EQUINOX, TOYOTA, DODGE, HYUNDAI, RANGE ROVER other vehicles using multiple quarts of oil between oil changes....stop that with Jilcat Proline High Performance Engine Oil Stabilizer.
Are you driving an older Chevrolet, Ford, Buick, Audi, Mercedes, Porsche, Mitsubishi, KIA or other import? Love the car but maybe you have noticed smoke at startup? Is it seeping a little oil underneath the engine?
If you have an older, high mileage vehicle with 100,000, 200,000 300,000 or more miles on it and it has started to smoke when you start it. Maybe it also smokes when you take off. Is it running a little worse than it used to? Often that is from oil bypass or the advance timing system not getting oil pressure like it should. At Jilcat we have something borne from aerospace engineering and racing technology that can stop the bypass, SUPER LUBRICATE, protect the metals and slow the seep.
This is not some "no smoke" oil but a superior lubricant and metal conditioner that clears up and conditions all the metal surfaces throughout the engine. Jilcat products GET UNDER the sludge and free it from the metal, help it break down into the oil and keep the metals conditioned to last longer with less friction.
Improve the life and performance of your higher mileage engines with Jilcat Proline High Performance Engine Oil Stabilizer.
We have had success in Mercedes, Porsche, Audi, Buick, Chevrolet, Chrysler and Mitsubishi.
Get more life and performance out of your high mileage rig. Diesel or gas doesn't matter. Give me a call at 855-825-2111 and try Jilcat Proline High Performance Engine Oil Stabilizer.
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