How To Be More Loving

How To Be More Loving

The School of Life

2 года назад

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@foreverworshipjesuschrist3263 - 14.01.2024 08:07

It's important to love people, especially those that hate you. I might not always show it but I do sincerely have love for everyone made in the image of God. Jesus Christ wants us to love each other and get along. You can do small things for people like smiling, saying thank you or I love you. You then move on to doing important tasks for others like praying for them and giving them what they need, if you have it. We need to love because Jesus Christ is love

@mayamachine - 02.01.2024 19:21

bunch of rubbish, trite, psychotic people are not responding to wounds.

@ultimore - 02.01.2024 00:47

Prison reform is hardly a satisfactory answer to the question “how to be more loving.” This is the first of your videos I found disappointing.

@SFalls - 19.12.2023 01:47

This is NOT ALWAYS true. There are people that are born with there brains wired differently.

@icysnow57cold64 - 28.11.2023 17:56

I have a question. How comfortable are most couples actually are with each other? I heard that most women do not like getting naked and changing their clothes right in front of their boyfriends or husbands, and most women do not like their boyfriends or husbands getting naked and changing their clothes right in front of them, and most women do not like to shower with their boyfriends or husbands, and most women do not like to sleep in the same bed as their boyfriends or husbands.

And I heard that when a woman has sex with her boyfriend or husband, she is most likely very uncomfortable during the whole experience. Also, I heard a reason why many women are comfortable getting naked and changing their clothes right in front of their platonic female (and male) friends (and vice versa) is because they are comfortable being naked around them and they are comfortable with them being naked around them since they don't see them as anything sexual, it's also another reason why they have no problem sleeping in the same bed as them.

And also, l heard that a woman getting naked and changing her clothes right in front of a man and sleeping in the same bed as him is a very friend-zoney thing for a woman to do to a man since that means she doesn't see him as anything romantic or sexual at all.

A girl being comfortable enough to be naked around a guy means he is in the friend-zone. She trusts him as a safe guy. Many girls are comfortable being naked around their male best friends because they know that their relationship is nothing more than that of a real sibling. Usually when a girl has that kind of relationship with a guy, it means she feels safe enough around him to believe he won’t try anything.

I am a asexual male just to let everyone know. So I am not interested in stuff like dating and sex. So that's maybe why 3 of my platonic female friends felt comfortable getting naked and changing their clothes right in front of me and vice versa, because me and them don't see each other as anything romantic or sexual at all.

So if those things are true (which I'm not sure), then that means that platonic love might be better than romantic love is, and that romantic relationships are not special.

@SivilCervant - 24.10.2023 07:31

I came to try to understand why I cant accept my bf's love and affection like I want to. I understand a little better...

@jimicunningable - 15.10.2023 02:30

The Earth is ruled by Abrahamic @#$^% scum or Materialist Pigs. It's always been an infinite puddle of PAIN. I will love nothing in this hellscape. What a disgusting !@#$%Q^&G narrative: ever meal is a funeral for something & sociopaths Rule, because "good" people are a cowardly waste of oxygen and DNA.

@ugly_face_emily - 14.09.2023 17:43

I used to be SO Loving and lately I'm mean, bitter and angry and I hate it

@JudahMaccabius - 10.09.2023 22:55

"evil is a consequence of injury" Is something that sounds nice- but just isn't true as a rule. Now, for a lot of people, I think this is true. but to make the statement that evil is just a response is false, you're basically saying that nature is entirely subservient to nurture. While we all should be more loving, more patient, more kind, spreading the idea that all bad people are bad for reason is dangerous and could lead to someone who is being abused to not realize their situation because of the "they had it rough" mentality instead of getting out of a bad situation. Everyone, has demons, some people give in, others don't. It is a choice. An example, many podophiles were sexually abused as children. They were victims of one of the most heinous crimes you can commit- that doesn't mean that they should be treated like wounded children. No instead of letting go of the pain, instead of not letting it consume them, they chose to act it onto other people, and when they do that, they are evil. While many people can be taught to overcome issues, they can be instructed on how to healthily deal with trauma, some can't. People aren't blank slates, we come with bugs, issues, and many parts of our personality already decided. Nature and Nurture work together, it takes good parenting to raise a kid right, sometimes it takes a good kid to fix bad parenting. People are different. We know from history there are people who have experienced the closest thing to hell we can achieve on earth, and they still are good. And some people are raised in a normal situation and still end up bad. Now i don't think we should give up on people just because they are difficult- but we shouldn't pretend we all can be fixed with just enough elbow grease and a little bit of effort. Some people are just bad.

@lulubeatzdoodoo558 - 31.08.2023 01:41

Now i know why i hate to say goodbye

@yuiopoli9601 - 28.08.2023 02:02

Biased propaganda delivered in compassionate understanding is only veiled egotistical propaganda.

If you leave out your biases you'd help more people with your video.

@sethtenrec - 24.08.2023 02:59

Love the reference to Trump, with the nasty father causing the poor behavior of the son.

@EinsamPibroch278 - 09.08.2023 11:06

Tell this Bollocks to the Families in El Salvador who lost their children to Barrio 18.

@theobamiumchronicles2838 - 08.08.2023 18:01

Unforgiveness is the root of all psychological damage. No matter how bad your wounds are, you have to forgive, or the desire for vengeance will damage your soul and you’ll end up hurting other people, and if they don’t learn to forgive, the cycle repeats. Learn to forgive, no matter how bad the wounds. Scars affect your body unforgiveness affects your soul.

@stylist62 - 10.07.2023 21:09

Evil is a consequence of choice, you can become more kind and loving or evil.

@aron4408 - 06.07.2023 21:10

There's a few conservative voters that need to watch this...

@pfb74 - 26.06.2023 17:15

This was what I did with myself and grew so much patience and love for myself and I'm doing this for a recent ex and it's making it easy to speak respectfully with my disgust and contemptuous feelings towards their behavior.

@holtweatherzz - 23.06.2023 00:44

the number of views on this video scares me

@directornishant9100 - 25.05.2023 08:31

use voice modulation in video

@directornishant9100 - 25.05.2023 08:30

sounded like am listening to a robot😅

@alishaanimations3058 - 22.05.2023 19:00

(Summary, try to understand an adults perspective as easily as you’d be able to read a child. The pain is the same. (set boundaries however, and remember it’s *not your job to change them.*)

Adults and children are the same

Because all ‘evil’ is rooted in painful emotion eg. Anger, sadness, pain

Yet we suggest an adult should ‘know better’

Because we can easily understand why a child would eg. Hit their sister (eg. Feeling left out)

To condense their actions into a simple insult such as ‘arse’ or a ‘bxtch’ doesn’t highlight why they act that way

*Eg. The tyrant politician had an overbearing father growing up
Eg. The hypersexually active individual went through neglect
Eg. The completely stubborn teenager who’s went through abuse

This is how emotions can be hidden behind fake ones, another eg. Hate with love

A politican like that would go to jail for his actions if he could, because he ‘should’ve known better’

But when we understand eg. Their backstory, we feel empathetic

It’s difficult to accept their actions, as we think that they’ll step all on us, and others

However, it is not about allowing them to insult you

They can still be kept behind bars (related: boundaries are really important)

It’s about shifting our perspective to become more empathetic (and in turn, loving)

So we acknowledge that adults really are children who need that same empathy a child gets.

Eg. Like those children in a separate facility in jail, who receive more kindness.

(Other side notes:
it’s not our job to try to heal an adults trauma
- after all, some people do not want to be changed.
The only thing we can do is keep that empathy with us, and practice forgiveness, to obtain *closure, eg.:

“It wasn’t right, and I didn’t deserve that.
I may not be able to fix you, but I understand why (not always the case, but you try),
and I forgive you, to protect myself from living in a cycle of hate and grief.”)

@alishaanimations3058 - 22.05.2023 18:42

This was a very powerful video..

@samragyibansal6750 - 22.05.2023 07:06


@user-nm6dr4uy3d - 20.05.2023 08:20

Too often, we equate understanding with acceptance. Understanding why someone did something does not mean we accept what they did. That would be like saying that once we understand why volcanoes erupt, we think it's OK that people are killed by them.

@quaord3738 - 27.04.2023 20:32

I gotta devote an off day to this channel. I got a lot to work on

@talkingshrek7455 - 16.03.2023 09:18

This idea has helped me bridle my angry many times. When someone offends me, I picture them as a child and begin to see the child still inside them. My angry often subsides and I feel a sense of love and understanding for them. If you are reading this, I encourage you to try this technique. I believe it can change your life and in turn, change the world.

@minicorvid - 15.03.2023 19:57

You guys gave me faith

@omgbygollywow - 12.03.2023 16:25

What rubbish.

@mattfitzpatrick4008 - 10.02.2023 20:56

Really enjoyed this one

@mattfitzpatrick4008 - 10.02.2023 20:54

Can't help but wonder who that politician is 😉

@ch33.tah. - 10.02.2023 18:08

This is why age is only a number. "Acting your age" does not make any sense when in reality people are not acting but being who they are based on their persxnal experiences.

@bonganimthimkulu4654 - 07.01.2023 01:00

Ampaths are considered weak and are despised in the end everyone turns their backs on them without critically examining the situation, my mother turned everyone against me when i started speaking out against her tyranny even when all i did was care that her parents abused her, she could act strong but i was sensitive enough to know how wounded she was by it. I didn't make myself sensitive towards her, i don't think i would have been able to do so as a child except either being taught it or born with it. As a grown man despite it all i have to take responsibility for how i acted, a reaction for me is a new action. It's tough, i know i am not what people see me as, i feel dry in my soul, i have been feeling so for a long time, I'm alone and afraid that I'm gonna die alone like i never had people around me💔😭😭😭😭

@micaelberetaalexandre2188 - 05.01.2023 03:35

It really helped!!! Thank you!!!

@vallee7966 - 29.12.2022 18:14

My father was never a child.

@marierosepascual4475 - 28.12.2022 04:12

Wala lang. 🕸🐟🪳🐣💯

@lybs2111 - 02.12.2022 16:15

I feel so pathetic watching these like im a robot trying to fit in with humanity

@SL2797 - 21.11.2022 05:32

I will NEVER be loving with people who have been incredibly cruel to me throughout my life. That is not fair. They DON'T deserve it. And I'm not inspired to do it. It's like asking to love your abuser.

Not a surprise this video comes from someone who thinks Marxism is a good thing.

@nothereyetlost - 16.11.2022 23:19

I despise wrongly titled videos. This one is more aptly titles how to be more understanding to mentally or emotionally injured persons. Abject Waste of time on the real title

@Bacciagalupe - 14.09.2022 03:23

: )

@abutuemmytex5704 - 02.09.2022 04:15

I saw some recommendations so I went through them and It's amazing that I was able to get my boyfriend back after 2 years since he left without saying a word but through Dr Jaja Jawara the great spell caster, he came home safe and the sound is like magic. I highly recommend Dr Jaja Jawara because he is a genius.....

@abutuemmytex5704 - 02.09.2022 04:15

I saw some recommendations so I went through them and It's amazing that I was able to get my boyfriend back after 2 years since he left without saying a word but through Dr Jaja Jawara the great spell caster, he came home safe and the sound is like magic. I highly recommend Dr Jaja Jawara because he is a genius.....

@thomasfaucette1660 - 26.08.2022 06:26

i'm so glad i'm not tied down with a bitchin wife i'm so glad i'm not married thats not a commitment marriage is a PRISON

@blodknut5595 - 18.08.2022 17:11

I wrestled with the content in this video and struggled to find how gaining an understanding of why some behaved as an adult towards a child in the most egregious and harmful way for their whole childhood warrants learning to love them. I speak from my own experiences here when at the age of 16 I was forced to protect myself by leaving home and vowing never to have any contact with them again.

Given the exercise to understand their story of how their childhood injuries played out either involves speaking with them about what happened and how they were hurt this process would expose me to significant harm. I would also be giving something of myself they had long ago forfeited the right to - that is my interest and attention. If I was to keep a”high wall”to protect myself it would be of a kind were I am not seen and they are unaware I am behind the wall.

This person is incapable of love and after seeking that parental love for 16 years and only receiving harm, compound when futilely sought and hoped for their parental love. Making myself vulnerable in the hope that they would love me and having then having this vulnerability used to harm me even more. There is a class of person that does not deserve one’s love for they are incapable of being loving.

I can ruminate and make con)ectures about the childhood harm they endured from my grandparents but in the end this is a futile guessing exercise. They are dead now so the point is moot. So I return to my earlier comment - I was unclear what the narrator was referring to by using the word love. Instead what I can offer that parent is my compassion - something that does not mean I give anything away that is more than any human being deserves. To provide love or to empathise with them and their childhood hurts is to become vulnerable and to risk more harm that I then become responsible for allowing. Instead one’s compassion exists within firm boundaries of the self and is protective. I will direct my efforts to learn to love to those in my life that I can actually learn to love because they are capable of showing love themselves.

@MEmrCLEVER - 18.08.2022 06:49

@schooloflife Could the source of information please be cited.

@faresforgames992 - 11.08.2022 02:34

I've been called careless by my bf and idk wht to do

@dmtdreamz7706 - 09.08.2022 12:00

On a certain level, we have more Love in our brain, the neurochemicals that show up in flow: so dopamine, norepinephrine, anandamide, endorphins, and serotonin. If you were to try to cocktail the street drug version of that, right, you're trying to blend like heroin and speed and coke and acid and weed- and point is, you can't do it. It turns out the brain can cocktail all of 'em at once, which is why people will prefer flow to almost any experience on Earth. It's our favorite experience. It's the most addictive experience on Earth. Why? 'Cause it cocktails five or six of the largest pleasure drugs the brain can produce. We're all capable of so much more than we know. That is a commonality across the board. And one of the big reasons is we're all hardwired for flow, and flow is a massive amplification of what's possible for ourselves.

@Rose-yq5rs - 17.07.2022 22:27

How do you stay kind and loving when people are mean all around me?🥹Only nice one has been God.

@hanselito2416 - 14.06.2022 09:43

Such a genius perspective here
