Zyra Mid is so good for the Off-Meta climb (She can solo kill with plants) - League of Legends

Zyra Mid is so good for the Off-Meta climb (She can solo kill with plants) - League of Legends


1 год назад

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@jessg789 - 29.09.2023 11:10

I’d love to see you do Zyra mid with liandry’s

@iAussieGuy - 18.09.2023 11:37

Zyra mid is insane, doesn't require a lot of thought just utilisizing your plants to maximize damage, her ultimate has awesome range too, she makes a great support too

@mikecapson1845 - 13.09.2023 00:22

meanwhile me playin her jng

@eleanorfaust8330 - 08.08.2023 01:33

Hey, i am new to your channel. But I already like the video, and also how you can admit your mistakes / bad decisions (lets be honest, a lot of people just deny that they make ANY mistake xD)
Subscribed and am looking for the futher videos :)

@samguy7209 - 05.07.2023 04:17

Im a old league player. I would've gotten Liandry's + rylais

@iitstre_4550 - 28.06.2023 23:50

Played her back to back games today. Smashed my opponents both times. Watched them tilt off the planet in all chat. I haven’t played her in so long I forgot how fun and powerful she is. Next game I’m gonna try an AD build and see what happens

@Talguy21 - 05.06.2023 04:06

The reason Zyra plants die so fast to certain abilities is due to tick speed. Unlike a lot of pets, Zyra Plant HP is like a ward's- a single-digit hit-based system. Depending on the ability or auto attack, it may be worth 1 or more damage per hit. Fiddle Ult had its tick rate dramatically increased at one point, so it's applying damage pretty much constantly. Since each hit does a minimum of one damage, the plants just instantly die. The same is true with Singed poison for the same reason. Rumble's ult damage ticks are much slower, by contrast, so that's why the plants survived better in that. Hope this is good info. c:

@feanor22 - 04.06.2023 03:13

I main her as a support, but sometimes I play her also in midlane.
One thing I started doing after some experience is abusing her slows. Often it really doesn't matter if you land your E, just put a seed near the enemy champ and the slow is super useful and annoying.

@feanor22 - 04.06.2023 03:13

I main her as a support, but sometimes I play her also in midlane.
One thing I started doing after some experience is abusing her slows. Often it really doesn't matter if you land your E, just put a seed near the enemy champ and the slow is super useful and annoying.

@mkstephenson2089 - 02.06.2023 23:51

Recommendation - if you play this again, level W second, you won't regret it :3 having more seeds is never wrong

@kolinedrington5492 - 02.06.2023 02:50

If you auto attack someone (minions or enemies) that are in range of your plants, they will also change to attack it

@thetunisianshirtscollector384 - 25.05.2023 04:14

NEVER LUDENS WITH ZYRA , like never ever ! Always liandrys

@xDarkestDemonx - 24.05.2023 15:00

A few things:
1. When multiple plants hit the same target, every plant beyond the first only deals half damage. That's important for evaluating how much damage you will deal.
2. The E plants have a stacking slow, meaning if two of them attack the same target, the slow of them adds up. That can be crucial in some situations to catch someone and is especially good against immobile champions and meeles.
3. Spreading out the W seeds is a crucial part of playing Zyra successfully. Not only do you cover more ground that way, it also makes it harder for enemies to delete all of them at once. Obvious exceptions are big AoE effects like Fiddle ult.
4. Plants can also be abused by certain enemies. Since meele attacks and single target spells oneshot them, they are free mobility for champions like Irelia or Yasuo.
5. Especially when playing midlane, therfore high uptime on W due to the restes, it can be valuable to place W's as semi-wards (the W seeds give vision in a small area) or as a back up near/behind you, if the enemy midlaner has all-in pressure on you.
6. Not related to the video in particular, but something I often see is people just fishing with E and then comboing the target to kill it. While that can be good, Zyra is not a Lux. Her ult is a very valuable and important teamfight tool with a decently high cooldown, so you don't want to blow it on a single target unless you can win the fight with that/get objectives for free. Similarly, in teamfights you don't have to hit your combo first, to use your ult. As I said, you are not a Lux. I regularly see so many opportunities for good multi-person ults wasted, just because people wait for the E-Q-R oneshot combo. Especially when you have Rylais and the enemy team is approaching you, you can often just plop down R and THEN throw the rest of your spells.

@nickashman6987 - 18.05.2023 20:13

Fiora mid

@SillySquid69 - 18.05.2023 18:56

4/4 kat running for her life: D:
6/0 garen flashing master and running after her: >:D

@campuscolt65 - 18.05.2023 02:42

Nocturn mid

@albertofuzzi7200 - 17.05.2023 23:58

Lol that garen at the end

@ajx4 - 17.05.2023 22:39

Root in league is the worst form of cc in any game.

@bukszpan3942 - 17.05.2023 17:13

Ohh so you get your seed back while last hitting minions, noted.

@mantascharlemange6270 - 17.05.2023 13:44

Pekin ran out of seed😳😳

@MrTheJenkins - 17.05.2023 11:55

I really wish Kled could jungle so I'll xompromise and beg for a Kled mid game. Seems like a roamnheavy build would be up your alley.

@Degnique - 17.05.2023 09:12

Lethality Jarvan and Aatrox mid!

@jaygee94 - 17.05.2023 09:11

dang passed out last night before i could watch. now tonight i have two to watch ayyy

@matiasdimasso9837 - 17.05.2023 03:05

really apprieciate you pointing out the other teams mistakes too, helps a lot to improve

@behhe1235 - 17.05.2023 01:45


@Taiyo217 - 17.05.2023 00:47

Your commentaries help me appreciate the nuances in each champion’s kit. I had no idea this champ is basically a gardening simulator 😂

@brosmeister09 - 17.05.2023 00:28

Do a Warwick Mid. I would like to see my fav puppy dominate and roam.

@bananarabbit3 - 16.05.2023 22:58

when ult plants just disappear and the ult is nothing 🥲

@mugiwarat - 16.05.2023 22:40

I would love to see jhin mid with hail of baldes and kraken slayer

@user-cg9kg2qp7y - 16.05.2023 22:02

Day 15 asking for shen mid! Thanks for cool viyda Pekan

@danielkoltai9475 - 16.05.2023 21:42

riven mid also fun

@Dperry79 - 16.05.2023 21:18

Still awaiting the lux jungle video

@astasjaa - 16.05.2023 20:55

Gwen mid pleeeewaaaaaseee

@gohzan6767 - 16.05.2023 20:02

I really like your commentary videos , the ones where you find a high elo player who has an interesting style of play. Do more please.

@ghoum56 - 16.05.2023 19:51

Would love to see a Naut mid video!

@itzgunns - 16.05.2023 19:46

Nobody takes baron faster than yorick. I ask for lethality yorick mid

@rubenbuehler - 16.05.2023 19:44

In the realm of mid lane, where mages reside,
There's a blossom of power, impossible to hide.
Zyra, the enchantress, with petals aglow,
Unleashes her fury, with a devastating blow.

Mid lane's metagame disrupted, askew,
Zyra emerges, her damage something new.
Her roots grasp the earth, her seeds take flight,
A symphony of chaos, a breathtaking sight.

With deadly thorns and blossoms in her hand,
Zyra commands the battlefield, a force to withstand.
Her spells weave through the air, their aim true,
Unleashing destruction, as her enemies rue.

Vines entangle, strangling all in their grasp,
Zyra's damage spreads like an insidious clasp.
Her plants, sentient beings, with venomous intent,
They strike with fury, her opponents repent.

Mid lane trembles, under Zyra's command,
Her crazy damage unmatched, a power so grand.
Her seeds sprout, with a wicked flourish,
Dealing havoc, making opponents perish.

But let it be known, though her damage is fierce,
Zyra's mastery and skill deserve a cheer.
For it's not just her spells, but her strategy too,
That allows her to reign, painting the lane in blue.

In the realm of mid lane, Zyra stands tall,
A mage of chaos, whose damage does enthrall.
Her presence undeniable, her power immense,
Casting spells of mayhem, obliterating all pretense.

@Lemon-frog - 16.05.2023 19:44

I want Pekin’s seed

@polyjackets8659 - 16.05.2023 19:26

Challenger when?

@Kuraikari - 16.05.2023 19:10

Rell mid would be nice to see.
Runes are grasp + scorch for decent damage.
However, she's only good against melee. Ranged champions are pretty hard to lane against.

Items are bamis / Sunfire --> tank mythic --> more tank / Demonics --> situational

@abc3ish - 16.05.2023 18:54

illaoi midddddddd

@sheldavilarino - 16.05.2023 18:46

pls do jhin mid someday, i always loved to see you doing insane plays with him

@stanholsappel6743 - 16.05.2023 18:28

Can you play Quin mid? Good burst damage and roaming power

@yurivalen5688 - 16.05.2023 18:13

uber pog

@PowerBottomOFC - 16.05.2023 18:03

Still hoping for Skarner mid

@soleilwither - 16.05.2023 17:47

yay, i really wanted to see zyra! let's gooo

@Shyloo - 16.05.2023 17:33

qiyana mid?
