changing the direction my character moves, but it's not rotating my camera/mesh, so my model is staying in the same direction it started in, but moving in the direction the camera/model should be looking. IA_Look is set to Axis2d and the IMC is set to be Mouse XY 2D-Axis, so confused on what's going on.

Roy Dash
Roy Dash - 05.05.2023 01:05

Please I need your help. If you helps me! I will supported you and I will so grateful... You can make a tutorial about a character from the ground picking up some weapons and using them. Different weapons sword, pistol and axe. And each weapon will have its own animation without the inventory system, but each weapon will be activated with buttons. For example the Q button of the gun and the R button of the ax and the T button of the Hammer to attack. Like in Bloodborne, dmc and dark souls

Starrukin - 26.04.2023 12:12

Is the druid mechanics discord shut down? I'd like to get some help with one of the courses by Stephen.

TechnologyZone - 25.04.2023 09:58

Hi , Do you have any idea over taking input as text from user and converting that to humanoid action
Ex: "1" as input it has to show sign language indication by character

Tilted Jehovas
Tilted Jehovas - 09.04.2023 00:01

I was doing fine up until the course said to watch this video. You introduced things that were way ahead of what we do after this, and since the context of the "next" video doesn't take into account the context of "this" video, it caused me to pretty much scrap my movement script that I already had. Going to have to go back to the other Enhanced Input videos now. Nice.

Hastycakes - 26.03.2023 06:40

If we were going to implement a walk function, how would we access move to find out if it is moving? I've created a new input action for walk but i'm not sure if I should adjust the value of move or create max speeds?

Mattias Persson
Mattias Persson - 22.03.2023 18:00

Thanks so much for this. I am a Patreon of yours and also have all your Udemy courses.

My character is not moving. It's the AddMovementInput that doesn't impact my character. The binding of the functions seems to work. I am able to log out the correct values for the movement but there's still no movement on the character. I wanted to build a character form scratch so I chose a blank project tenplate rather than the third person template.

Would you know if there's anything on the character that could be wrong? I have since created another third person template project and copy pasted the constructor code into my characters constructor.

ExcessOats - 11.03.2023 22:34

How would we handle multiple players?

Jan Kozłowski
Jan Kozłowski - 11.03.2023 19:33

do you know how would i get the input action value in c++?

Alan H
Alan H - 09.03.2023 01:51

Did this channel die?

U Anbu
U Anbu - 07.03.2023 00:27

Hi I'm interested in purchasing your Unreal 5 course on Udemy. However, I seem to have some processor problems. My current laptop is listed @ 1.30GHz. Does that mean that I'm completely excluded from being able to follow your course?

FPChris - 04.03.2023 03:32

Question: If X is forward/backwards in the Editor why is Left and Right -X/+X in the Input mappings? /shouldn't Y be left and right?

Musicdude m
Musicdude m - 25.02.2023 02:28

For some reason when my character jumps standing still, she doesnt really react, but if i am moving the jump animation runs corretly, has anyone else had this issue?

Flavio Campos
Flavio Campos - 13.02.2023 16:41

AddMovementInput() will be called twice always, and AddControllerYawInput() AddControllerPitchInput() always called together? And the only reason why only one works is because the other is 0? If yes, isn´t that "bad"?

Busca Don
Busca Don - 08.02.2023 11:33

Thank you so much for this series! I was going to add a new input to my game today and realized that this new system had been introduced. Fortunately, your series made it a really smooth transition. 😊 I like how you explain why we are doing things and repeat concepts without being excessive about it, very good tutorials.

Reids Channel
Reids Channel - 06.02.2023 00:49

nice video, you can forward declare references btw.

ADecentKing - 04.02.2023 16:37

I still don’t have Any Z axis when I do the animation after following the last steps, is there anything that could be stopping that?

RA - 03.02.2023 01:21

Is your unreal ultimate handbook or the udemy unreal course more for c++?

Nick Price
Nick Price - 26.01.2023 20:42

Hi, Stephen, thanks for this, but I can't get to Looking Actions to work. I move my mouse and nothing happens.

LUCAS ARGENTINA - 25.01.2023 00:09

Hey Stephen. Thank you a lot! I love your content and I reallyI appreciate it. Can you help me with this error? I'm getting this error: Fatal error: [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Templates\Casts.cpp] [Line: 10] Cast of InputComponent /Game/Maps/UEDPIE_0_Main.Main:PersistentLevel.BP_TankPawnMovementComp_C_0.PawnInputComponent0 to EnhancedInputComponent failed . I'm trying to use the enhanced movement component with a tank pawn. I did everything that you did in this video, adjusting the code to my tank. I'm guessing that the enhaced input component cannot be casted to the pawn input type, just to character input? Isn't it?

sajjad mirshabi
sajjad mirshabi - 24.01.2023 21:08

This series was amazing thank you very much. You explained this system awesome and very easy

eldercom - 23.01.2023 03:08

I usually write code ahead of the course, so I wrote this
const FVector2D InputVector = Value.Get<FVector2D>();

if (GetController())
FVector DirectionVector = FVector(InputVector, 0.0f);
AddMovementInput(DirectionVector, 1.0f);
And it totally works, including diagonal movement (with different modifiers of course). Is this an okay implementation, or are there some problems with it?
Nevermind, I see the problem. These are not related to Controller rotation

WaxIkaros2 - 13.01.2023 11:11

Love the Udemy Course. Do you have anything for Top-Down and Auto-pathing?

Tofy - 05.01.2023 01:17

Can a 3050 8gb, i312100, and a 16gb ram handle this?

Roly Poly Games
Roly Poly Games - 29.12.2022 01:13

Thanks again for the input update crash course. Bringing my project from 4.27 - 5.1 has been a challenge. The new input system seems very promising though!

Vincent Decc - GAMEDEV
Vincent Decc - GAMEDEV - 14.12.2022 22:52

Thank you...working like a charm...

Tony Lynx
Tony Lynx - 11.12.2022 22:04

Love your tutorials and your Udemy courses, they've helped me so much. Thank you

Michedelic - 10.12.2022 16:59

E Button isn't working, it generates overlap with weapon and enhancedinput debug log shows it is being activated. I've checked code for hours with no way to fix this.

Công Cương Quách
Công Cương Quách - 09.12.2022 14:24

Hi, i'm student of your Ultimate Shooter Course, i have some question about Unreal Engine about JSON data, can you support for me!? I can pay for your support!

Nam Trile
Nam Trile - 30.11.2022 09:10

I really love your courses and I have some of your Unreal C++ courses. I'm now intersting in Gameplay Ability System, would you make some tutorials or courses about it ?

Anoberia - 25.11.2022 20:57

Awesome mini-serie, thanks. Will you cover Chord-Inputs?
