How This Central African City Became the World’s Most Expensive

How This Central African City Became the World’s Most Expensive

Wendover Productions

1 год назад

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Writing by Sam Denby and Tristan Purdy
Editing by Alexander Williard
Animation led by Josh Sherrington
Sound by Graham Haerther
Thumbnail by Simon Buckmaster

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@jennifertate4397 - 01.01.2024 13:08

What's Prince Harry got to do with Angola's success?

@jennifertate4397 - 01.01.2024 13:03

MONEY talks to loud!

@frankordonez2826 - 28.12.2023 07:12

Dos santos equivalent to 2 diablos

@MyTube-yc3hd - 25.12.2023 16:04

terrible for Angola. Hun Sen does the same in Cambodia. hes raped the land of teak wood and sold the land after kicking out the ppl

@PeoplesChoiceofficial - 20.12.2023 17:25

Well - come on dude. What you are excited for ? Every country have this corener of wealth for different reasons.
Far far away in the end of wild Russua - there are also artificial cities with huge wealth. But its still a shiethole where people struggling very much.

@imissyoubasile - 18.12.2023 10:48

Ok, but it's still a shitty country on a shitty continent.

@lawrencestoke - 10.12.2023 09:00

The Americans are coming. They are building a $1 billion railway from Angola via Zambia to DRC so they can properly loot DRC precious minerals. Africa is beautiful and rich but has had too many foreign vultures who even bought and sold human beings. Africans need to unite and wake up. It will be the most powerful continent because it literally has EVERYTHING. Saddens me really

@stefanogizzler - 10.12.2023 02:35

CORRUPTION is the cancer of all African countries despite having vast natural resources. Africa is a truly blessed continent.

@birdman1843 - 06.12.2023 10:20

It’s a poop 💩 hole

@akinokusami3623 - 03.12.2023 00:04

Isabel Dos Santos's brazen corruption is soooo unforgivable. The fact she maintains she did nothing wrong when we literally have the borrower & lender receipts just shows the contempt she has not only for the Angolan people but for everyone else.

@aGr3atD4y - 02.12.2023 11:22

great video!

@fernandilsen - 02.12.2023 04:15

só há verdade neste vídeo. Eu era menino nesta altura, meu pai foi fez parte da unidade de segurança pessoal do presidente Dos Santos, minha avô foi cozinheira do Governador Lopo Nascimento e do General França Ndalo e nós usufruímos dos privilégio, o mais triste é que só vivia bem quem estava próximo deles. Os funcionários públicos de terceira categoria também gozavam de uma vida boa. Infelizmente o povo que fugiu da guerra e migrou para Luanda, sofria e sofre até aos dias de hoje.

@KipJackson - 29.11.2023 08:15

how is this lady different than US politicians building insane net worth through insider trading only to be fined $200

@absiol3588 - 28.11.2023 18:03

Africa is the wealthiest continent in the world if it wasn’t the corrupt governments. The natural resources that the whole continent has can make Africa like the western countries But time and time again selfish politicians pulling Africa back from moving forward to better life for all African people. Very sad.

@WorldPlacesToVisit10 - 25.11.2023 15:20

Shouldn't these rich African people help their country first instead of asking for financial help from other countries? It doesn't seem they do not have money. Combat corruption first. The poorest paying for the luxury of a few. Not fair!

@kogure7235 - 22.11.2023 15:53

"We need to replace the evil communism with good and benevolent capitalism"
Good and benevolent capitalism:
Not that communism hasn't always had its fair share of corrupt people in power ruining it for everyone else, but this ultra-extreme disparity is so painful to watch. If the 99% are doing just as poorly, and the 1% are incomprehensibly wealthy, where exactly lies the benefit?

@kyezze - 19.11.2023 07:53

south african country *

@learnerarshi2949 - 15.11.2023 15:12

.African countries n their natural wealth must be protected from France n west evil eyes n grip..
But its sad bks evil powers are encouraged by fake believer rulers of different states in world n result comes like condition in Gaza ...

@beatjunkybg - 12.11.2023 13:52

Imagine the sociopath you have to be to steal that much from extremely poor citizens, lie, smile on photos and somehow sleep at night...

@ianricoy5922 - 09.11.2023 21:35

The thing holding back Angola is capitalism

@jpmtlhead39 - 07.11.2023 18:23

Dos's Santos Family, specialy the Daughter Isabel dos Santos ( who has a international arrest warrant) committed the biggest "Heist" in African History and One of the World Biggest committed by a Government and Their family in any country in the World.
Angola was victim ( among many other African countries) of the Greastest Kleptocracy "Robbery" in recent ( last 50 years) years.
All by the Rulers of Angola during 40 years. The Dos's Santos Family.
While the majorety of the Angola people after the Independence and with all the huge resources that blessed and Cursed that country,still live in abject Poverty.
And as always the "West" just look at the other side while their Companies keep exploiting all the Vast Angola Resources. A total Disgrace.
PS: sorry just One important remark,Angola is not Tiny as you Said,Angola is the 7th largest African country with 1.246.700 km2, 2 and a half Times bigger than France and Twice bigger than Ukraine. Angola is an huge country,far from Tiny as you Said.

@BobbyGenerik - 07.11.2023 05:26

How tf did u say Haagen-Dazs? Lol

@TheTravelBros2112 - 06.11.2023 05:23

This video was done a year ago, Luanda has not been the most expensive city in almost 7 years now.

@mwest3583 - 04.11.2023 02:59

Perverse free market capitalism run amok

@gregs8606 - 29.10.2023 18:22

Think about this for a minute. Every single war, civil war, and proxy war in Africa in the last 70 years that was won by a Marxist leninist group ended up with the massive looting of everything of value in the entire continent.
Why is it that every Marxist leninist in Africa said that they were doing it for the people and ended up robbing the country's wealth and putting it into the pockets of the leaders of these Marxist revolutionary groups? The answer of course is that socialists are nothing more than thieves at heart

@daslothmc3910 - 29.10.2023 01:13

I had immediate bo2 flashbacks when I heard MPLA

@JacquelineKristol - 27.10.2023 22:40

It's a colonial city, that's what it is.

@unxusr - 27.10.2023 22:18

Oil and fossil fuel industry is evil. It is beyond my mind how we are sensitive if someone drop just a little things on our lawns, yet we allow free dumping of the worst carcinogens straight into our common air. So first we must remove ALL subsidies. Then tax polluters equally. Any personal vehicle, plant, refinery etc etc. And use that income to fix economy and medical programs.

@indethbed2546 - 27.10.2023 18:45

the timing of this video and the freezing of her asset in portugal, netherlands, angola and issuance of her arrest warrant by interpol is extraordinary. like a collective brain conditioning propagation

@notyouraverageaustrian - 26.10.2023 22:37

coporate apartheid

@knutthompson7879 - 26.10.2023 19:35

A 38 year long, unelected and checked reign and then handpicking your replacement is not really a "presidency". It is a dictatorship.

@ElementEvilTeam - 26.10.2023 12:14

TL;DR: rich people moved in

@blackjackjoe7 - 26.10.2023 06:59

When I was 14/15 years old, I lived in Luanda with my parents in 1966-67. My father was a diesel engineer working for Gulf Oil as part of the first crew to begin drilling off of Cabinda on a huge flotation rig. Angola was a beautiful country and I thoroughly enjoyed my time there. Many stories to tell about that time. It is sad what happened in the 1970s and 80s with civil war, then again the corruption of the 2010s that derailed a chance for the population to improve on their condition. I hope they can get things straightened out.

@aconsideredopinion7529 - 24.10.2023 17:26

Running a country seems to beyond the ability of any and all African politicians……no matter what advantages they have or are given they just cannot run a modern country!!

@Vasudevah-ht9ws - 24.10.2023 16:41

Love from India beautiful Angola❤

@icarus-wings - 23.10.2023 18:00

Why is it that nearly every African country is crippled by corruption?

@stewartgatsi3180 - 22.10.2023 09:27

Please do one of these about Zimbabwe...exactly the same

@creestee08 - 21.10.2023 08:05

lol i keep hearing desantis

@johns3465 - 19.10.2023 10:14

Nothing new in most of world

@johns3465 - 19.10.2023 09:55

In Colorado is 15 to,20 at KFC per person. Not new in America

@markchalled3976 - 18.10.2023 06:58

During the beginning of the video I was wondering if the economy was so robust why hadn't the standard of living improved for the average Angolan. I got my answer. Thanks for the post.

@Roni62 - 18.10.2023 02:13

Some government officials were busted by the world bank stealing billions.Isabel Dos Santos stole billions and was busted by the world bank. So I think she's going to jail.

@christinaudoenoh94 - 17.10.2023 22:44

African leaders are the most corrupt in the world

@frankskoda-simmons - 15.10.2023 00:55

Luanda is just one of the many indecencies of Africa. I hope they won't say that the Portuguees are to blame .

@deliciousfoods2709 - 13.10.2023 22:02

nothing is attractive or amazing in this city

@mariusj8542 - 13.10.2023 18:12

Plastic is not that bad as long as it is recycled. Most european countries recycle 50-60% of all plastic. In Norway 92% of all plastic bottles are recycled.

@fttlifestyle - 13.10.2023 12:56

The issue with Angola and other African nations is this; when they became independent, the people who fought and asked for independence from the Europeans sold the countries down the river. They did back door deals during negations such as French speaking countries selling their currency to France, keeping European language as official languages, and these leaders joined the elite masonry clubs that Europeans, Americans and Asians belong to, even Nelson Mandela he did the same thing. Thus meaning the interests and benefits of their club members who are leaders in corporate companies and euro-asiatic and American companies came FIRST before AFRICANS. Since then until now, it’s an old boys network type of governance. There’s no attempt to improve things, it’s simply about pretence and pretending to appear to be doing something, appearing to oppose the Europeans or Americans but behind closed doors the business deals keep rolling in, African politicians buying real estates and building business home and abroad. The solution is simple. Stronger institutions are needed in Africa, strong men mentality must be secondary and national citizens committee with tribal representatives chosen at local level by locals who most barely speak Portuguese, French, English or Spanish to choose their own leaders. These committees to oversee the government, to review, accept or reject and rubber stamp their decisions. Parliamentary formatting isn’t a suitable form of governance for Africa. In the meantime education,health, and access to opportunities, finance and universal income to be introduced of $1000 a month. Also a corruption bureau needs to be independent and impartial from the arms of the state and have powers to investigate, seize assets and prosecute as a separate and independent court. National minimum wage should be raised to $22k a year and corporation tax up to 30% to 38%. The youth needs to stop being indoctrinated with sex, entertainment and music and pushed towards tech, good moral compass and clean governance. Also, people in Africa complain about corruption but in their daily lives they support corruption in their daily dealings, by providing what they call pay a “GASOSA” tax to each other or to authorities, this must stop, corruption is tackled at the bottom also and people at the top won’t have a choice but begin to reduce the level of corruption. The leaders we choose represent who we are as people.

@loganfodrie5676 - 11.10.2023 20:14

Haygen Doss.

Got it.
