Headphones Are Not Stereo (mid side phase trickery)

Headphones Are Not Stereo (mid side phase trickery)

Dan Worrall

2 года назад

292,675 Просмотров

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Zazy.cz🎚Vše o zvuku
Zazy.cz🎚Vše o zvuku - 23.10.2023 18:53

I have something to think about again. Thanks Dan.

hellcat5 - 22.10.2023 07:05

that panning hurts my head. why you do this to me? yes, I'm listening to this with headphones, and it hurts me because it's not binaural and there's nothing on the left that comes from the right and vice versa. OUCH OUCH OUCH. was that the whole point? i want to hear what you have to say, but this hurts. I have sensory overload too. :(

Kommentar Roboter
Kommentar Roboter - 21.10.2023 16:12


Evan Martin
Evan Martin - 20.10.2023 17:26

This video made me realize my iphone has been in mono for a year. Lol

mrblablablabla - 20.10.2023 10:00

Fantastic, Dan, thanks for sharing!

Наёмники Путина
Наёмники Путина - 15.10.2023 11:48

This is so good for sound design

Vstrv Cvrtv
Vstrv Cvrtv - 13.10.2023 00:49

That delay trick is so delicious. It's surprising you'd leave the sibilance in your vocals when you're such a sound wizard 🪄

Txori - 12.10.2023 21:43

Why does he speak like Gordon Ramsey

skirize - 05.10.2023 01:59

From Tracktion to Superstar! (djsubject KvR)

Mojoe Murphy
Mojoe Murphy - 27.09.2023 23:28

Well, I i didn't understand most of that, but I'm still glad I watched it

Shrinatha - 23.09.2023 15:14

I'm sorry if I'm sounding retarded with my doubt: My audio interface is connected to my speakers with two mono cables. Obviously, I can do panning, but, is there a mid/side able stereo sound when it is transmitted via a mono cable? if not, TRS jacks are the solution? I'm thinking that balanced output is not related to stereo, it is just a way to remove the background noise from the speakers in silent situations, right?

Xyma Ryai
Xyma Ryai - 16.09.2023 04:03

oh no... i just realised i had the mono toggle on my phone for maybe months... i thought my earbuds were bugging out

Brent Smeekes
Brent Smeekes - 08.09.2023 20:02

im too stupid for this stuff

Andy Martin
Andy Martin - 05.09.2023 11:20

Hi Dan. Have you ever mixed all elements of a track using only the HAAS panning technique, as this takes into account the inclusion of m/s delays to portray a more natural form of panning. Listening back in headphones is a different experience with HAaS because it employs m/s delays just as your presentation illustrates. Would exclusively using HAAS be a better option (?) & when doing this, the pan controls are left at the center posiition. I wonder why HAAS is ignored by most people? Cheers!

Лосьён - 04.09.2023 15:46

That's why I create the space while individually working on instruments, not on master

Adriano Castaldini
Adriano Castaldini - 03.09.2023 11:27

The most beautiful imaging tutorial I've ever seen. Thanks Mr. Worrall.

Защита Паламеда
Защита Паламеда - 23.08.2023 20:51

Yes, stereo is not just two channels. Stereophonia: στερεός (dimensional) φωνή (sound). Greek language.

William Graves
William Graves - 23.08.2023 09:59

Oh, this is a fantastic bit of info! I am one of those folks that still does care greatly about mono compatibility. I am curious if you have taken a look / listen to David Bowie's Blackstar album. I was utterly gobsmacked by how very little changed at all when I switched between stereo and mono.

Thanks for all the brilliant work you are doing
