Secret Ruins - Digital Painting Process and Commentary

Secret Ruins - Digital Painting Process and Commentary

Grady Frederick Art

11 месяцев назад

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@ardenpoklar8198 - 30.04.2024 12:43

stunning man... loved the vid

@sayeFX - 30.04.2024 16:15

DIscord Server?

@leiaislandsaladant1844 - 02.05.2024 11:41

Thank you for sharing your process. The atmosphere and colors on your finished piece are gorgeous. I definitely want to try the gradient map method on my next piece

@kueename - 05.05.2024 09:54

where did you get your brushs from? also, can you show your setup for us in a future video?

@braulio8983 - 06.05.2024 04:44

Thank you so much for your content bro, for mi is very relaxing enjoy your videos in a Sunday night and listen the music in the background and watch your process, greetings from Mexico

@LuizAlleman - 14.05.2024 00:59

If there's anything I've learned in all my years of art studies and tutorial watching it's that there is no "right way" to go about your art.

@natalie_popova - 14.05.2024 15:35

this was awesome, thank you! inspiring

@GrasslandsStudio - 16.05.2024 02:27

So happy I found this! I’ve always struggled with environments and I would love to be able to make them but I find it so hard to move on from the blocking phase.

Always kind of got stuck once I hit that muddy phase that you said “looks really bad but you need to just keep going and give it time”. This really helps!

@yazi4043 - 17.05.2024 03:43

The brushes make the painting look amazing, I wish I knew what kind of brushes you use

@lookandthinkagain - 21.05.2024 15:29

Great video mate. Cool painting too always enjoy your content.

@Madasuto - 24.05.2024 00:40

wow i love it

@airrunkle - 24.05.2024 20:33

Loved this study, bought a print of it on your artstation

@JermLikes2Draw - 27.05.2024 13:43

Just wandered to encounter your channel. Very inspiring! I really want to focus on studying environments while on school break so ty for these tips!

@lambkin222 - 01.06.2024 18:32

Great artistry! Do you use a tablet and stylus or mouse for your work? if tablet/pen, can you share what you use :D

@gailw211 - 04.06.2024 13:41

Hi Grady, first of all thanks for your videos. You probably couldn't notice this comment but still I choose to share my real thoughts about this channel. Me as a rookie game artist have watched all of your videos carefully, thinking about how am I gonna sharp my skills through your vids. It's probably one of my best surprise this year to find an artist who is willing to teach things with all detailed art skills, painting process and his own thoughts about how to be a better professional concept artist. (I paid a lot to learn game art 2 years ago then I found I learned much more from you XD) Ngl I was at an emotional low point few months ago , starting to doubt my abilities of being an artist, questioning myself should I stick on the game industry or just go back to be an architect again. It's your words remind me of my passion for painting. Just keep practicing before thinking about money or finish smt really cool stuff. Once again thank you ,wish you all the best!

@artofataylor - 20.06.2024 07:53

Your channel is a gold mine <3

@nigelhill74 - 23.06.2024 02:17

My wife is wondering where the original reference image is from?
Great painting!!!

@UrusaiJoe - 30.06.2024 13:28

Just discovered your channel, and has already become one of my favorite. Wonderful work

@inarcision - 06.07.2024 07:46

Love seeing the thought process, great work, but Lord the vocal fry.. Am I watching Kim Kardashian or an art channel?

@LykkeNygaardJ - 09.07.2024 11:06

This was the first video of yours that I watched and it instantly made me subscribe! I love your art style and the chill vibe of this video. So interesting and informative to listen to your reasons for your design choices.

@pixelvader2451 - 10.07.2024 06:46

I loved the end result and the style. Good work!

@duuplo - 25.07.2024 08:56

Great work!

@Katycoscos - 25.07.2024 13:31

thank you 🥰

@godnex211ify - 05.08.2024 09:27


@Simon-et4hu - 15.08.2024 12:53

I love ruins! Thanks for sharing your process. I find it hard to stick to a reference (when studying) and always want to switch after like 45 minutes because I think I did a poor job of choosing. I know it has more to do with perceived loss of opportunity and all that good stuff. But modifying slightly while still being true to the ref is really cool! Also getting some other ones for just color and all is a great tool. I saw that in some of your other videos too. I will surely give that a try like today :D

Also Angus is adorable! He probably is also an artist I am sure.

@prix_Ilustração - 23.08.2024 01:52

Hi, I just found your channel and your work is amazing, I'm beginning in concept art background and environment. But loving it already. Thanks for sharing your work and experience 😊

@Kharazm4th - 23.08.2024 07:20

Thanks man for sharing your knowledge

@cynicallyneutral - 27.08.2024 17:08

absolutely gorgeous! the music really suits the piece, im in love with ruins and your art style is really painterly and soft and calm and just overall nice to look at, looking forward to see more painting videos from you 😊

@jonorgames6596 - 03.09.2024 09:17

Great work. Did you consider adding some subtle bloom effect to the top tower?

@farshaadheydari5807 - 13.09.2024 12:43

Is there a version without commentary?

@akshayp9588 - 17.09.2024 21:37

this was amazing! i'm currently struggling with a piece and in general too.. this was really refreshing to watch and i learned so many things. moreover i realized i just need to relax and not complicate it too much 😅 great work!! thanks for sharing your process

@drillhead4657 - 21.09.2024 03:31

Will you ever release some brushes?

@NamHoang-gx9io - 26.09.2024 17:44


@chinaSazn - 30.10.2024 00:40

i was paying attention hard, then i blinked and suddenly the painting was done.

@ArtGirl_ofArts - 30.10.2024 04:17

Just came across this, tank Q so much for this session, it’s nice to see inside the artist’s mind for the process behind the piece!🧡

@faridafataliyeva8056 - 03.11.2024 20:53


@guineapig1985 - 22.11.2024 19:39

How long did this piece take you in real time? I'm a traditional painter working to learn more about digital painting and I'm really enjoying learning from these kind of tutorials but my sense of time is getting a little warped I think.

@formato.fisico - 28.11.2024 11:42

I forgot to answer if you have a specific online course that you suggest for total beginners who want to become 2D illustrators like you, similar to your style.
Because one of the first issue to solve is orienting myself amidst the tousands of courses and mini-courses out there.
Many suggest CGA courses, which seem amazing, although pretty pricey…

@blargwortwort - 30.11.2024 02:36

hey man, i lost my job after 5 years as a matte painter when the vfx industry turned off last year due to the strikes, been feeling no end of self doubt as the drought has gone on and that it might be that i lost my love for art and the industry.

your content, the way you walk us through the process, and your methodical approach to the work has really been the deep breath i needed to help me to relax about it and realize there is nothing id rather be doing more. thank you so much!

@EvergreenLlama - 19.12.2024 16:38

Live laugh love Anghus

@GingaNinjaBH - 20.12.2024 08:05

Amazing guide

@Andy_pot - 25.01.2025 18:10

i see pug, i sub

@teresawallace8516 - 04.02.2025 22:56

Hiya! Brand spankin new sub here to tell you I subbed because of how vulnerable you are talking about your study process. I don't see people doing studies and talking about the process of LEARNING very often and I feel I learn MORE when watching someone figure it out rather than 'teaching me something' if that makes sense. 😊

@asalrahimi9687 - 19.02.2025 09:10

wow this is really amazinggg i love it oh god😭😭😭

@asalrahimi9687 - 19.02.2025 09:19

Sorry what is the name of these brushes you used ?

@s_2926 - 21.02.2025 04:00

I usually give up during that "ugly" stage and go back to character designs so truly thank you so much for this video! It looks awesome.

@clarajosephine3295 - 22.02.2025 17:39

Omggg it‘s hobbit music, i was so happy when i realised :)

@N.E.TGaming - 01.03.2025 02:34

Being at this skill level must be so fun! You're a huge inspiration for my art, thank you for these videos

@QuillColor - 07.03.2025 12:56

