How To Be Authentic - Friedrich Nietzsche (Existentialism)

How To Be Authentic - Friedrich Nietzsche (Existentialism)

Philosophies for Life

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Philosophies for Life
Philosophies for Life - 08.06.2021 23:23

Friedrich Nietzsche says: “No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself".

Hope you all like this video.. Please make sure to check out the full Philosophies for Life channel and for more videos to help you find success and happiness using ancient philosophical wisdom, don’t forget to subscribe. Thank you so much for watching.

Daniel Engsväng
Daniel Engsväng - 16.09.2023 22:08

A real man should Never be fully ashamed as long as he does not failed to protect those who are weak when he could. Todays shameless men(and through all times) have put those weaker in danger by fighting and so on instead of standing up for themselves and just take for example public harassment adult bullying as a man but instead go into action to protect their ego from something they are afraid of the consequences of when there really is NO such consequences but a bit of embarrassment, and often this is just for seconds or minutes ?

Daniel Engsväng
Daniel Engsväng - 16.09.2023 21:57

With Confidence comes malleability in a person, and malleability and tolerance is really the Source of humility, and you can't be compassionate without humility because it is all intertwined in a way. So it's really important to monitor kids/young adults using to much social media because it is a really great way to break down "weak" individuals and drive them into Self-doubt instead of the opposite that is so very much important if one should grow up to be genuine and emotionally intelligent/Compassionate and so on. This is what i personally think but really simplified. 🙂😗🤫

Aloboii - 21.06.2023 09:21

Nietzche is indeed a fool

Zyzz Zam
Zyzz Zam - 18.06.2023 14:06

Believe in Jesus ✝️

Azn Stride
Azn Stride - 06.06.2023 21:30

What if I’m a good at being lazy? 😂

Shamuel - 07.05.2023 10:45

Nietzsche wasn't gay 🤢🤮🤢🤢🤢🤮🤢

Sonam Lokhande
Sonam Lokhande - 24.04.2023 15:29

🙏 thankyou 🙏

FireRose - 23.04.2023 22:08

Seems like lots of people are bigoted towards Trump supporters now a days

mudmessiah - 20.04.2023 03:46

This is coincidental that it is I who said.. “True speech is core free speech.” Authenticity.. is my product. People here and in the psychological world buzz word Authenticity freely but it derives from a logical process i follow beginning in 2004 then expressed publicly. First use of this term in this context.. is name this process to live authentically in the moment… moment by moment!!

Anthoney The man
Anthoney The man - 04.04.2023 20:09


MariannaOlsen - 04.04.2023 09:41

Didn't know Nietzsche was so judgemental.

Christine Martin
Christine Martin - 16.03.2023 20:36

Oh yeah, he lived verrrrrrry dangerously: tied to his mama's apron strings and supported by his zealously religious sister. Such an Ubermensch 🙄.

Christine Martin
Christine Martin - 14.03.2023 23:30

Why is this guy's life airbrushed to make him seem a paragon of virtue? Why don't you tell us ALL about his actual life, including key vices that shed much light on his true character, and, thus, on his philosophical precepts?? Get real, please.

Henry Casillas
Henry Casillas - 12.03.2023 18:25


gd2812 - 21.02.2023 18:40

U said nietzsche showed disgust coz composer was making music for masses which is contradictory to what u said about nietzsche about being non judgmental and vice versa 😆

Marlon - 09.02.2023 12:08

Weeeeelll, our Republikkkan brothers and sisters are not into all that fancy book learning and don’t like all that computer mambo jambo voodoo stuff too much either. Was almost a honest mistake. Mathematics and statistics and some such are also scary subjects for them and they have very little experience with it. 34 is a big, big number for an Republikkkan.

Juan Suarez
Juan Suarez - 29.01.2023 00:41

I'm just discovering Nietzsche and OMG I've been living and molding this lifestyle, looked at as weird but idc and ever since i started, have felt very freed. I feel almost validated in the sense that I'm not alone in my philosophy in living my life. I'm 35 and amazed he reached this in his 20s.

Dan127 - 04.01.2023 16:30

This would be much better without the left wing slant to it

Antitheses Pistopheles
Antitheses Pistopheles - 26.11.2022 19:30

The “homosexual” is a bad example, because it is caused by environmental factors, not biological ones.

Арнольд Шварцниггер
Арнольд Шварцниггер - 18.11.2022 06:21

How can you understand gays if it's kind of illness( if author do not know this)

Kira de La Rochefoucauld
Kira de La Rochefoucauld - 13.11.2022 22:34

Death for Pedophiles.

darktroubledsoul - 06.11.2022 22:14

After watching this, I feel that Nietzsche and I would have been best friends.

pedro warz
pedro warz - 23.10.2022 19:36

Thank very much

JRM - 20.10.2022 12:00

Thanks for your great video content which help me give some thought on many things.

Cesar - 29.09.2022 02:17


Lesley Gent
Lesley Gent - 26.09.2022 16:14

This is all well and good, until you consider his ending. So I take it with a grain of salt.

Angelicatoo - 21.09.2022 08:09

What about murderers and child rapists do we have the right to call them wrong according to Nietzsche?

Cristiano C7 lover 😃
Cristiano C7 lover 😃 - 20.09.2022 18:03

I love the teachings but don't know what Christianity did to you all

stetho - 13.09.2022 06:36

If I may be allowed to be honest with what I felt (by no means do I mean to offend) I could hear the rules of nietzsche as something else. Indeed there were points I simply couldn't agree with but there were points I agreed with but to me they had a completely different interpretation.

austintennisrox - 13.09.2022 04:26

Love it

Kauf Frau
Kauf Frau - 05.09.2022 05:08

I love Nietzsche - he is a constant source of comfort to me in difficult times.

WWill Will
WWill Will - 01.09.2022 19:59

Unhumane the churches are. Yes I agree with this

Tom Ato
Tom Ato - 01.09.2022 04:45

Weather in leading or following your own past the enigma is that if we are truly 🎶 following Our Own Path then we don't 🧘really need anybody else's philosophy or method but our Own Path in the Present🌞

Tomisha Sanjock
Tomisha Sanjock - 31.08.2022 23:42



Michelle M
Michelle M - 21.08.2022 06:12

How does this work with psychopathy? Are psychopaths seeking mass appeal/attention and praise?

DeryaSefer (ProfoundExcursion)
DeryaSefer (ProfoundExcursion) - 11.07.2022 22:06

"If you seek authenticity for authenticity's sake you are no longer authentic."

Jean-Paul Sartre

Dr. Seku Gathers
Dr. Seku Gathers - 06.07.2022 17:30


Izy - 08.06.2022 11:33

It is okay to learn things in this world but for sure the point about obey is not to ourself it is to Allah la ilaha il allah

Joseph Discovers
Joseph Discovers - 05.06.2022 05:39

This is certainly the worst interpretation of Nietzsche work I've ever heard. The examples given are beyond idiotic - they're a heinous, cowardly misrepresentation of Nietzsche's work.

1. There is no way on earth that Nietzsche would have advocated 'writing a polite letter to your neighbour' - this is absolute cowardice - squirming, slave-like behaviour. In the Anti-Christ Nietzsche makes an impassioned advocation of war and conflict. His whole philosophy is virile - cowardice is the essence of slave morality.

2. The example of working in a bank mentions overcoming shame - an emotion generated by caring too much what others think. The antidote offered is to 'regain the confidence of those around you'. The solution to shame cannot be to improve your standing in the eyes of others because shame itself is driven by caring what others think. This example is self-contradictory.

3.The example about relationship fidelity is utter nonsense - more slave morality. Nietzsche advocated the aristocratic principles - those of the classical Greek Gods and society who were polyamorous, passionate, complex and expressed sexuality with abandon. Monogamy itself is a product of Christian slave morality. In both Twilight of the Idols and the Anti-Christ Nietzsche laments the way that Christianity has stopped the spread of Islam which he views as a more assertive and powerful religion - the men's taking of multiple wives is a sign of this dominance and virility.

I have no idea how you have pegged these inane hippy ideas and examples onto Nietzsche's writings.

Gianni 700 ⛽
Gianni 700 ⛽ - 29.05.2022 23:04

Gianni700 this guy is one of my favorite philosophers

Spencer Winston
Spencer Winston - 11.05.2022 22:47

Wonderful video presentation to advance ideas for a savant philosopher of the ages. Nietzsche's influence is only growing in these dangerous time, and his philosophical and cultural impact has perhaps catapulted him now above Emerson and Schopenhauer to the Olympian level of Plato. With mountain lightning flashes of epochal insightful brilliance in his writings and a seeming OODA Loop strategically, aggressive and dynamite filled writing style, Nietzsche reached the Olympian rings of truth high over the vapid Marxist "intellectuals: of the time. Nietzsche savaged the idols and hollow men philosophers of the day and antiquity. For me, Nietzsche will always be the philosopher for the "day after tomorrow"-- the gauntlet other future philosophers will have to contend in the octagon of ideas, intellectual courage, and exquisite, truth instincts. Steeped in the finest of French, German, and Italian aphoristic styles combined with his expertise in philology and the languages of antiquity Greek, Latin and Hebrew, Nietzsche is a sublime gift to humanity. Modern-day "scholars" are rarely deeply versed in the classical languages of antiquity. As Schopenhauer keenly noted, a scholar will always have a hole in his education without training in the classics of antiquity. If you can read Plato and Aristotle in original Greek with great expertise, you are no longer dependent on some scholar's interpretation of a key inflection point in a passage. Today's professors of propaganda are rarely truth seekers, but merely paid to parrot the establishment line for grants. The professors at the propaganda mills go to great lengths to hide the truth and protect their small moat for either lack of knowledge, courage, or perhaps for sinister and mercenary reasons to keep the students mired in an "establishment matrix-like illusion."
Fortune favors the bold, and in that sense, we all have benefited from Nietzsche's gifts to humanity in his sublime writings without having to undergo his years of intensive scholarship, solitude, sickness, and torment in his relentless, dedicated, and labor of love for the truth. Come out and breathe the pure mountain air of truth where Nietzsche resides. Transcend the matrix and the flickering lights of the cave of modern life as Nietzsche commented, in Twilight of the Idols "..come out of your cave, as the world awaits you as a garden." All the best to those fearless truth-seekers following their own path and rising above the "human all too human" in the quest and adventure for the truth.

Nathaniel Beckett
Nathaniel Beckett - 09.05.2022 20:27

“Social revolutionaries” - a polite way of saying ‘Nazi’s’

jeji - 08.05.2022 10:16


Cynthia Greer
Cynthia Greer - 26.04.2022 05:02

Very pious man in thjnking

Nelson Sutter
Nelson Sutter - 18.04.2022 21:21

Can one not be authentically interested in gaining respect and recognition?

Regina A
Regina A - 16.04.2022 14:27

Shame is definitely used as thought control in 2022

The 2-piano Channel
The 2-piano Channel - 05.04.2022 06:03

I found that taping a message to my neighbour's car, in huge red letters, saying, "Are you out of your mind?" works quite well, but since this video is trying to help us all to get along with each other better, I'll remain silent for now - I clearly have much to learn...
