We are back at it again with PART 2 of the History Of mini-series!
In this weeks episode we share some fun stories about Comic-Con, Juan breaking his face while cliff-diving, and seeing movies. We even talk about the time Juan painted his entire body green for the avengers premiere!
We dive into the first big productions of our lives with "Camp" and "Rager," and about the time we spent in Tangled Beards Productions. Juan talks about his in The Hangover part 3, and we talk about Brendan breaking into song and dance in musical theater.
But don't think we are done yet, because holy sh*t there is still more to this story! We will be back to finish this HUGE EPIC TALE, next week in the final (fingers crossed) episode of the History Of: BJ in the Morning.
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#about_me #history #comicon #bone_break #cliff_dive #part_2 #about_us #tucson #phoenix #scott_pilgrim #avengers #movie #cosplay #story_time #body_paint #best_friends #friends #story #growing_up #movie_making #filmmaking #filmmakers #costume