Halloween Kills - NON Spoiler Script Review - [Fandom Empire Live s3-e9] #88

Halloween Kills - NON Spoiler Script Review - [Fandom Empire Live s3-e9] #88

Fandom Empire

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@jackwwalsh - 01.10.2021 23:23

Gentlemen, I wrote a Halloween Kills fan script based on the available footage. Would you be interested in reading?

@jackwwalsh - 01.10.2021 23:18

The script is shit. I'm hoping they made some major changes.

@tiyler5883 - 29.07.2021 07:19

Where can we read the script for ourselves???

@leedaniels4789 - 24.07.2021 05:41


I read 90% of that 117 page script including the ending and just like how the last 1/3 of Halloween 2018 is the best part of it the same happens with kills in my opinion but kills will be on another level.

Kills overall will be great on screen in my opinion but as a day one Halloween fan I don’t like the ending. How are they gonna explain ends happening a few years later. They’re going with Michael wandering off and showing up years later. Come on. That will be the movies downfall and why most people (in my honest opinion) won’t like it. I really hope they change it.

@deonteholloway6093 - 04.05.2021 14:37

Where can we find the script

@chrislawson1988 - 28.04.2021 14:33

I love all the Rey parts of last Jedi and some of Luke's parts that side plot meh the audience I watched last Jedi with kept moaning every time we left Rey and Luke lol they the stars of the movie lol.

@chrislawson1988 - 28.04.2021 14:31

It's basically true the ending is similar to ending of empire this will blow all the sequels away lol. I liked Jason cheat Jason vs Freddy leprechaun good that reboot is awful lol. True dat loved Michael in this. They took all the best of Michael from all the other movies and put it all in this one lol.

@chrislawson1988 - 28.04.2021 14:27

Michael makes me want to check or keep checking to make sure my doors are locked. Him or some other crazy people ain't just going to be WA!kind in my house lol. Like bobby said in supernatural I'm not dying loo m my house pool. Yeah flashcards feels like same night rest of it present day feels like one night lol.

@chrislawson1988 - 28.04.2021 14:24

Maybe the last one they had a lot of focus you care about b them more in this one lol. Its funny the wwam channel paused trailer at right spot lol and when Laurie screams st window and you see Michaels reflection on the window. Now reading this I'm wtf is that really in the scene or did they put that in there for the trailer cause they know people will be breaking this trailer down some videos frame by frame lol

@chrislawson1988 - 28.04.2021 14:20

Well this was meant to be the middle chapter so it ends in a way so you go right from this one to ends that'd the idea u think but that was before the pandemic lol. Definitely can't wait to see Michael from what I've read the stuff he does wow this going to be incredible. I can't wait for the videos the ending explained videos yay I can't lol. Yeah definitely tommy he's really cool. I'm not interested in Cameron except INE scene that was awesome but they do do some stuff with hi that by the time to get there the scene you've waiting for since last movie I was kind of sad I was like dang it you guys ruining it I wanted to see him go can't wait then I think I was more sad for Allison not Cameron himself lol but you right wtf lol that wss cool. Hawkins cool lol.Yeah so much more wow!!!!!!!!! The kills so much more way more inventive loved everything in this. That one chase scene I'm on pins and neddles oh shoot what's going to happen is he going to that person lol wow!!!!!!! He showed those people outside ANF inside that burning house intedimentation lol. Well if Hawkins is alive in this movie his role won't be that much different to Laurie right? That's not a spoiler. Look at what happened to him in last movie lol. Once I read some of his parts I'm like did they really nerd to keep him alive ? Lol its good what they do with him but if you took out his parts would it really change anything? Obviously in flashback it does lol. In last Halloween she was somewhat the focal point but look at how much time they spent with podcasters kids at high school I've heard people say you just need Laurie why you wasting time with high school kids the dance the babysitter girl I liked all that same with any Allison scene lol. Yeah I know which part you talking about lol. This one could be even less than that lol plus you got all the recurring characters their stiff some of their deaths the mob takes up a lot but like I said the pay off is really good. We all know what's going to happen if the mob catches up to Michael I doubt it'll be like Halloween four they'll get their kicks in but if there is a fight Michael will win definitely lol. This reminds me of end of empire strikes back its sort of a cliffhanger but its a ending to that chapter it concludes that chapter lol. Yeah they do better with both in this lol. It seems like last one they're in one state or like Karen was almost in denial or pretending but by end she changes goes into action mode so of course in this one she's in action mode throughout this one lol. Cameron dushy in last one this one I guess cause his dad or he feels bad about his dushiness of last movie lol. I don't know he's less dushy lol.

@chrislawson1988 - 28.04.2021 13:48

Omg the flashback scene so awesome. The beginning was cool but especially flashback I can't wait to see it. What I read matches up with the feel of the same night like Halloween two lol. Blinky 500 does fan movies about Michael that were awesome but showed what happened after he got up walked away who he messes with he does kill a couple people horribly but I guess he said he could kill more people but they couldn't link it to Michael like they not sure if it was him that di duff it lol. All hid fan movies are great but this is actual movie wow can't wait. A lot of what I read or heard is similar stuff to what blinky did in his films lol. Omg the flashback. I really liked what Hawkins was saying about Michael I'm like I want to see that lol that's be cool to b visual see it bit they probably film it with him just talking lol. I agree I thought that too when Hawkins said that in Halloween that they only had one mission that night to catch him I was like I'd like to see a whole movie of that lol. There could be deaths but have them be more accidents like friendly fire or cops getting hurt cause they're chasing him of thought they saw him lol. That'd be cool HR could be like appearing ANF disappearing everywhere lol until they catch him. Which maybe they catch him cause he wants them to catch him lol. I like how they catch him in the script I read lol. At first I'm like waaaaaaaaaa? But it makes sense. Makes sense how he escsapes its kind of obvious they really hint at it the clip they showed with Laurie in truck screaming let it burn!!!!!!!!!! Yeah I love the escape scene. Someone mentioned you could do this but the heat would melt you or something like that that's what I heard in a theory someone basically guessed how he survived how I read it lol. Yeah middle kind of dips but there are good parts lol. That mob is out of control when they're not actually dealing with Michael one part good after that it does go off rails something happens similar to Halloween four its like gang lol. It gets all paid off before the end wow!!!!!!! Everything pays off by the last act yeah!!!!!!!!

@chrislawson1988 - 28.04.2021 13:30

I read one script sent to me by s dude in s Michael Myers group loo m in and I was like omg! Put on the og Halloween to play in background and it was so cool that the music matches parts I was reading when I was reading it that's so cool and parts that had throw back or reference to the first one it was funny I'd be reading one scene in script then hear it look up and see it on the tv playing the first one. I was like omg this is so cool especially the pov scenes the references the kills omg so much stuff there was so many scenes I was like I can't wait to see that oh I can't wait to see that. Yeah that's last scene or last ad couple scenes I'm like wtf then I knew what was going to happen and that's one scene where om reading it like omg then watching it on tv from og Halloween lol

@kathypinkladyahern - 26.04.2021 04:46

Great review guys! You all did a great job with the script without spoiling it😊😊😊

@mikebaglione1536 - 25.04.2021 20:18

I saw Halloween 2018 four times in theaters. I really loved it and unfortunately, I haven't seen that many Halloween movies in theaters- the first being Halloween Resurrection. It was the first really good Halloween movie in theaters I ever saw. From what I am hearing, I'll be doing the same thing for Halloween Kills, too!! Assuming things are safe enough to do so.

@lafr1515 - 25.04.2021 19:49

Does anyone have a link to the script they can send me please?

@enzorisoglio6390 - 25.04.2021 01:32

Subtitles in spanish please

@WaliAleim - 23.04.2021 09:45

I read the script. The ending sucked...come on! Ooh, I hope it is a phony.

@keronwindley4950 - 23.04.2021 02:18

Kieron always starts off muted 😂

@joshualott5375 - 22.04.2021 19:15

(8.5 + 8 + 7 + 8)/4 = 31.5/4 = 7.875, rounded off to a weighted 8/10! I had a chance to read the script but decided not to, although I think I know what happens at the very end and who dies.

@nolangasner3889 - 22.04.2021 18:34

Will there be a spoiler review of it on your channel soon?

@itzyaboybugz - 22.04.2021 15:15

Myers favorite store is K Mart. Blue light special

@itzyaboybugz - 22.04.2021 15:15

My script didn’t have any mention of blue lighting at all. Hmmmm

@itzyaboybugz - 22.04.2021 14:57

The 117 page script had a few spelling errors , and name errors that made me wonder if it was really real. But from everything I read in it and know from teasers we’ve gotten and info from test screening it seems really legit

@itzyaboybugz - 22.04.2021 14:52

I read the 117 page script last night . Could barley sleep hahaha. Looks great. There are two minor things I’d change . But besides that I’m stoked . I would give it a 9/10 as it stands

@jay21md - 22.04.2021 05:50

Missed you by 2 minutes!!!! Lol 😂
