Are grounding mats safe? ------------------------------------ Esmog Spion ---- ME3851A -- EMF meters

Are grounding mats safe? ------------------------------------ Esmog Spion ---- ME3851A -- EMF meters


55 лет назад

1,413 Просмотров

Many tests on grounding mats, their cables and more, with many different EMF meters.
Tests can be misleading if you use the wrong tools and wrong testing methods.

I did a poll in 2 different EMF groups and most EMF sensitive people said they get sick from using a grounding mat, including myself. I did those polls before releasing this video.
I'm not against grounding, but grounding in a EMF polluted environment can cause problems. So far I have never felt obvious bad effects when grounding outside with my feet in the grass, but when trying grounding via an outlet many years ago I felt all kinds of effects and then the Dirty Electricity wasn't even that bad yet.

___ EMF meters ___

There are different shops to buy these from. Examples:

Esmog Spion 5G ---
Gigahertz ME3851a ---
EMFfields PF5 ---
BK Precision 2709B ---
EMF-390-V2 --- (Amazon, Ebay)
Erickhill RT100 --- (Amazon, Aliexpress, Ebay)


___ How to buy a multimeter to measure body voltage: ___

Using a multimeter is relatively simple, just connect the black lead to the ground and for the rest copy what I did in this video. You do need a descent device though:

The BK-Precision in this video has a resolution of 0.1mV but that is overkill I think, for EMF sensitive people a resolution of 1mV should already be enough.
I recommend buying one with True RMS because your meter should then be higher quality.
ChatGTP recommends one with 10MΩ (or higher) input impedance to avoid inaccurate readings + preferably an accuracy of at least ±2% (lower is better).
So in summary: 1mV resolution, True RMS, 10MΩ (or higher) input impedance, at least ±2% accuracy (lower is better).
Even the BK-precision I used in this video is a budget meter still. For body voltage it will work though, it complies to everything that is required. The meter has strengths but also flaws, be aware of that! There are probably better devices available for the same price, it's just something I bought a while back. It's frequency range is probably limited between 50Hz - 500Hz for measuring body voltage. A quality EMF meter should have a wider frequency range and can have more useful functions for EMF sensitives. Keep in mind that multimeters were not designed for EMF sensitive people.
This blog may also help:


___ Related videos ___

I used tools commonly sold to and used by EHS people,
which is the easiest and cheapest way to check certain things for most people;
but in the videos linked here below this guy uses more expensive equipment
used by electrical engineers that can reveal it all (probably).
In my video I checked against the real ground (in the grass),
but the real ground is often also not truly zero EMF,
I'm well aware of that, but my 'cheap' 100€ multimeter can't measure that.
If I ground outside barefoot I do this only for just an hour or so,
and I'm not aware of any obvious bad effect
and it may be better to ground like this than not do it, but I'm not a doctor
and most doctors won't know either.


Many EMF sensitive people feel like they are being fried in their own home, how are you feeling in yours?

My DeTekta DE meter (and other similar devices on the market like it) max out slightly below 2000mV.
So who knows how high it gets during the day since it is often at it's max...
The "Satic EMI Line Monitor" can go up to 3000mV though, at this date:

Other dirty Electricity measuring devices:

This one only measures up to about 150kHz
but it focuses on the worst frequencies, they say.

To properly measure everything you probably need better tools though,
like the following guys use for example, but not everyone will get this working:
He also uses a Picoscope for example:



EMF sensitivity:

Bio Effects EMF can cause:



#EMI #dirty_electricity #Detekta #stetzer #stetzerizer #aarding #grounding #grounding_mat #aardingsmat #EMF #EMV #EHS #EMR #meter #device #radiation #straling #electromagnetic #elektromagnetisch #stralingmeter #tests #detector #detecter #frequency #measure #measurements #meten #metingen #testen #frequencies #magnetic #analyser #testing #Esmog_Spion #ME3851a #Gigahertz #kabels #ohm #resisitor #multimeter
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