The United Nations of Osteopathy! ️

The United Nations of Osteopathy! ️

461 Просмотров

Yesterday at the York University Heights campus of the National Academy of Osteopathy in Toronto was absolutely incredible! Teaching these 40 students was a delight—they're among the happiest and most positive I've ever encountered, and the experience was a blast. ❤️

The class felt like a mini United Nations of Osteopathy! We had students from South Korea, China, Jordan, Iran, India, Tunisia, Canada, the USA, Russia, and more. Their diverse backgrounds ranged from chiropractor and physiotherapists to family physicians, physiatrist, massage therapists, acupuncturists, kinesiologists, personal trainers, and even those without any prior health experience. ❤️

As a teacher, these are the moments I cherish. Their enthusiasm and positivity fuel my passion and make me grateful for this teaching journey. ❤️

I truly love my students! ❤️

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