LIVE: Bangladesh Mulls Sheikh Hasina's Extradition, India Faces Dilemma | Vantage with Palki Sharma

LIVE: Bangladesh Mulls Sheikh Hasina's Extradition, India Faces Dilemma | Vantage with Palki Sharma


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@amitanshushekhar2393 - 17.08.2024 10:09

You are a toxic feminist!!
The end!!

@sonalisingh2049 - 17.08.2024 10:33

Can't say the 'Joke of the day' section is really funny....there's an over dependence on overwhelming comedic background music...that isn't even in the background.

@AmunyiPeter - 17.08.2024 10:41

Palki, I love this Channel a lot.. it's My favorite because you explore and broadcast what's happening globally...🎉
My greatest Concern is the UKRAINE INSIDE RUSSIAN TERRITORY 😢.. Will they manage Putin????😢

@gopinathm1853 - 17.08.2024 11:09

@suraykant1846 - 17.08.2024 11:23

Bangladesh allowed Hasina to flee. Now they plan to ask for extradition. Like India asked for extradion of Nirav Modi, Vijay Mallaya after allowing them to flee. Great Nations

@ankurgupta10121990 - 17.08.2024 12:03

pakistan beep *beep*😂

@ddp8799 - 17.08.2024 13:28

Christian Bible
Ecclesiastes 3:8
(Concerning the destruction of the russian pipeline)
“There is a time for love and a time for hate and time for war and a time for peace.”
The level of willing ignorance is astonishing!!!
Go back and remember ukraine BEFORE the russian invasion. Moms were driving their children to school, dads were driving to work, school teachers were teaching all ages of children, sports were being played music was being made, doctors and hospitals were seeing patients churches were gathering for worship businessmen were planning their next ad campaigns and weddings were about to take place. When the guns and bombs blew everyone to hell shot and killed thousands drove people from their homes and country forever blew up their homes churches and businesses…
So war broke out, started 100% by russisn greed and aggression!
All of THIS EVIL is going on and you are condemning Ukrainians over making a few europeans (who are paying for this aggression) being made a little uncomfortable!!! Good Grief!!!! The level of twisted morality in your head could only be so screwed up by the devil himself! Learn a lesson about war … it’s horribleHORRIBLE!!!! People get tortured beyond human comprehension wounded and shot and killed and all the landslide is ravaged burned and destroyed! The whole country is wiped out! When you are fighting for your life as Ukrainians are doing, blowing up the enemies pipeline makes perfect sense and is a tiny thing by comparison!!!Germany should have done it themselves if they had a heart at all!!!
You LOVE to talk about others like an arm chair quarterback and from a nice safe distance in your nice safe studio!!! Truth is india is living nice and comfortable BUYING russian gas, could it be your GUILT trying to quiet your own conscience, or would you say its too seared to bother you anymore! And don’t give me the crap others are buying it too! That makes TWO guilty it doesn’t make you innocent!

@billyjoe6933 - 17.08.2024 13:33

Zelesky will go down in history as a killer of his own people .and nut in yahoo will go down as a killer of a whole peoples

@billyjoe6933 - 17.08.2024 13:38

So people of Germany how's that make you feel knowing this is why you can't afford heat .angry you should be

@billyjoe6933 - 17.08.2024 13:54

Sounds like the real people in power in Thailand pick who they know will follow there orders and if they don't they get rid of them and get a another . you hardly ever hear of a normal working people get picked for high offices just millonairs and their kids who know nothing of real life .or they get actors like zelesky who will do what anyone says for enough money .messed up world

@sundarb6673 - 17.08.2024 14:32

India should NOT extradite her at all. At this stage, Bangladesh is a ROUGE country which is driven by their USA masters.

@sundarb6673 - 17.08.2024 14:33

Bangladesh can never rule itself. It has to merge with India.

@ShantiRanjanMandal-m1s - 17.08.2024 15:00

My request, hasina should not be handed over to Bangladesh. Because she would be murdered or jailed there forever as miyanmari elected m.p. honb'le suci.

@esthergeorge199 - 17.08.2024 19:03

Why is the middle-Easten alway at war no peace no collaboration no compassion for humanitarian all is divided lord have mercy

@ron030363 - 17.08.2024 19:52

FBI undercover elements (spies) must be implanted in Bangladesh creating distress. They control the American media. They prevent my book sales.

@saifurkhan300 - 17.08.2024 21:34

Why you never say Salam. How many Muslim are there in India?

@ushalakshmanan - 17.08.2024 22:07

What about all the Hindus who have been killed

@FrankieTrentalance - 17.08.2024 22:19

I love how she is completely impartial,and not afraid to ask questions that most folks wouldnt even dream of asking...keep it up Ma'am!!

@aferrous9290 - 17.08.2024 23:03

Its a shame that an honest journalist like yourself would make it seem as if . Bangladesh wants Hasina back is because .. She can creat unrest if she is at large as oppkse to, to serve justice against her mindless crimes.

The Recent killing and also the Pilkhana army killing found india to be complicit. With evidance!!

Extrajudicial killings, unlawful confinement as well as life long abduction of political opposnents. National theft of federal teserve .. Economic and gdp manipulation , money laundering, silencing media and citizens, misinformation. And blacking out the internet while the killing spree went rampant Are some of the many crimes she is wanted for !!

Also most of the fire and damages were otcgatrated by her own party.

@jehanzeb2452 - 18.08.2024 03:20

The way this lady talk remind me my elementary school aunti so what does it mean,so what happen....hahahaha

@Portroyal1900 - 18.08.2024 05:35

Have those Indians not learn anything from Gandi yet? Why are they still letting religion and politic killing off each other, sent her to Ecuador she will be safe there.

@incn4106 - 18.08.2024 07:13

India should not extradiate Hasina...

@niranjanmanjappa7086 - 18.08.2024 09:39

If US is asking what’s the end game… 😂 Make profits to war machine…

@niranjanmanjappa7086 - 18.08.2024 09:57

We follow British class room model education where there no focus building character of a child. We make children to focus on making money and nothing of character. Once they grow with no moral compass they do such atrocities which in this instance is raping a doctor. We should understand everything is not about GDP. Being cultured is not just photo optics and bringing laws will make people more devious but unfortunately necessary.

@MRSZ5440 - 18.08.2024 10:08

Just what do you mean goons ( is it just males)?

@saravanaprabhu-t3x - 18.08.2024 13:31

Palki the greatest newspresenter i have ever seen....

@CherubClap - 18.08.2024 18:33

Lol..A good one on the 'joke of the day'!!! :D

@md.noorulkarim5542 - 18.08.2024 19:15

It is disgusting to see Indian media openly supporting fascist and corrupt fallen regime in Bangladesh. India has tripped out of its democratic values.

@ddp8799 - 19.08.2024 12:58

Christian Bible
Genesis 6,7,8

(Concerning the make believe story about earth by the girls on vantage firstpost who know so oh very much about it since they are so very old!)

Now here is a true story you can take to the bank! Told to you by the intelligent designer who put you together.

And God saw that the wickedness of man was very great on the earth and that the imaginations of his heart was only evil continually!!! And it repented God that He had made man on the earth and it grieved Him at His heart!
And God said to Noah, the end of all flesh has come before me! For the earth is filled with violence through them, behold I will destroy them with the earth! Make yourself an Ark of Gopher wood!
Thus Noah did all that God had commanded Him.

In the 600th year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the 17th day of the month, on the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven, and the windows of heaven were opened and the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights!

The ark went upon the waters and all flesh died! All mankind and animals all who had the breath of life in their nostrils.

And God remembered Noah and every living thing with him in the ark. God caused the waters to subside and He put a rainbow in the clouds as a promise to mankind starting over with Noah to never destroy the earth again with a flood!

For those who want the scientific evidence and explanation … a famous scientist KENNETH HOVIND has many videos on this very thing! For many years he debated in all the Ivy League colleges and made fools of his opponents until they no longer will debate him. If you wish to talk to him he usually makes himself available to all! Seek him out and you will find him! Or seek out any of his zillion videos filled with true brilliant wisdom not the fairy tale brainwashing of evolutionists!!! All science fact debunking all these lies you here in todays made up so called “science” total fairytales like a frog became a prince and all it took was the magic words “billions and billions”of years! Still a fairytale!!! No many how many billions you say!!! Oh and just so you know it started out as “millions” now it is passed billions to “trillions” still… a fairytale! Almighty God your Creator made you found in the Christian Bible and His name is Jesus!

@igadget-fp4zs - 19.08.2024 13:31

Almost all the images are false and fake news about minorities. I hope they come to the real truth. Dr. Yuns invited international media to find the real truth.


💪🇧🇩You no longer hear fake news about Bangladesh, do you? That's because we've made it clear: your attempts to undermine our nation will not go unchallenged. You've manipulated our democratic parliament and meddled in every sector of our economy, but the world is waking up to your schemes and looting our nation. Our new generation isn’t just fighting—they're warriors, Spartacus reborn. This is your final warning, Modi. Send her back to Bangladesh, where she will face the consequences of her actions. You have no right to stand in the way of justice, and you will not escape what's coming for you!🔥🔥🔥🔥

@nychost2372 - 19.08.2024 23:49

Dr Yunus we love you but you need to show that you are in charge, either you do your job right or find someone who can do the job. Pls do follows:

1. Become President
2. Separate Admin, Judiciary and legislative. MPs should be able to cross floor.
3. Every 18 year old should have mandatory 1 year Military reserve service for National defence
4. Speedy trial for 15 years of crimes & Bring Hasina back to face charges.
5. Ban Awami league like Nazi party of WW2, ban anyone had any relationship with them ever to run for any office or seats.
6, Strict on Corruption
7. Lifetime free treatment & aid to the July/Aug 2024 victims and families
8. All officials must get medical treatment within country
9. STOP all "SIR" calling everywhere - ppl should address Mr. with last name or with permission just first name
10. GIVE WEEKLY STATUS UPDATE TO THE NATION (What did you do, what is next, what you couldn't do and why, who are the obstacle)
11. Increase number of advisers
12. Remove all the ppl standing when advisers are talking, go around the room and ask Journalist for questions.
13. Constant communication with West & East and well defend yourself against constant threats, RAW and Jaiprakash will not digest their loss so easily. India is our biggest neighbor but it should establish relationship with ppl of Bangladesh not with corrupt leaders who stole 3 elections that India blindly supported.
14. DON"T TRUST ANYONE - OUR PPL has no patience and short memory (1/11 ppl left cars and money on street but ppl forgot in 2 years). We are a very cunning nation, some ppl always cooking something.

Thank you

@rainnelmaclang4803 - 20.08.2024 04:45

India's dilemma: PM Sheikh Hasina is a democratically-elected leader of a sovereign country. She was ousted by a US-supported unelected opposition group who may want PM Hasina extradited back to Bangladesh for political trial. Would India allow continued US intervention in Bangladesh?

@jamilahmed4824 - 20.08.2024 09:23

They will have no bloody choice but to hand over the criminal from bengal

@jamilahmed4824 - 20.08.2024 09:26

She should be prosecuted for the crimes

@jamilahmed4824 - 20.08.2024 09:29

Yes it is time to pay back

@jamilahmed4824 - 20.08.2024 09:32

What leadership India and Pakistan do not have leaders they jokers and corrupt criminals

@razuislam-i4x - 21.08.2024 19:10

Dictator psychopath: Seikh Hasina

@najmudeenmohamed8313 - 22.08.2024 04:22


@jishanahmed7597 - 22.08.2024 20:15

India has opened the dam without any warning to Bangladesh... Thousands of people has suffered....Show the news about that... After all India did that....

@BibhutiSaha-h4b - 23.08.2024 11:16

Make it clear the...rape case of Bangladesh common common quit it fast ... other wise actors and actresses of north south east west and heart of India handle it namah shivaya 🧖🧖🧖🧖🧖🧖🪔🪔🪔

@BibhutiSaha-h4b - 23.08.2024 11:18

Masala chaaye kya hota hai ma❤am

@BibhutiSaha-h4b - 23.08.2024 11:20

What's the masala chaaye kyun ki because i h listened....Garam Masala by Akshay Kumar aur ...kish kish ko pyar karoon by ❤kapil Sharma show ❤

@atiqrahman7289 - 23.08.2024 11:32

India is in a state of DILEMMA about HASINA!! YES what to do??

@Yoruba4U - 25.08.2024 21:23

Mpox was first discovered in Denmark in 1958. They kept researches of monkeys which they also tested in DRC Congo. Unfortunately, it may be a manufactured virus that started in the West.

@IvanildoRoseno-x1e - 31.08.2024 00:08


@IvanildoRoseno-x1e - 31.08.2024 00:09

