The Psychology of Alfred Adler:  Superiority, Inferiority, and Courage

The Psychology of Alfred Adler: Superiority, Inferiority, and Courage

Academy of Ideas

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@JYT-Official - 05.11.2023 20:16

Well its official you earned a new subscriber❤. Love how simple it is

@aljonserna5598 - 09.10.2023 01:23

It is so true, even my instructor in college said so many students even if not psychology major only knows Freud and Jung but no mention of Adler in which would help them better since it's more practical and easier to understand than the other two's almost metaphysical but also deeply helpful concepts.

@ahjun2010 - 04.10.2023 21:41

Why isn't there explanation on the unhealthy need of superiority complex?

@margaretfahey8090 - 26.09.2023 16:41

Just now at one minute past one p.m. G.M.T. digital signals were sent to my arse and to my crotch in order to electronically harass me and in order to cause me to feel as if I am being psychologically abused which I am. I am in my own home alone now. Who are those who are transmitting digital signals from an unknown remote location to my body in order to humiliate and subjugate me mentally and why doesn't the Taoiseach warn the people of Ireland that invisible digital signals are being used to torture a selection of people in Ireland. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I and many other people who live in the Republic of Ireland have gone to the Gardai to report this crime but instead of the Gardai validating the fact that a crime is being committed against us they pass us on to psychiatrists for psychiatric evaluation. Please enact legislation to allow all members of the general public of Ireland to report crimes to the Gardai without being indirectly threatened with psychiatric incarceration if we continue to report such crimes while we are in the process of reporting such crimes.

@scottmitchell2757 - 15.08.2023 08:30

I love ❤️ this AOI . Adler's work kind of simplifies much of Freud's and Jungs work..
Though those two are no less important.
Yet you can also use the basics of those two to find many similar concepts. In Adler's view.

“…[the] first thing we discover in the psychic trends is that the movements are directed toward a goal. . .
This teleology,

(the explanation of phenomenain terms of the purpose they serve 👈rather than of the cause by which they arise.)

( think of it as a telegraphed explanation that guides you to a compensation resolution)

"no theory of history can do without teleology"
this striving for goals is innate ( natural)
in the 👉concept of adaptation”.
(Alfred Adler, Understanding Human Nature)

I like the way he described this natural adaption.
Or in other terms our dissonance of resolution in this dominance structured society.
These structures create a higher order of goals he calls our "self ideals" 👈
Its the adapting to these self ideals are where superiority and inferiority complexes come from.

" Our self-ideal, in other words, shapes the course of our life in that it
“points to the future 👈and “pulls” 👈us toward what could be, what might be”

It sets you goals and pulls you towards them always.

: Our self-ideal plays a crucial role in our development in that it influences our striving for superiority, 👈
which according to Adler is the fundamental drive behind human behavior." 👈

"A superiority complex is a defense mechanism that develops over time to help a person cope with feelings of inferiority. "

You deal with inferiority from a system that has power that depends on you being inferior .

So when confronted you with it you either make it a challenge with our "coping skills" ( dissonance resolution) or
we resort to "safe guarding" behaviors.

Which are behaviors that manifest from your subconscious protecting you from that fear of failure.

For example. If you are having a dissonance from a failure.
You can cope with it through a effort justification.
For example.

Like reinforcing your superiority complex with compensation for that failure by reminding yourself how superior you are to a group perceived below you.

Yet inferiority complexes irise..
In many ways physically and mental.
So there are many ways to feed your insecurities.

That bring a ( effort) justification for the procrastination that keeps you in your indoctrinated comfort zone and brings you back to that comfort zone because the fear of inferiority.

These things are then the leverage needed to be manipulated.
So in this dominance hierarchy they can use.

Effort justification to create a superiority complex.
( you are ...(your political party is )...better than those guys because your work matters more )

For a desired Cognitive dissonance resolution..

( if you're a employer and everyone wants a raise ..or people want human rights .and your a dictator...but you dont want to give it you can play on this)

By leveraging the inferiority complexes they create in this top down structure.

( the fear of being brought down to those guys level if you push too hard) when reminded

Then by directing the attention in that way.
You feeling superior ...compensates for the actual injustices and failure you experience..

In the most basic form of examples...

To resolve that dissonance. That allows you to accept it and move on.

Over time its is just accepted as a "new normal"

One of thier most powerful tools used by politics in this way is always having a group of people for another group to feel superior to.

This works very well when say you indoctrinate white farmers by feeding thier ego with pride of 24 hr work from birth and attaching it falsely to race or any poorer person .

Though alot of racism is in the past now.. not all..
Yet still...
This is less about race to begin with... and more about the leverage that provides to create a superiority complex to "cope" (or naturally adapt.)

Race is often used as a tool

That is used As the main Effort justification to accept say. ..

Slowly taking all rights proffits and land from farmers

Over a long period of time.

They know they are getting screwed. So to cope with this dissonance..

They are provided constantly with signals of superiority that constantly and then unconsciously that becomes the effort justification that is the natural adaption in this top down structure.

A scapegoat is always needed.

Because once that person is no longer lower than them in this top down structure.

All thier justification for being better for working so hard is taken away.

Especially because they really work so hard. The harder they work.
The bigger the split that needs compensated.

The more opportunity for a propagandist to leverage it.

As the Tool song says ...IT.. 💩 adds up at "the bottom"

Especially when you can never allow yourself to consider yourself that way but in reality you are. 💯

In a world that only produces for your viewing pleasure a reality so unreal that sets your self ideas that way..

Therefore always having inferiority complexes

These are powerful tools of leverage.

This can also be useful say..
In a crisis ..

Especially in poor communities and countries.

By using this formula that justifies the effort for control.

You can use preferred indoctrinated values placed on a group to reinforce this justification.

Creating a dissonance that allows them to start dehumanizing the value of certain groups.
Usally and mostly by class and money.

Over long periods of time.

It's then easier to take advantage of disasters ( wild fires 🔥..Tornadoes) and use the "shock doctrine" in plans just in case any convenient opportunities arise.

To control desired results that would otherwise be abhorrent by playing to the superiority complexes created for this reason in this political structure.

I just watched the 3rd episode of Painkiller on Netflix. About the Sacklers and the opiod epidemic.
( which can be used as another form of manipulation but thats later)

I digress.
In it they reveal an old CIA targeting strategy called
M. oney
I. deology
C. ohersion
E. go

☝️Sound familiar? Leverage....

This is just one of the examples of targeted psychological operations.

That uses all this leverage I have explained above.

Especially when the pull of crowd and group psychology take hold.

This way of influencing dissonance resolution or..
Or influencing..
"direct problem solving"
"When it is impossible we may resort to the coping behaviour called 👉compensation.👈

We look for ways to make up for our inferiority"

Like when your ego looks for ways to justify your actions to alter your Super Egos perception of morality ..

To compensate for whatever inferiority complexes you are mandated to have by a dominance hierarchy social structure.

That in the right hands with the right targeted plan complimented by the tactics of Bernays PR and classic tactics that take advantage of these things like the "greater good."
... can not only shape the future that we want and set self ideals but also pull us in any direction they want 😉 you to go.

By taking advantage of the mechanisms of inferiority the system creates.

Which my friends is a self feeding loop of guilt.. hate ..weakness points that becomes self censoring obedience.

In exchange for not facing thier inferiorities and thier insecurities about them.


I suggest you watch this video a couple times or you will be even more inferior to people who have this knowledge. 😉

Much love❤ Academy of Ideas.
Your work is excellent always.

@saaah707 - 13.08.2023 23:09

Adler's ideas don't get as much airtime as they should because they are incompatible with a society that organizes itself according to theories of racial supremacy

@60secondmotivation91 - 06.08.2023 14:28

The courage to be disliked

@AdityaSawdekar - 13.07.2023 18:48

Wow! You explained the gist of Adler so crisply and lucidly. Thanks a lot

@Cardinalbins - 04.06.2023 23:11

I listened to the audio book "the courage to be disliked"
And to be honest, adlers psychology sounds very convincing.

But i have to sadly say i disagree, with its easy approach.

Humans are filled to the brim with emotions.
And i really wouldnt wonder, if some ppl are just destined to be miserable, because of their past.

As depressing and unhappy end like as this sounds, but adlers psychology is nothing more than optimism.
And you have to have the genetics to able to follow his teachings.
There are many forms of mental illnesses that are not easily compatible with his teachings.

@buyisiwewendytembe4841 - 29.05.2023 16:33

Very informative 😇

@phillipandrewbarbb - 02.05.2023 00:37

Chasing the False Utopia

@GameFlife - 18.04.2023 21:38

mqn underrated

@ivonnelopez8203 - 23.03.2023 08:04

The last sentence

@mariammekhaeil8233 - 03.03.2023 02:00

I have just finished a book called "the courage to be disliked" which basically described Adler's theories. I think it was one of the most illuminating books I have ever read. I didn't know about Adler's theories and I think that everything that I've read about what he said seems so simple yet so true. It's very interesting, I'll definitely continue to read about him.

@changemaker4743 - 16.01.2023 16:19

Let me show you an example, I want to conquer the world. this is self idealistic goal. in order to achieve it you need to work hard day in day out, you need to take courageous decisions. but you cannot do it coz of inferior complex. so now you take side ways to avoid reality

@thezzach - 14.01.2023 09:46

I find it interesting and telling that it is so difficult for so many to recognize the intelligence of developing the most effective coping mechanism for attempting to remove oneself from the silliness of the eternal rat race.

@JoshuaAHolmes - 05.01.2023 01:54

Comparing 🍎 to 🍎 lol

@robertafierro5592 - 26.12.2022 14:56

Only IDIOTS lack compassion for those who are suffering.

@dragushcobaj4121 - 27.11.2022 22:15

I just felt so inferior and even jealous today, guess and I need to look into solving that.

@kaan8964 - 06.11.2022 13:10

Nothing feels better than getting called out by a man that died a long time ago

@tehufn - 17.09.2022 08:45

Wow you got the inferiority complex completely backwards. It's not people who feel bad and then give up. The inferiority complex actually makes people strive for more power to make up for their real or perceived lack. They overcompensate in the opposite direction; often becoming bullies, narcissists, or simply overworking with little actual results since they haven't addressed the negative thinking holding them back.

@yokedupbra - 06.09.2022 04:27

Shite this is amazing

@sportscanon - 27.08.2022 12:18

Dear Sir, chapeau you certainly explained very well the main concept of Adlers Psychology! with this video you certainly hit a lot of peoples weak point and by summarizing you did a well job addressing also todays problems even if you did that quite fast! 🧐

@AdlerUniversity - 18.08.2022 04:37

Alfred was THAT guy!

@amrita3783 - 11.08.2022 17:19

Whoever is reading this comment, I want to tell you that you are my equal and I want to thank you for your existence! As Adler said, one has to start valuing people. Bless you!

@johnramsko4535 - 06.08.2022 17:03

Sorry, but this is an interpretation of Adler's concepts which goes into a completely different direction from what Adler meant.

Adler did not believe in Stoicism or advocating for an individualist sense of control though self-help, he was closely related to viennese-modernity democratic socialism (his wife and friends were committed socialists) and he saw humans as wholly socially constituted, he got most famous for participating in social reforms to set up social institutions (Otto Glöckel's viennese school reforms), specifically his parental education programs, which stands at the center of his writings.

He postulated that inferiority complexes (which he popularized as a concept) often arise from organ defects (he was a trained physician focusing on eye defects) and they become pathological when the parents (for him, he specially saw it to be the mother's job) fail to instill in the child a "spirit-of-community" (Gemeinschaftsgefühl).

There is no heroic self-overcoming for Adler, as he liked to say in most of his works, all versions of humans that did not learn to live in communities perished and it's the goal of modern institutions to equalize those factors where children/people fail to have instilled in them a sense of community.

When Adler was treating children or patients that were "guilty of procrastination", his preferred methods were recognition, encouragement and appreciation. Excessive disciplinary upbringing was seen as one of the most damaging factors to being able to act together in a community in socially healthy relations. (Just think of Freud)

If you have any idea about the time he lived in, it'll go without saying that he was not keen on disciplining, "getting-ones-shit-together" or any of the sort, viennese modernity was a counter-development to the strict catholic and monarchist pedagogy of their time.

@eirikmurito - 19.07.2022 03:31

Adler sounds like a scumbag

@verfassungspatriot - 15.06.2022 18:55


@RaimundoGdelaVega - 12.06.2022 20:10


@pkpapers - 02.06.2022 15:56

The term “comfort zone” was originally coined by Alasdair White, a Business Management Theorist, in 2009.

@patmanpatmanson7352 - 02.06.2022 15:33

BTW "Adler" is a German word and means "hawk".

@ahandsomecheese - 23.02.2022 13:53

I wonder what Adler would think of modern people.

@smurfo3000 - 18.02.2022 16:00

where there is a will, there's a way.

@smkh2890 - 03.02.2022 22:26

Cheers. That filled in a blank for me.

@zowaynewilliams9360 - 02.02.2022 07:08

Love the use of paintings.

@itsmapleman - 26.01.2022 08:42

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems." -James Clear

Reading about Adler after reading The Power of Habit and Atomic Habits.

@kentadrianmariano3281 - 18.01.2022 17:11

I came here because of the book "The Courage to be Disliked"

@niyibizijeanbaptiste9575 - 24.11.2021 05:11

Thanks home of skills and knowledge

@xSTTS - 15.11.2021 01:19

my first inferiority was my weight and now a days i look back and it amazes me how i could think i was fat

@Starbat88 - 13.10.2021 05:06

How I wish now I had majored in psychology...

@GVSHvids - 13.09.2021 19:47

this man understood the human mind, mine at least.

@jseanbrooks1 - 28.08.2021 15:12

Never thought this would be on the MCAT, but here we are. I have always watched your channel for personal enjoyment, but now I'm using it to study! Keep up the awesome work man.

@shirgold898 - 07.08.2021 09:00

Thank u so much for this video! Very informative and interesting

@velocity2516 - 30.07.2021 03:43

Adler thoughts are my therapy

@lienphan6446 - 23.07.2021 10:53

Thank you very much.

@BaroneLab - 11.07.2021 18:06

Most underrated psychologist ever.. wish we had his books translated in portuguese :(

@moazzamqureshi7150 - 30.06.2021 16:42

To be Fair , Adler's Explanations make far more sense than the esoteric absurd theories Frued came up with !

@TuNgan-PopPsych - 28.06.2021 18:00

Thank you♥️
