Field of Visions

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@FieldofVisions - 29.09.2022 17:28

Make sure you check your e-visas before you leave for Vietnam! Let us know if you've faced a similar issue in Vietnam or any other country.

@brightful5 - 28.01.2024 03:24

Jeremy from jersey just subscribed

@maryamdellarosee - 09.01.2024 13:14

Wah 😂 u bring baby .i cant believe if i bring 3 babies there

@drea_lou - 19.12.2023 05:37

Do you have to pay the stamping fee if you come in via visa exemption?

@vikicuil - 16.12.2023 19:54

Hi our flight is on Dec 20th from India to Hanoi via Vietjet airlines.
We have a transit at Ho Chi Minh.

Now we just want to know where would be the immigration will it be on Ho Chi Minh during transit or it will be on Hanoi.

P.S: We have given the entry port as Hanoi Airport in our Visa.

@franktmackay - 12.12.2023 11:47

OMFG, Really? YOU fail to give yourself a few days' window beyong the 3 days the authorities tell you is normal for visa processing and then you're surprised when THEY don't care? Why would they care about the situation you voluntarily put yourself in? Why SHOULD they care?

And, JfC, you come to Vietnam and then expect non-haram food to be available? Are you not aware of how utterly frowned upon that ideology is in Vietnam and other sensible countries that tolerate ONLY the f*ith-based ideologies which are native to the people of Vietnam, whilst foreign ones are NOT tolerated. Careful what you say in public because proselytizing is ILLEGAL in Vietnam, for the very sensible reason that nobody gives a carajo what you believe, and nobody needs to hear about that sh...tuff. (I'm sure by now you've visited one of the five m**ques in HCMC (there will never be more than five; there's one in Hanoi and there will never be more than one) and the good folks there have explained the law to you. Keep all of that sh...tuff to yourself and stay out of prison, you nincompoops.

This ain't England, y'know. This is a FREE country, and it aims to stay FREE. We will tolerate NO more invasions, from anyone. If you don't like it? --> Go back to England.

Just to be clear: in the 20th Century, in case you weren't aware, Vietnam had to get the h*ll rid of FOUR different sets of invaders: the French, the Japs, the Yanks and the Chingchongs. We are NOT going to take any chances of future invasions. Keep your ideology to yourself. Keeps away from Vietnam if you're unable to respect Vietnam's people, its authorities, its culture and its irreligiousness. This ain't England - yous lot have taken England and good luck to you with it, enjoy. You will NOT be taking Vietnam, and nor will anyone.

@travellingtascha - 03.12.2023 14:43

What is “chasing up a visa”?

@tashichopel5235 - 28.11.2023 05:14

One question wt if we had change of plan regarding entry n exit point which does not resonate wt e visa, is ther any way of changing it r we have to follow as per the evisa

@JustMe-zh2uc - 01.11.2023 16:40

call your credit card company to get a refund.

@alexmwesa - 28.10.2023 12:04

Never travel to any country until your visa is processed succefully and is in your hands

@anonymous_462 - 25.10.2023 10:43

Hi! I have applied for Vietnam e-visa and along with it I mentioned my 2 year old baby also. But after getting it granted my child's name is not mentioned. Do I need to apply visa separately for my child again? Or is it okay if I just travel with him without his name mentioned in my visa form?

@ChrisBird1 - 23.10.2023 16:28

Looks like a fun holiday 🙃

@subhagisehgal2761 - 17.10.2023 14:52

Hi i put wrong exit port on my vietnam evisa. Its still jnder processing

Do i apply a new one or can it be corrected by contacting them ?

@HeinzFitness - 09.10.2023 16:20

Sorry to Hear what happen to you guys but thank you for sharing. I wanted to ask does that included an australian passport for 15 days free?I do see the process takes 3 days on their website so in other words whats the normal wait time?

@sergeitokmakovesq.9153 - 12.08.2023 16:38

I must say, your experience resonated deeply with me. While it's unfortunate that you had to endure such a stressful situation, I can't help but consider it relatively "lucky" compared to my own nightmarish experience.

During my visit to Vietnam, I encountered ridiculously slow and unhelpful officials who took an astonishing six weeks to stamp my passport. I spent 20 hours in giant lines 1-4hours each for smth that is done digitally in most countries. I already started speaking some Vietnamese (after talking to other unfortunate ppl in those giant lines), whereas the official in question still couldn't speak a word of English and lost the copies of the papers I gave him. The delay cost me two flight tickets, and the situation escalated when they began screaming at me for taking photos. It was an experience that left me disheartened and frustrated.

Your video sheds light on a problem that many travelers face, and it's no surprise that 95% of tourists never return to Vietnam for similar reasons. Despite the challenges, I admire your courage and positive outlook. Your family's adventurous spirit is truly inspiring, and I wish you all the best in your future travels.

Keep exploring and sharing your incredible journey with the world!

@stefanj5823 - 10.08.2023 20:05

Why are you all complaining,it takes around 5 regular days max to get the evisa ,make sure you upload clear head picture taken by a photographer and scan your passport and upload the scan ,dont take pictures of your passport with your phone it wont work these little things matter.Thats it ,dont apply few days before trip that's just asking for trouble 😂

@hkraymond604 - 16.07.2023 03:13

6 business days waiting visa and make mistake

Wasted flight ticket and usd$25

Never go again

@mohammadahmadzai5078 - 09.07.2023 15:49

thanks for the information.... can you please provide the hostel name where you booked your room/apartment ..

@user-sq5dc6og6u - 19.06.2023 19:07

My first trip to Saigon and vietnam. I took the taxi from the airport. Where you make the queue. I knew the price was around 200000 dong. I was watching the meter and just before arrive to my hotel i had a look outside. When i look again the meter the price was 500000 dongs. The taxi scammer shouting at me when i asked him why it was so expensive. I was so tired by my trip that i paid him but it didn’t hapened a second time as i used grab after that. Theses taxi scamers doing this since many years but the vietnamese government do nothing. What a shame! I live 20 years in thailand and it’s never hapened to me there. There is many scammers in vietnam so be aware. Thailand is so much better in every points. Vietnam👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

@kamal-ahmed - 05.06.2023 03:06

Thank you so much for showing Halal food place. I am planning to visit soon but worried about Halal food. I was planning to be vegetarian there 😂. I faced Halal food scarcity in Nepal last year.

@cinnamontararo5167 - 04.06.2023 08:29

Just a hat for baby next time

@tavinderchana8437 - 23.05.2023 12:17

Message is apply well in advance. Not wait last minute.

@triumphvitesse2521 - 17.05.2023 15:49

hi I can't find anything online about this - I am going with someone who has a hyphonated last name - on the evisa application it won't accept the hyphon although that is how it is written on his passport. Does he just leave a gap inbetween the names?

@kirstyg3978 - 16.05.2023 00:39

When was headed to Vietnam. I was chatted with my nail tech who’s from there about things to do see etc. first thing he said was go somewhere else. He said it’s one of the most corrupted places to visit. So many crooked officials. Everything he warned us about happened. (Luckily we were prepared) So crazy. I had no idea Vietnam was that bad

@Jay_Rule - 11.05.2023 16:15

Make sure to have your evisa name match your passport exactly. I made the mistake of abbreviating my middle name and they wouldn't let me through customs. I had to pay $180 for an emergency visa.

@Skater21Loverboyz - 10.04.2023 09:11

Visas are backloaded rn! There's a large influx of people applying for them so, def try to apply weeks to months in advance. There's a 30 day visa and also a 5 year visa avaliable (:

@artbuddy1906 - 09.04.2023 04:12


@lightwatermusicmarketinguk7833 - 27.02.2023 22:52

UK Brits don't need an E-visa for up to a 15 day trip

@Richard503442 - 22.02.2023 12:54

Vietjetair declined my self transit to Laos this morning. I read all over the internet and on vietjetair’s websites their website said don’t need it. But unfortunately we do. I just needed to self transit going through immigration and check back in. It was a no go.

@beautylife310 - 06.02.2023 15:38

Good to see a couple travelling with a baby, you guys are so inspiring!! Looking forward to seeing more of your adventures!! 💪✌🙂

@perlaaguinaldo - 02.02.2023 21:26

zakariya is still very litle baby boy here.

@nicktran8 - 30.01.2023 13:19

Hello beautiful family , I have a question? If I fly to Vietnam with just my permanent resident card for JUST TWO WEEKS !!! What do I need to ENTER VIETNAM AND RETURN BACK HOME TO THE US ? Thanks you

@camandjames18 - 29.01.2023 18:33

Were having the same issue! Applied for the e visa over 12 days ago 2 days before the Luna New Year on the 18th! One of them is still processing and the other no result found and the flight is in less then 48 hours we’ve tried to email but, no reply! We’re more then likely going to have to go to the embassy to extend too… I saw you said it was over double the price! Was it an easy process?

@marioleo9605 - 21.01.2023 10:02

HI may i ask when you arrived to vietnam.. at the airport did anyone ask you how much money you carry with you

@sthradhervernon7654 - 08.01.2023 10:45

This is why people should use a travel agent everything is done and dusted. With no headache.

@rajawatvishalsingh7371 - 21.12.2022 16:48

And What if an Indian Applied for E-Visa it’s in Processing and You have a flight after 2 days applied for E-Visa?

@Footloose_soul - 15.12.2022 23:56

How many days ago had you applied before taking your flight?

@sachinbr1779 - 13.12.2022 21:49

what's the procedure to apply e visa for infants like your baby for vietnam . we are travelling to vietnam on new year day

@lovetobake6 - 13.12.2022 19:54

Loved your video

@magnetsg - 13.12.2022 15:28

Vietnam can turn into a real nightmare. They do all to turn visitors away. Better visit Cambodia. They are normal people there.

@matthewwilliams6270 - 03.12.2022 17:26

I will be arriving in Hanoi from the UK next year in March, however I will be staying in the country for 13 days. Do you know if a visa is needed? And if so how would I get through immigration? Thanks in advance

@ArnoldPranks - 22.11.2022 00:52

There's a beautiful old Indian mosque in the heart of Saigon. (100+ years) that's the only building at an angle, I guess to point to Mecca.

@ArnoldPranks - 22.11.2022 00:42

There's some crooked officials that work in that Saigon airport, exact same thing happened to me, they didn't want to honor the e Visa, instead he made us pay $150 USD each visa on arrival, he demanded $15 for a "mandatory" passport pic (we were only there for one day hopover believe it or not). Then the official took a picture of my passport on his personal smartphone, didn't provide the mandatory passport photo, even though they charged us, and finally let us through.. 3 hours later. Scam.

@MC-xk9eh - 29.10.2022 06:26

Wonder if we should apply it a few months in advance before our arrival just to have a peace of mind? Tnx@

@krishnaagarwal2276 - 17.10.2022 20:21

From my personal experience, the first time when I applied, it got processed in 24 hour and the next time it took 6 days. So it's always better to apply way earlier to be on a safer side. Other than that Vietnam is one of the easiest to get the visa from. Hope you have a great and happy journey next time.

@fiesta2341 - 12.10.2022 15:04

This is odd… wouldn’t the airline check in staff at Singapore check and know if you had a valid visa for vietnam? They usually won’t board you if you don’t as it’s in their best interest to do so otherwise they have to fly you back

@du-me-Utube-1975 - 12.10.2022 06:51

Does ANYONE know if we use the U.S. passport, we would get the automatic 15 days (like people using the British passport)??? I am asking ….just in case I have problems with the eVisa also….

@du-me-Utube-1975 - 12.10.2022 06:49

Wait….I am confused from the comments below. Did you ended up staying in Vietnam for 15 days or did you get the eVisa RESOLVED and stay for 30 days? I get the impression that you stayed 15 days only….right?

@pineapplepetcorneats - 06.10.2022 03:27

Gosh... what a huge headache! Glad it was resolved in the end!
