Are UNDERWATER BASES Possible? 7 Days To Die Alpha 21

Are UNDERWATER BASES Possible? 7 Days To Die Alpha 21


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Krakty's Ancient Account
Krakty's Ancient Account - 26.07.2023 12:58

What people dont realize is that you simply cant remove the source block at the top layer. No matter how you try and connect the underside to the surface that one block at the surface height will just fill your ladder tunnel every time.

kAge42 - 16.07.2023 11:49

Well I am playing on a pvp server rn on a21 and we were easly able to drain water pit of our water base, the trick is having multiple layers

Vinnie Nudd
Vinnie Nudd - 12.07.2023 14:47

You can by putting down wood frames but make sure your structure is fully enclosed then pick them back up and the water will be gone.

Dalron Prime
Dalron Prime - 11.07.2023 22:07

That's probably why they got rid of jars. All you need is bucket to have a well of endless water. Unlike every other alpha...

PrimatusRobustus - 09.07.2023 10:58

i did an hugh glass sphere underwater back in alpha 14

Kevin Meyers
Kevin Meyers - 02.07.2023 07:00

@Capp00 I got the water to stay gone after I laid blocks down kept them down logged off and shutdown the game completely launched it again logged back in and picked up the blocks. The water did not come back for me. But I also had four walls around the two center openings were the water was, or rather four plate walls and two open block spaces were the water still was and filled it in with sold blocks.

Tripoint Videos
Tripoint Videos - 01.07.2023 21:56

build a column with water inside, then dig out a pit below the water, does the water level drop? I'm guessing that won't work, but it's a possibility...

Goran Josic
Goran Josic - 27.06.2023 18:13

So pimps fix one thing and fuckup something else - the cycle keeps repeating itself 😕

AuHunter78 - 26.06.2023 17:51

I was really bummed after making a huge base above the water with an entrance down to bed rock, only to find out water cannot be removed now. Thanks for the video. I hope they patch this soon!

matty101yttam - 24.06.2023 07:21

Sounds like the water defaults/flows/fills to the highest water point its connected to or previously held, blocks don't count but terrain does so try digging a dry area and building with dirt/rock 1st straight up for an entrance and make a dome to stop the water/live THEN break a dam and let the water fill the hole. If the water never previously existed and the flow is stopped by terrain in theory it should work

scott townsend
scott townsend - 24.06.2023 06:58

I'm not sure if you have figured it out yet but it is definitely possible to make an underwater base.

Making a dam works too. 😊

TandemMatt315 - 24.06.2023 00:39

also use half bricks and there wont be that wierd bubble of air

TandemMatt315 - 23.06.2023 23:16

you need to build the building as a sold brick and you have to hollow it out from the bottom up

TandemMatt315 - 23.06.2023 22:57

it worked for me
i just used the see floor ass the ground and build a cube out of wood and use wod blocks to remove the water

Ivan Burke
Ivan Burke - 23.06.2023 07:43

What if you let the water come to you? Build your base underground. Next to a source of water. Then once your base is done you can breach the water source and fill all the none base parts of your base. As long as your base is airtight and entrance is above water you should be fine in theory.

Game Dev Cade
Game Dev Cade - 23.06.2023 07:19

Still waiting for alpha 221 to release tho

TheCubeCaptain - 23.06.2023 07:13

Thanks for all your effort. Love this kind of video ❤

Peter B.
Peter B. - 23.06.2023 06:03

Yeah, they went from 'water flows badly' to 'Water can go through everything' smdh

Tonisaka - 23.06.2023 04:23

Have you tried making the walls thicker, like 3 layers or 5 instead of 1 layer between the empty space and water, maybe water has a penetration through X amount of blocks

Isiah Aguilar
Isiah Aguilar - 23.06.2023 03:33

How about you dig a big hole, enough for a base and build the base then fill it with water?

Talon Vader
Talon Vader - 23.06.2023 02:58

I have been trying to create a water based horde night base with tunnels filled with water that zombies have to swim - navigate through, basically an underwater playground for zombies. It is not going well...

Very difficult, zombies and such still break water blocks, have to painstakingly fill holes in the water with buckets, takes forever, not practical. Don't think it is going to work even in creative mode.

I tried with a small pond called Paul's Pay Lake there is not enough water to fill deep pits and tunnels you have to bring water in. Guess this might be better next to a large deep body of water, make the thing dry, then break into a nearby lake and allow it to flood. Seems the mechanics are such that the lake will loose elevation when it fills the lower adjoining areas. So that would be accurate. I just thought it would maintain a certain "sea level" if you could call it that, but that means water is propagating not acting all that realistic.

I think for now I'm going to stay away from water. 😀

- 23.06.2023 02:39

Hey Cap, how about you dig down to bedrock on dry land and dig across until you are under the lake, then build upward and make sure it's watertight.then dig down to it from above and see if the water floods in a closed dry structure.

TheEpicSpire - 23.06.2023 02:34

If you dig a pit next to a natural lake and the connect it to the lake and let the pit fill up. Will the new water be "infinitely perpetual"

CGFather - 23.06.2023 02:09

I wonder if you filled in with blocks, exit the world and rejoin and see if that saves the removal of water...

Nedrog - 23.06.2023 00:37

Make your own lake, so you dont have source blocks. Dig a big hole next to a lake and then use it to fill up around your base.

Don Pfoutz
Don Pfoutz - 22.06.2023 23:12

I am disappointed, but at least you tested it out.

John Herbin
John Herbin - 22.06.2023 22:29

Can't fill a space with water using a bucket. It les me dump one bucket bur no more. Can you see if you can fill a small pool with buckets?

James Wonner
James Wonner - 22.06.2023 21:59

Hey capp long time fan.... can you test the new baton build in the new melee perks and physician skill buffs Baton too

Feral Goose
Feral Goose - 22.06.2023 21:56

Thanks Capp! Nice to know that underwater bases might be unachievable. I found a weird property of water, in that I created a pit and then proceeded to fill it with water, and then have the zombies drop into the water, figuring that the zombies would not go into a destroy all mode to save my stability of my base. It also slows the zombies down to allow for more crowd control. What I found is the zombies are still trying to destroy my pit walls. I am also >11 blocks distance from the zombies when they drop in, assuming to not trigger the destroy all. The drop height is 10 with 3 blocks of water. would have thought it would be a nice swimming pool dive, unless the water is to shallow.

UncleSamIAm - 22.06.2023 21:15

Long story short. TFP still fail at watering

CJ Bowles
CJ Bowles - 22.06.2023 20:17

So....I see 2 things with how water is now...

1 - could it be possible to get it to flood the world? Might be a nice experiment.

2 - what about water you collect with a bucket and place, can that be made to go away with these methods? If not, people who play pvp might need to worry about getting their base flooded.

DrugsMcsnortington - 22.06.2023 18:23

What if you dig a big pit build base then add water to fill the pit?

syro66 - 22.06.2023 17:50

Does a plate fill a entire block not letting water expand?

Raevyn24 - 22.06.2023 17:25

So by "fixing" water they just broke it.... sounds about right.

The Gutless Leading The Clueless
The Gutless Leading The Clueless - 22.06.2023 17:16

Does soil just displace the water, or does it block the water from flowing on? Then maybe you could
use the soil as a kind of insulation between the outer wall and the inner wall of the base.

dirtbikesarelife - 22.06.2023 16:32

Maybe cover the outside of the base entirely in dirt, its pointless to make a base if you have to surround the outside in dirt but just for a concept

KillMeOrUDie - 22.06.2023 16:11

What about using letters on the wall. Something that takes virtually no space like the period then put down your tables on the other wall. It doesn’t give you much room but it seems like you could get a 2 block wide corridor as tall or long as you want

JahLivesAlways - 22.06.2023 15:31

In the console version you used to be able to create a waterfall base

theton82 - 22.06.2023 15:27

Would plates blocks work be janky to build with

Ropata Solomon
Ropata Solomon - 22.06.2023 13:00

How the dirt had stopped the flow of water put the dirt on the botten of the base and then place a different block on top of the dirt layer so it looks fresh

Chris Short
Chris Short - 22.06.2023 12:59

Have ya tried building a base first then flood the water around it ?

incredirocks - 22.06.2023 10:49

Ok, I just tested it myself, it is possible to make an underwater base. First make an airtight housing on the floor of the lake, then dig down from within and drain the water out into the ground below. You would probably need some underground entrance so as to not flood water back in when entering your base.

ZombiePhill - 22.06.2023 10:18

What if you placed a glass floor on lake/river bottom then tunnelled up from underneath?

RageyRage O
RageyRage O - 22.06.2023 10:08

I don't believe water will veer make zense innthis game. IMO, when it comes to physics, it is one of the most unrealistic things in the game. Always has been. I am not really that impressed by a21 water physics, either. I don't know if it is an imporivement, since there are still some prpblems with displacement. Not aslight at TFP, but it is a significant technical hold back.

Randy Shamblin
Randy Shamblin - 22.06.2023 09:29

i don't think tis one has been txplored yet but whar if you made like a floating base? would the water still fill the space?
but think corner tinyest blocks back to back taking up a 2x2 space. or like the thinest closet poles making a 2x2 then across them making it again? if it works you would have like a room full of support pole though and a 2x2 walk way lol

WrothBog - 22.06.2023 08:39

can you build walls with dirt? you can skin them with something else for the aesthetic appeal, but something has to be able to set the sea level or else every block under a certain z value would be below the water table

Crazy Kiwi
Crazy Kiwi - 22.06.2023 08:39

Good try Capp 😎👍

Ninja_Dude - 22.06.2023 08:25

I wonder if you can build one with the roof as the floor of the lake. Maybe replace the lake floor with some glass and hollow out under that?

WilySmile - 22.06.2023 08:23

Artifical River to a man made lake? As in find a spot of low land somewhat near a source of water and build the base, lower the ground further, then build a channel for the water from the real source to flow into your man made area? This will mean that you need to build the whole base and will prol stop you from making future additions
