How Psilocybin Mushrooms Can Help Save the World with Paul Stamets | SXSW 2023

How Psilocybin Mushrooms Can Help Save the World with Paul Stamets | SXSW 2023


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Boundless - Abundance
Boundless - Abundance - 13.10.2023 23:04

Cant see the videos presented 🥹🥹🥹

John Daley
John Daley - 12.10.2023 22:38

This man is a true prophet, thank you Paul

Francesco - 12.10.2023 04:30

we are mushrooms

Phillip Fryer
Phillip Fryer - 12.10.2023 00:13

I'm really lucky, as where I am in NW England I can go out and find 50g of Liberty Caps in a day whilst they're in season. This will last me all year. They are an awesome mushroom.

David White
David White - 11.10.2023 23:21

Thank you for being an amazing human!

Kristina Reed
Kristina Reed - 10.10.2023 15:03

Mushrooms are going to change the world!

Katherine P
Katherine P - 10.10.2023 07:55

When will this come to the states, currently I am doing ketamine infusion with good results…this is so interesting to explore ✌️🍀

ian kerry
ian kerry - 09.10.2023 01:08

I would love to try psilocybin for anxiety and depression and alcohol addiction where other treatments failed

khamen723 - 07.10.2023 05:59

I existed from 1983 to 1988 on cubes twice a week. Every Tuesday and every Friday. I have a story that you would pay to see 🎉😂

Chad Walbridge
Chad Walbridge - 06.10.2023 16:53

Psilocybin mushrooms have proven very effective in the treatment of various mental health issues. Helped me get out of years of depression and excessive alcohol use. My social anxiety is gone as well.

Frank J
Frank J - 04.10.2023 22:34


c r
c r - 03.10.2023 10:51

Idid an eighth the other day. I freaked out and almost went to the hospital. I think that was ego death. It was terrifying and beautiful. Very helpful

Demi rose
Demi rose - 03.10.2023 03:03

My experience is every mushroom is different and as well every trip is different, I've had some that were so strong event a microdose would send you into a trip. And some that I would relate to a strong weed high... Intentions also I find have played a big role.

Eliu Q
Eliu Q - 02.10.2023 00:15

They didnt laugh at the woof in the beginning out of respect

Jane Shannon
Jane Shannon - 01.10.2023 01:39

I believe even if we proof it works the big wigs above will say it doesnt work i cant see them allowing this as the money they end up losing from other medicines will be huge

🦅Deep Thoughts🧿
🦅Deep Thoughts🧿 - 30.09.2023 22:48

Microdosing healed my sleep issues and improved my vision

Dan Alexander
Dan Alexander - 30.09.2023 04:48

We just need to get enough courage to come together and stand up to the government and other criminal systems.

Jason Shults
Jason Shults - 28.09.2023 19:49

Both my parents ended up with Alzheimers. I am concerned for my brothers and I as we are all in our 6th decade. I would like to give the Stamets Stack a try.

Matthew Savage
Matthew Savage - 25.09.2023 04:02

Changed my life.

Daniel E.
Daniel E. - 24.09.2023 23:29

They cause permanent brain damage.

Angela Liljestrand
Angela Liljestrand - 20.09.2023 03:01

Psilocybin has saved my life. I’m way less anxious and depressed, I life my life to the fullest everyday, I really cherish the ones I love, I feel more connected to myself and nature, my creativity has been the best it’s ever been. I hope everyone gets the chance to experience that in their lives ❤

Ronald Collins
Ronald Collins - 19.09.2023 07:46

Psilocybin are just an amazing discovery. It's quite fascinating how effective they are for depression and stress disorders. Saved my life

Deborah Creegan
Deborah Creegan - 14.09.2023 05:15

Im interested in any studies in the Gulf Coast of Florida. I would be very interested in participating.

SaleM - 13.09.2023 00:10

The problem is they are pretty much talking bout real rare cases which don't affect 99% of people, but try to sell it and romanticize it like it's great for everyone... which is not. I know myself, hm.. example, 23 old kid who did all em psychodelics and can barely speak by now - no previous, genetic or other conditions. At first glance you would say, sorry for the word, that he is retarded... but at the rehab he became pretty much the mascot, cause he was like a kid... he did understand much, much, but just couldn't express himself, he still can't find a job as far as I know... that's psychodelics for ya brain... sorry, not 'for ya', but for him ... wait? Just like alcohol? Some people drink it and it's fine, and some people ruin their life cause of it? YES! For fuck's sake, just cause you, fuck it, 'found God', experience 'ego death', or whatever... I don't know, many people drink, even find it helpful sometimes in some situations... but promote it, like 'yeah, just take it, drink it, it's good, it helped me with that, also there are some super sick children and it helped, so it's great', or no no i found god intoxicating this jungle frog.... PATHETHIC ILLUSION made by toxins, which in the end tell you the exact same thing that lousy, old fashioned alcohol does - YOU ARE SPECIAL.... take the trippy glasses off and face the world, then you can speak bout success PS I myself am far from great, but at least I try not to bubble my eyes, not with alcohol, not with drugs, it's an illusion and of course any toxin will melt your brain some way or another... I've seen plenty things, many mind blowing especially on withdrawal, but guess what... when I was fully sober, that's when I found miracles - not in hallucinations, which I also had, devils, angels, you name it... I found beauty in every day life in common people, no colours and galaxies made by biological reaction. Escapism at its finest, sadly

R V - 11.09.2023 18:28

Where can I see the full video that they are showing to the audience?

Sandi - 09.09.2023 06:50

The government does not want enlightened citizens. That is the main reason psychedelics are illegal

georgetheonlyporge - 05.09.2023 06:40

Listening to this wonderful man who doesn't know me, now that the holy mushrooms have given me a new life, is strangely satisfying. I am living proof of everything he is narrating in this lecture. Thank you Mr. Stamets for introducing this medicine to me and perhaps more inportantly, thank you to Joe Rogan for having introduced Paul Stamets to me. Life is good and God is great. Bless you all.

BuzzedGamez - 31.08.2023 07:04

so were supposed to believe that NONE of his 145 employees told him that dumb hat would get him instantly dismissed by 90% of the audience.... who cares if its made outta shrooms.

Adams Carter
Adams Carter - 30.08.2023 19:05

I have been suffering from anxiety and depression..
And also i have been smoking for the past 10 years now
I need these shrooms...

Richard Brave heart
Richard Brave heart - 28.08.2023 01:43

La Cannabis y los shrooms will save the world. 😊 🎉 ❤

Gilgogagogoch - 27.08.2023 18:57

Listening to mr Paul is proof of the benefits…. The man used to stutter. “Stop stuttering, stop stuttering, stop stuttering” beautiful

Jackson Allen
Jackson Allen - 26.08.2023 12:08

Please i have been suffering from anxiety and depression

Anthony Iacobucci
Anthony Iacobucci - 21.08.2023 02:34

This is a powerful psychiatric tool if used properly. The danger is that they are not used properly. It is not a panacea. I highly suggest William Vernon Caldwell's book on LSD Psychotherapy. He did thousands of sessions with his patients and has incredible insights. One thing he says, that we need to be cautious of, is...."Big errors were mixing mysticism and so-called spiritual experiences with therapy...a sure-fire way to mislead patients in their own minds and their own reality." Its a tendency in America to want to use high dose sessions that induce mystical, spiritual experiences. The mind is incredible at creating illusions and dissociative fantasies. As children we do it all the time...past life regressions, cosmic unity, ferry tales. In my opinion, the real meat and potatoes is in the psycholytic approach...low dose sessions that bring the defenses down slightly and allow the person access to emotional resevoirs of pain that are stored up, and the carthartic, reliving of these painful emotions....intense crying and grieving for the father you wish you had, the rage and anger at your parent who wouldn't spend time with you, etc. etc. This is the real healing.

If after these emotional resolutions you feel great peace (which you will), then it is permanent. Escapes into mysticism and "God" are simply that...escapes. The same dissociative mechanisms children use to escape their realities. As soon as we start saying these experiences are outside the mind I think we are going off track. You can see it in the hippies and flower children....they dropped out from life, became unproductive, etc. While it sounds great that society is just all wrong and we need to seek a utopian existence, that is NOT living in reality. Its an escape from reality. To not "want" is a reliving of childhood where we weren't allowed to want and lived in inward existence. When emotional healing takes place, you will want to have good things for yourself financially, live a more comfortable life, etc. but it won't be with greed and hate and just trying to be better than everyone else or believing money will make you happy.

I think there is a danger in dropping out of reality and into utopian thinking. We do have a reality to live in...psychedelic healing can help us live in that reality with more ease and happiness and seek out healthier ways of living WITHIN our sick society. Sorry for the long rant. Just my opinion. I've seen lots of people ruin their lives chasing mysticism, only to find out later that in fact they have been trying to escape their own intolerable reality by living in spiritual worlds.

Shroom_Wurld.. - 15.08.2023 22:04

He's got the best stuff and ships too 🤞🤞👆👆👆🤞🤞✅✅

Psyminds - 14.08.2023 14:19

I will argue that the reason psilocybin is the only psychedelic attributed with less violence etc is because it does not effect your dopamine. Substances like LSD and Mescaline both work with serotonin just like psilocybin does but they also effect dopamine. They are more "drug" like, more prone to abuse or not by default helping certain people.
Of course I still personally love LSD and Mescaline and think they too absolutely have a place at the table for helping people but the fact that psilocybin is not dope it doesnt work with dopamine like so many other drugs, cannabis, opiates etc, its very unique in that its a powerful substance but not dope.

Venus83 - 14.08.2023 11:32

ATTENTION. Please do not buy from Instagram. They are a scam. They act very sincere collect money then tell you your package has been confiscated, they’ll send you a fake email from ups that wants 1,000 to stop them to reporting you to the police.

InfiniteTravelingSpirit2BE - 14.08.2023 04:42

Do you all realize we’re changing the future of 👽psychology 🍄making it better! I’m so happy🤍 proud of you! I bought a lot stickers and pins.states “ask me abt 🍄

fiddlestickz muzik
fiddlestickz muzik - 13.08.2023 15:00

I feel like its a battle so hard, so large, so overwhelming that it can't be won, evil and greed have a stranglehold over this beautiful planet and every day that passes i just want to cry more as greed and power continue to ravage the natural world.

lisa richards
lisa richards - 12.08.2023 18:38

I wish they would develop a drug for neuropathy

lisa richards
lisa richards - 12.08.2023 17:48

Big difference between taking street mushrooms and microdosing

Lmac Ulate
Lmac Ulate - 11.08.2023 16:12

can shroom take over our brain and make us zombies like the TV show - the last of us???

J P - 11.08.2023 14:00

Yeah right. This guy is another like him are pushing drugs to cover up things like depression and other illnesses, instead go to the bottom of the problem and solve it. Psylocybin won't do anything for you, it will pull you out of this current human life, which is not helping with anything, since you are this life right now, not an astral cloud in a drugged cloud. Campaign like this are part of this misinformation and misleading so you will stay put whenever the masters want you to be. Don't do drugs.

OneAdam12 - 11.08.2023 07:33

Mushrooms won't do anything to "Change The World." This material existence is a place of suffering, brought on by our desire to enjoy independent of God.

Robert Kechego
Robert Kechego - 11.08.2023 06:44

I love that he loves natives peoples and gives them a positive reinforcement and its about time someone was listening i am of Aboriginal descent and believe mushroom are alive and have memory.

Payrus - 09.08.2023 03:52

shrooms ruined my life

Thrick thooter
Thrick thooter - 06.08.2023 20:04

I can honestly say psychedelics experience was probably one of the most profound and beautiful collection of moments I have ever had.

Bobby H
Bobby H - 06.08.2023 19:05

Woof woof!

Barry Howell
Barry Howell - 31.07.2023 05:51

yeah, lets all ingest a psychedelic that causes hallucinations and allows demonic entities access to your conscience mind. that's really intelligent.

Eva - 28.07.2023 08:57

What amount and how many times do you need to take for depression? Does micro-dosing work? And if it is micro - dosing, for how long and how often?

Damien Bender213
Damien Bender213 - 28.07.2023 00:16

Thank you Paul for shining the light 💡
