KungFu Master vs Karate | Don't Mess With Kung Fu Masters

KungFu Master vs Karate | Don't Mess With Kung Fu Masters


3 года назад

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Bingster C
Bingster C - 29.10.2023 03:10

FYI, in case you didn't know, but “Karate” is an form of Gung-Fu aka Kung Fu, because Karate actually originated from China many, many, many years ago.

Jake Z
Jake Z - 29.10.2023 00:59

They are fake masters …..

andy gibson
andy gibson - 28.10.2023 22:04

Karate was developed in Okinawa, NOT Japan. And traditional karate uses similar techniques as Chinese wushu.

Debra Russell
Debra Russell - 28.10.2023 16:22

My girlfriend practice kung fu for 20 years and our other girlfriend only learn boxing for 2 years and easy beat her. A boyfriend argument

Max - 28.10.2023 14:23

One thing that one should mention is that the origin of Karate lies in self-defense, not aggresion.
The word, as you probably know, means 'Empty Hand', implementing that there ain't no use for weapons in Karate. This also implements the fact, and this is something my sensei's have told me several times, that Karate is meant as an Defense-only martial art in its truest sense - even tho you also got Kumite (the full contact 1v1) besides the traditional practice of Katas (solo or team duels).
Karate is a reactionary MA which in daily life, you'd always use it defensively, never ever offensively.

Sure tho a street fight (primarely those that are unfair and involve weapons) are something else and there are not many, given even one martial arts that can unarm a guy thats armed fire a firegun thats several feet away from you that for sure...even a common thing like a knife ends up pretty bad nomatter who you are, what martial art you practice or for how long you might be practicing it - thats just how things go down eventually
Generaly I think nobody is that stupid to run at a guy that carries a knife or some other weapon in hand in the first place, no matter how hard you can fight in an even scenario

I'm Breezer666
I'm Breezer666 - 26.10.2023 20:27

All martial arts came from kalaripatayu

Fa Vang
Fa Vang - 23.10.2023 19:13

overgeneralized like western yoga did to the true yoga but I'll give you a pass. White Crane Kung Fu is the direct ancestor of Karate. Thing is kung fu has gotten weak over the last 2 centuries probably due to the advent of guns and naval warfare. I mean just look at Shorin-Ryu spelled with same kanji as Shaolin. But yea over hundreds of years styles and "style" focus changed each style/forms into something else. Take TKD lost it's grappling and punching techniques etc..

bilbo baggins
bilbo baggins - 22.10.2023 23:55

Not true...Goju Ryu karate has many circular movements...it was developed in Okinawa..it comes from Fuzhou China White Crane system. Karate evolved from kungfu.

Emalsi Inid
Emalsi Inid - 21.10.2023 10:14

I gonna go to karate😂😂

Kräuterseuche - 19.10.2023 11:43

Respect each other. There is only harm in the pursuit of competition.

madax - 16.10.2023 07:03


Tetap Ada / Still There
Tetap Ada / Still There - 14.10.2023 12:36

Still more strong for Pencak Silat

Gregg - 14.10.2023 05:20

Probably one of the worse channels I've seen over a million in awhile. What is this?

Queen of the Butterflies
Queen of the Butterflies - 10.10.2023 05:38

I just enrolled my son in Karate. I wonder if he'll want to do Kung fu one day. Imagine having both skills.

HermanLoud - 08.10.2023 19:55

Kung fun this, karate that, but no one has ever thrown a chi ball

Sky Games
Sky Games - 07.10.2023 20:25

Cobra Kai Never Die, unless facing Kung Fu. 😁
