No Man's Sky Singularity How to Maximize Damage on Sentinel Multitool S Class

No Man's Sky Singularity How to Maximize Damage on Sentinel Multitool S Class


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@hero2u1 - 26.06.2023 19:59

What do you think about this weapon . is that a bug or normal damage for now

@smallville6109 - 20.11.2023 20:20

If i reload my Savegame after open 3 upgrades, i always get the same 3 Upgrades :(

@thimoprudlik4082 - 03.11.2023 19:46

Did same i jave 101k might be fixed or a bug

@doubtfuldrawing - 26.10.2023 21:42

High cna you please make a video for maximizing Pumse Splitter on this weapon.

I understand you may not get 170k Damage but could you try to see how high you could possibly get the Pulse Splitter! I feel like if anyone could you could!

If its to much trouble I understand! Thanks for making great content!

@kiralacus50 - 23.10.2023 12:01

I don't know if it's an official setting change
I've tried a thousand times, but I've never seen the perfect one
Please give me a reply if you can, thank you
by DeepL

@robdonegan6749 - 03.10.2023 20:26

Hmm, I can only get to 77k damage, I have three S class Neutron Cannon upgrade one at 17% damage one at 12% and one at 13%. Are you telling me if I can get my 12% and 13% up to at least 15% I will jump from 77k damage to almost 170k damage. I have the same rifle with the supercharges in a square. and I have the P-Field compressor as well.

@bigdewie - 02.10.2023 00:32

Well damn, I thought my 7700 damage was a lot 😂

@GoldenH4Z3 - 29.09.2023 18:57

So i build this multi-tool the other day, clocked in at 175k, now i logged in the next day and the dmg was 62.4k, kinda odd

@jinxhg1748 - 27.09.2023 18:12

This video was posted 3 months ago, how does he have the autophage boots and hands? When the echoes update came out 1 month ago?

@lilitch123 - 26.09.2023 18:04

At first I was like wtf, this amount of damage is insane. Then I saw how that weapon felt in combat and I was disappointed. I mean I have my alien multitool with around 15K of damage and I can kill anything in like 3 seconds with my Pulse Spitter. I mean, even the weakest drones last for like a 1 sec. The walker maybe takes 5-6 seconds to kill. I prefer Pulse Spitter anyway as a weapon.

@DapperxFox - 25.09.2023 07:35

Your portal coords to the space station don’t work for me lol

@WithyBog - 21.09.2023 14:06

Was this multi-tool nerfed or something done to the mods? I had it at 160,000+ damage and now when I got on yesterday it was at 120,000+ damage.

@Carlin2810 - 21.09.2023 07:19

Im 180 mods deep & Ive not had a single max one yet most ive got is 14% 48% 13%...Currently sat at 119580

@Piroschatz44 - 17.09.2023 17:31

I really like your layouts and other guides, it helped me alot. I haven´t played for several years, but it took me around 40h on a fresh save to get tons of nanites, upgrades, S classes and more :) so, thx for these easy and well explained guides 👍

My multitooldamage says 11´500, but my Boltcaster shreds everythin on foot even the repair drones are too slow for it. I play also on max settings, with minimal tech dmg because its annoying to repair it constantly and without perma death. I assume that my Boltcaster damage wouldn´t be increased if my potential damage goes to 170´000k, because i don´t use neutron gun.?

@GreatHolocopy - 17.09.2023 04:29

How do you understand that this particular multitool has the best bonus?

I know about bonuses in different mt classes but they are not fixed. They have min and max. How do you know that this multitool has max damage bonus?

Do you somehow calculate percentages? Or what?
Same with ships. I know different type of ships have different bonuses but don't know where I can see it.

@alejandrobasualdo620 - 03.09.2023 03:26

Increíble! luego de 130 mejoras solo una salio perfecta y las otras dos bastente buenas 🤣 alcanze un daño de 152000 😁 muchas gracias!
Pd: me encanta que respondas, aunque sea brevemente a la comunidad en los comentarios. Eres grande amigo, nunca cambies! Saludos! 👋🙂

@nerijus7 - 28.08.2023 19:52

Meh 170k with neutron cannon, others like pulse splitter or burst rifle will be much lover.

@skyu777ayala2 - 28.08.2023 04:26

I think the x class modules got nerfed in this update, i have open over 400 x class and nothing past -30😢

@gamer_meow - 27.08.2023 19:18

seriously, you must have the best luck ever, I've already gotten around 50 of these and still haven't gotten a single max level upgrade!

@Insmouth - 26.08.2023 16:21

Mine is 33K dmg and kill enemy at same speed as you with your 100K dmg... 🤣

@alldayeverydayanime6591 - 12.08.2023 01:24

The weapon I have in my multi tool is the neutron cannon so I love this guide

@silas6328 - 10.08.2023 16:20

Anybodyelse feel like the Blaze Javelin is incredibly underpowered? It's the closest thing in the game to a sniper rifle and you have to overcommit to it to make it even slightly viable. A high risk, high reward weapon should have an ACTUAL high reward.

@BloodhedgeKSK - 08.08.2023 10:01

If you guys have NMS Save Editor like by goatfungus and you don't want to waste hours of grinding for the perfect roll. I found the perfect s-class upgrade with max stats like heRo2U mentioned and the seed # is 47122 your welcome.

@Striker612 - 04.08.2023 19:22

I’m confused. I found this multitool but my starting damage potential was 700 less than the one in this video… is that random?

@hideyang1008 - 30.07.2023 03:04

Sorry for my poor English.I always enjoy watching it.I'm a beginner who started recently, but even if I get the same multi-tool, align the same MOD, and install it in the same array, it will be lower than the number in the video.Why is that?

@maxroderick9955 - 20.07.2023 20:17

No way you did this in 15 minutes I have gone through 1000 of the upgrades and I still haven’t got a maxed out upgrade

@galaphilehighdruid7968 - 18.07.2023 11:20

funny thing.... my pulse spitter in this same gun only says it does around 30k but i can kill stuff faster with it than you can with this one.

@Kacper-12 - 17.07.2023 04:44

I have 19.000 damage and neutron canon still kill all sentinels 2/3 hits (corrupted too)

@GuitarboyxXx - 13.07.2023 22:05

'Generous' Pirate Station: Bird, Sunset, Whale, Face, Triangle, Whale, Sunset, Sunset, Whale, Sunset, Spider, Dragonfly

@GuitarboyxXx - 13.07.2023 20:15

I don't know how 'generous' the Pirate Stations are but I have found one that gives out 2 to 3 of each upgrade (EXCEPT the Neutron Cannon - Sad Face). Boltcaster - only 1 upgrade per reload - I'm just checking how many upgrades you can buy per reload.... then I'll get a Portal Address...that's 29 X-Class Upgrades per save iteration... saves A LOT of time compared to gettinf S Class Neutron Cannon upgrades... BRB (I'm cracking open some Peroni to celebrate my find).. Hazard Upgrade only 1 per reload... off to get Portal Address..

@GuitarboyxXx - 09.07.2023 16:59

So.. long story short I could grind from 4pm yesterday (Saturday)... My rifle was at 106K damage and I grinded to get 100 upgrades.... yes 100 upgrades.... I only opened ONE +14% UPGRADE to take it up to 122222K damage... so my suspicion is HG have patched the coding for these upgrades... I'd already opened 50-60 originally to get to 106K... FFS why can't HG give something back to the grinders??? FFS!!!. and I also overdosed on caffeine

@m3rk8r45 - 09.07.2023 06:27

My main weapon does 215,000.

@olbap3005 - 09.07.2023 04:14

the max damage is 15 not 14 but thanks f-or the fideo

@adameaton9953 - 07.07.2023 18:39

Thanks again for all your videos. I got up to 167000 with little time and resources.

@JakDaxter77 - 07.07.2023 16:20

Hello and have a nice day. For the implementation I took the other pistol-like guardian - multi-tool. I wanted to leave the guarantee similar to the multi-tool, because I can do many, many units with the scanner range. Because I have too few nanites, I only came up with almost 158000 damage potential. After the first conflict with the guards, that's enough. Thank you so much for this top notch tip, now I can finally end the conflicts even faster. I don't like the conflicts with the Guardians at all, so I'm enjoying the game even more now. Greetings from sunny Bavaria (Germany)

@GuitarboyxXx - 06.07.2023 20:07

I will ensure I have drunk a lot of coffee before I go buying A LOT of Neutron Cannon Upgrades 😍

@Feldunoob - 06.07.2023 01:29

136 000 damages with T shape, in normal damage mode. 124 000 with square shape (same mods), so yes T shape does more damage.

@SuperDelad - 04.07.2023 14:17

I found how to roll mods actually.. You have to buy some mods then save the game. Then you put 3 mods and check stats. If one is good you have to write down the order. For example, the third in a row. Then load a save and reinstall any 3 mods you already have installed again, so you've completed an order of 3 mods. And now you put new mods, it turns out they already have the order not 1,2,3, but 4,5,6. And so on. This is how I rolled my best mods.

@baunax - 04.07.2023 02:49

After I bought 15 I had 109 000 damage 😄😊

@GuitarboyxXx - 02.07.2023 22:13

Hunted down the Arc Analyzer - that's two 4square rifles one one pistol!! Once again a top notch vid... just grinding now to get S Class Neutron Cannon Upgrades....

@GuitarboyxXx - 02.07.2023 16:28

Pulse Spitter, Boltcaster and Scatter Blaster maxed out as much as possible with 4square Sentinel Rifle and Pistol. I will now proceed to max out the 3Lshaped Sentinel Pistol with a Nuetron cannon first to test upgrades then rejig my main two multi tools... Once again, Thank You

@Xristostri - 01.07.2023 23:06

Monster!! Thank you and all the people they show you this

@Alexuxender - 01.07.2023 14:57

Where can i fiind this wep?

@ludo2024 - 01.07.2023 12:07

Seriously, i came across a lot of nms channels since a week and you are definitely the best nms content creator, perfect focused video, straight to the point, just perfect, thank you !!

@AmzeBats - 01.07.2023 04:50


@psychicEgg - 29.06.2023 15:12

Hey thanks for the video! Quick question, how did you reduce the recoil? I notice when you're fighting there's hardly any recoil at all, but on my weapon (exactly the same setup) the recoil makes the weapon jump half the screen. I've played FPS for many years so I know anti-recoil techniques, but yours never recoils. Is it a mod or something?

@icytech4930 - 28.06.2023 16:04

Dont forget za bebsi!

@thenamelessking9005 - 28.06.2023 10:56

If I have the dmg potential at 170k for the neutron cannon, does the damage still carry over to my pulse spitter and can it deal a lot of damage?

@mr.mothgurgle - 28.06.2023 00:07

77 chargeing speed? You mean 11?
