Wildlife Photography Presentation - Best Techniques

Wildlife Photography Presentation - Best Techniques

Steve Perry

4 года назад

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Nop Nop
Nop Nop - 13.10.2023 01:54

Wow. This video was EPIC. Thank you!

I’m a non-photographer who is going on a safari in South Africa.

So I purchased a DSLR and started learning how to make the most of the trip photo-wise.

This was by far the best video.

Before watching this, I went out for a walk with my cat and practiced taking pictures of him.

Most were blurry.

Now that I watched the video, I understand why and how to fix.

I’ll go out now and see if I can do better with all this knowledge.

Thank you! I’ll definitely buy one of your books.

Good Life Homestead
Good Life Homestead - 24.05.2023 00:09

Did you have to be bald to attend this meeting? 🙄🙂

Joanne Abramson
Joanne Abramson - 21.05.2023 20:08

This is an excellent video. I have all three of the Steve Perry books mentioned. It was great to see a long presentation with his techniques and photos. I wish the auditorium camera had been set up higher. I did not need to see the audience, rather his photos.

chris angel
chris angel - 20.05.2023 22:18

Loved the black and white picture

Ride Along with Randy
Ride Along with Randy - 14.05.2023 20:16

I know this is an old vid, and I'm making a comment ... I let this run while charging batteries for many cams and prepping other stuff, and I listened to sort of get my head in the game for tomorrow's shoot in the mountains. Cheers!

Kai Luan
Kai Luan - 10.05.2023 22:57

There shouldn't be any rules for art.

Andrew Gonzalez
Andrew Gonzalez - 03.05.2023 23:22

Steeeeeeeve Perry

Dark Bidding
Dark Bidding - 02.05.2023 01:30

Great video!

Bryan Long
Bryan Long - 30.04.2023 02:41

Nigel, I have absolutely loved this series. It's been amazing watching uou go through so many different stages of emotions and relating them to my own photography. I'm now trying to work out a place in New Zealand to do a much shorter concept! I am guilty of rushing through locations. Thanks for the effort you put in!

Freddy Acosta
Freddy Acosta - 29.04.2023 23:24

Why so many youngsters? 🤔🤣

Dr.Norman Klack
Dr.Norman Klack - 08.04.2023 22:06

I have watched this video a few times and make a point to come back to it at least twice a year as a reminder of the fundamentals of wildlife photography since I'm only able to get out once or twice a week. Thank you Steve for posting this and all the work you put into your videos and books from your website.

Niladri Roy
Niladri Roy - 14.02.2023 22:02


Dave Womack
Dave Womack - 02.02.2023 07:24

Great presentation Steve. Learned a lot from it.

BIG DOG - 10.01.2023 06:16

loved it, helped me so much

Martin JN
Martin JN - 08.01.2023 17:02

Well it's now January 2023 and I've just sat through this video, and after watching all that I can say is that what was said then is so so relevant today, it was brilliant.

In reality nothing has really changed in the intervening years since this video was first broadcast , sure Technology has come on a bit but the images that were shown were created with what are now yesterday's cameras and for many of us yesterday's camera is the one we will use today and most probably tomorrow.

This has been one of the most enlightening videos I've watched, so much great information to take in and absorb, I have been using auto ISO for a few months and not really understanding it but now I get it, BBF in AFC, focus on subject take thumb off, recompose then hit the shutter without hitting the AF-On button, logical, simple and straightforward so why didn't I think of it?

This video has been a bit of a dot to dot process, yes I knew a lot of what was said but somehow Mr Perry managed to show me how these dots can be joined up to create a process that really works and will give results if you practice. Thanks Steve for this, I learnt loads, much appreciated.

Ethan Boggio
Ethan Boggio - 05.11.2022 23:58

Im watching this over and over again while I'm in the woodshop. Steve is not one of the best. HE is the best!

sinetwo - 03.10.2022 21:26

Fantastic talk Steve. I agree with you on all points and I use a lot of this for underwater photography!

To get low, have you ever used something like the Nikon Dr-5? I'm looking at this for the d500/d850 because I don't trust live view 😊

Maestro Écarlate
Maestro Écarlate - 06.09.2022 02:36

This completely changed my understanding of how camera settings work. In college, while I had a photography class during my 3D animation and image synthesis program, we were told strict rules about camera settings like the one to never use the AF mode. My 3 year-confusion is clearer now thanks to your teaching ! The knowledge you have on this subject is unbelievably easy to understand, concise and fun to watch 😁 The idea of having a higher shutter speed really surprised me, I can’t wait to try it next time I go out ! 😉

Maestro Écarlate
Maestro Écarlate - 06.09.2022 02:01

For people struggling to understand the difference between AF-C and AF-S, search for a video on how to track a 3D object in motion in a video. It’s the same thing and visually it’s more understandable (Imagine the 3D trackers to be the focus points of the camera).

Triple Whiskey
Triple Whiskey - 11.08.2022 06:47

Great content steve
