Batman is NOT a Street Tier, You Weenies | Goon Rants

Batman is NOT a Street Tier, You Weenies | Goon Rants

Dr Splash

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@far0oky0u25 - 23.01.2024 23:52

Let's see in a straight up fist fight to the death, no weapons, who could possibly kill Batman? I see Bruce Lee, I see Jon Jones , I see Prime Anderson Silva and that's probably it. Maybe prime McGregor and GSP.

@big-loss_9043 - 11.07.2024 06:11

Dr goon in the start of the video sounded like you age 20 yrs for a moment lol

@thedelordhimselfgokublack - 10.07.2024 13:49

Batman is wall level without his batsuit, building level with it and scales way higher with prep time

@varelmarais2222 - 08.07.2024 20:48

My issue with Batman is that I want him to just be human, because that's often what he's marketed and loved as. "He's just a really strong determined man who's trained to become something more." And then they have him do superhuman shit. I want an actual physically relatable hero, not a superhuman posing as one

@Marlon-qw9kz - 08.07.2024 19:18

In my opinion a base batman due to feats he should aleast be around wall to small building level I mean batman can literally throw around grown men and in some cases he can overpower killer croc the same killer croc that could break through brick walls and batman should be around FTL+ since he casually dodges lasers but if were using tech batman can easily range from star level to universal or above ife were giving him prep time

And whoever said batman is street level clearly didn't try to read a single comic

Street level-wall level tier for characters/people in my opinion would be

Michael myers:street-wall level

Jason Voorhees:wall level

Almost every fnaf animatronic:wall level-small building level

Mike tyson:street level

Muhammed Ali:street level

Live action queen mavae:wall level

Killer croc:wall level

Bane:wall level

Joker:street level mainly cause he isn't as strong as killer croc or bane and in most cases batman is just tossing him around

Harley Quin:street-wall level

Anyone from Tokyo revengers:average human level

Hawkeye:street-wall level

@chubbyninja842 - 07.07.2024 22:39

You're 100% right. He's absolutely not street-tier ... but he should be, and that's the problem. At this point, he's basically a planet-sized suit of plotarmor with a bat painted on the front of it. He stopped being cool when he stopped being street-tier.

@robertrainford6754 - 05.07.2024 17:37

All these feats are plot armor or just exaggerated. Throwing Superman or supergirl isn’t a feat because Superman only weighs like 200 pounds, and Superman is a little less than that.

@kingkhris4886 - 03.07.2024 10:42

Batman is insanely smart but if I drop him in the ring with general Zod, with no knowledge about kryptonians on earth with the yellow Sun he’s fucking dying 😂 goddamn Batman glazers I don’t care what you say because he’s Batman is not a fucking excuse

@tylerscott2116 - 02.07.2024 21:49

I'd say prep time and plot armor are dismissive variables to attribute Batmans functionality in metahuman combat.

When Martian Manhunter is a Detective and uses skillsets to fight crime and he has Telepathy, precognition, Superhuman Senses and Superhuman Intelligence but yet Batmam is The World's Greatest Detective, then that let's you Batmans Prowess as a Detective is the equivalent of multiple meta human powers, and is a limitless tier meta skillset.

Same thing with his Ninja abilities and using Stealth against MM and Supes.

Same thing being called The World's Greatest Tactician by Cyborg.

If Batman is The World's Greatest Detective, Ninja, and Tactician the showcases that his skillsets are meta power tier.

And in terms of just physical stats, I've always assumed Batman was so hyperdeveloped via Ninja training that he tiers at a Vampire tier level human, arguably beyond super soldier.

@freshcoastlivenetwork425 - 24.06.2024 19:32

Let's keep it all the way one hundred.. Batman is a pure hack,trash and is only admired because the writers write him to be some invincible detective arguably the smartest man on the planet and master of all martial arts in the universe...and superior prep time..
Here's my problem i don't buy that shit...he's super street tier hero no more significant than dare devil.. and in a straight hand to hand fight i'd say Dare Devil would whoop batman's ass, Moon knight would beat his ass, hell even night thrasher would beat up batman....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nah in all seriousness just never grew up a fan of either him or batman...i like every other super hero that ever existed except for those 2..stories are never intriguing and they get magical upgrades everytime...I'm sick of Superman and Batman DC comics sucks..End of discussion...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@Crow_Rising - 06.06.2024 10:19

The mistake people make is that they hear about him being peak human and assume that means peak human based on realism. Batman isn't a realistic character, he's not based on real life human limitations. He's a comic book superhero. In their world, peak human can mean whatever the writers want it to mean, real life limits be damned. If they want him to throw a punch strong enough to topple an entire building, there's going to be a demolition in the next issue. That's how fiction works. It's not constrained by whatever the power scaling nerds say Batman should and shouldn't be able to do based on past feats. The writers have creative liberty and can do whatever they want. They've even given Batman superhuman intellect before, which could be classified as a genuine super power.

@ge9884 - 23.05.2024 07:14

Nah, I'd win!

@sptflcrw8583 - 02.05.2024 20:59

DC's definition of "street tier" isn't the same as ours, lol.

@OVERVOID_123 - 22.03.2024 12:11

I think Batman true form is barbatos
Batman is just an Avatar

Edit:- 🤦

@Linklex7 - 02.03.2024 23:10

What is street level? If it’s power scaling then Batman is street level cause he’s more powerful than Spider-Man. Why do we even call Spider-Man street level? He’s gone toe to toe with Thanos, Dr Doom, Firelord and won. He problem is no one has ever explained what “street level” actually is.

@wambokodavid7109 - 01.03.2024 15:10

bruh anyone can beat anyone with the right gadget and some planing how to deploy it.also half of these feats are piss and you now it too.also a human...bronze tiger keeps wrecking him when they meet.what are u drinking??

@noahknight4039 - 01.03.2024 09:02

They say he’s street tier because yeah he can dodge a laser but then he’ll get bit up by a bunch of Court of Owls ninjas.

Sure a regular human can fight Spider-man or Superman if using some advanced tech/weaponry, magic, etc.

Where as a regular human can hit Batman with a crow bar and get a win.

@The.Usurper - 07.02.2024 03:26

Person from the real world who beats batman? Easy, Chuck Norris.

@misters4022 - 02.02.2024 21:38

the ironic thing is theres has been real-life instances of mothers who, in the instance of trying to save their child, can lift up 2,000 lbs cars to save their child. So maybe our issue is we just arent accepting what human beings are capable of.

@TheMainOne. - 31.01.2024 20:51

He's street tier, y'all just need to accept that fact.

@wessowavy328 - 31.01.2024 06:38

I love this explanation, this take is 1000% accurate!

@Nerdsfeed - 29.01.2024 07:36

The amount of people proving they weren't listening as you talked is staggering to me. Great video nonetheless haha

@dmase_7795 - 29.01.2024 03:19

Forreal no one says anything about Captain America who is listed as peak human 90% of the time in comics but shows Superhuman feats but when Batman is listed as peak human and does Superhuman feats it gets disregarded or people are outraged about it. I just see them both as Superhuman. Even Daredevil and Nightwing who are suppose to be weaker than Batman and Captain America perform Superhuman feats like kicking over a Limo.

@grudgematch6653 - 29.01.2024 02:58

People who think Batman is only street tier just know basic info about Batman. Neither is Spider-Man

@sherminatoranalysis3429 - 27.01.2024 11:42

Batman’s narrative sounds dope. Which comic do they talk about that?

@thebatmanofneo-gotham5667 - 26.01.2024 13:24

Much as a fan of Batman as I am, I can't help but share the sentiment that him being this strong and powerful literally ruins the point of his character. One of the biggest appeals of Batman is that he's a human with no superpowers and usually uses his intellect and combat skills to secure a win. But nowadays, instead of that, he's just strong enough to run fades with high tier superhumans simply because the plot demands it.

It's already crazy enough that he can dodge hails of bullets with ease, but now he's dodging lightspeed lasers as if it's light work for him. Why the hell is that a thing that Batman can do now?

Now, yes, I get that Batman's a fictional character who works under different laws of physicality from humans in real life. And also that what's seen as peak human in fiction is far different from reality. Fair enough. However, when you take Batman's abilities to THIS high a level, and you run with it? It just ruins the suspension of disbelief for readers; and not to mention, it disregards the power scaling heirarchy, as a writer can just have Batman fighting powerhouses he otherwise should not be able to handle.

This is like if a manga writer were to write that Yuji Itadori is able to give Madara Uchiha the business simply because he just can, or if Denji could wipe the floor with Ywhach or Aizen simply because he's just that strong. Does that shit make any sense? Hell no. It sounds dumb.

@iplayvideogames4678 - 25.01.2024 15:13

This just sounds like bad writing. I blame the writers for this. Just give him super powers and I’ll believe it but this is just bad writing. Saying “because he’s Batman” is the most basic and nonsensical excuse. Yet you call people stupid who disagree with you. Very childish

@rishavrai99999 - 25.01.2024 11:09

I really can't understand why his subscribers are in only 25k(its growing but very very slowly)...maybe the name is different that comic fans don't get this serious or too long... Blah blah blah I don't know but i can't imagine this channel with any other name

@Lucki-4Me - 25.01.2024 10:02

I think it would be dope if they revealed that Batman is like, 25% Daxamite. That would patch up all his crazy feats and scaling while still allowing him to be "powerless"

@BerserkerX - 25.01.2024 06:33

Had friends tell me we could all successfully jump Batman and run his pockets. I said you guys are on your own.

@sovereignflux1664 - 25.01.2024 03:52

If Batman is peak human, it says a lot about normal DC humans

@tdcamp516 - 25.01.2024 02:10

People get this wrong all the time. Street level has nothing to do with Power level it has to do with the type of Crime a hero typically fights. Batman’s villains usually deal in Street Crime ergo he is a Street level hero. The same goes for Spider-Man who can knock out the Thing with a punch. Spider-Man’s villains and the crime typically fights are on the Street Level and deal with Street and Neighborhood crimes.

@Jonas-ti1py - 25.01.2024 00:09

Essentially what I'm trying to say is that if Batman beats/can contend with these God-tier characters, why does he ever struggle to put away the regular jobbers in his hometown? (Joker, Penguin, Bane, Riddler etc) And if we accept that they give him trouble, even a little bit, they should also be able to give the gods of the universe trouble if they try really hard, which makes the DC universe kinda lame, in my opinion.

@williamebf444 - 24.01.2024 20:55

You could say he is Gotham Street tier 😉

@superbad8008 - 24.01.2024 18:40

I like to think Batman is cracked because he canonically trained in stealth and martial arts like the protagonists of martial arts movies/novels. Given how insane fictional martial arts is, it’s plausible he bacame a Wuxia novel protagonist just so he could go back to America and be a superhero. It would explain why he can stunt on superhumans so easily.

@I_am_mr_unknown_no_name - 24.01.2024 17:13

Batman ❎ Booty woman ✅ 😂🤣

@jkunimage4187 - 24.01.2024 17:04

I hate when people think Batman is only peak human. Like if you’re like me and you think base Batman is like building to city level then that’s fine. But when you’re literally saying Batman is peak human because he’s a human, I start having problems. You know who else is human? Green lantern. You know who else is human? Krillin. You know what? Comment a strong human to prove my point

@Rengokuo4o6 - 24.01.2024 14:48

My issue with Batman haters is that they will completely ignore the superpowered feats of other supposedly street level characters. Eg Nightwing who is basically as agile as spiderman. Batgirl, Batwoman, the Robins, KGbeast, Bronze tiger etc.

@JetVLB - 24.01.2024 14:45

Batman is a level above guys like daredevil, punisher, green arrow, and Nightwing. But he'd still be a level below guys like Cap, Spidey, Panther, Deathstroke. He'd put up a good fight against Cap or Spidey but in the end he loses.

@christopherbyrdakaSuperman - 24.01.2024 13:57

Batman by physical means is a human but strength,but he always has a plan to take care of metahumans who would usually kill a human with almost no effort because of immense physical strength!

@mightbejoe6498 - 24.01.2024 13:27

Batman is just peak human but like in a universe where that means he can take on universal threats

@jvo6ixgod269 - 24.01.2024 11:59

i think bruce lee would beat the shit out of batman

@jvo6ixgod269 - 24.01.2024 11:55

batman is plot armor level

@christopherware6890 - 24.01.2024 11:23

Strongest version of the hulk vs the strongest version of son goku for battle swap

@Migelsankhezzzzz - 24.01.2024 10:56

What up big Goon YFN? U sound subdued my guy! I hella appreciate your content and it literally helps me get thru my day. Your channel is like comic therapy when the challenges of this world like press down upon me bro. Thank you for being you and hooking us up w this content to vibe with.

@Omni-dude162 - 24.01.2024 09:42

Batman is just Peak Human

IN a world full of Superheroes, supervillains, metahumans, demihumans, demigods, GODS, Devils, angels, demons, wizards, withches, conceptual beings, cosmic entities, robots, cyborgs.

And yet he still here being one of the most badass characters in the DC franchise

@dubialexander9802 - 24.01.2024 09:37

Hey, love your videos, can you make a video on black panther please? Because with his insane gear he doesn't get enough recognition

@wtw-2727 - 24.01.2024 08:24

I’m pretty sure DC human with training is just superhuman, I don’t understand why people use real world human as a proof that Batman is street level.

@kubobetterrelax7435 - 24.01.2024 07:35

It's just a tiring debate I remember 10 years ago on forums people would swear Captain America would beat Batman based on this very lie

@Pluhtheblud - 24.01.2024 07:18

I’m liking these rant videos, Goon. Keep em coming 🙏🏿🔥🙏🏻
