8. OCD Treatment: How to stop the thoughts! Part 1

8. OCD Treatment: How to stop the thoughts! Part 1

Katie d'Ath

10 лет назад

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Sam Smith
Sam Smith - 22.06.2014 05:42

I've had to keep my thoughts to myself all my life

xoSruthi - 20.06.2014 22:29

Dear Katie,
I looked in the amazon there are too many books by various author with the same title " overcoming OCD". Is there a particular book / author you were mentioning?
Plze recommend.

maryam firdausi
maryam firdausi - 20.06.2014 07:37

Oh my God.I've been having OCD problems for 2 years and didn't know what to do about it. I cried. I thank you soooo much for making this video! I can't thank you enough…because this video really made a difference. My life is not as miserable. Keep this up!

Mandy Smith
Mandy Smith - 20.06.2014 07:36

Thank you this has really helped me

MartinezMet - 18.06.2014 00:05

I have an OCD. I have thoughts that I will kill someone. But I realize that it is a stupid thing. Next day I have thoughts about commiting a suicide. But I just dont want to commit a suicide, I realize its not good. Help. I cant get these things out of my head :(

RayRetzu - 14.06.2014 22:56

Everyday everything has to be perfect everything has to be the same I just can't help it.

ojpproductions - 13.06.2014 04:04

It's almost as if everytime you do something you would concider to be a negative action that you can't forgive yourself so it concerns you with worry that you'll recreate that moment over and over again, where as if you try not to care you could over come the thought barrier

xoSruthi - 13.06.2014 02:20

Dear Katie, first of all thankyou so much for those wonderful videos. Secondly where can I get those " overcoming OCD" videos?. Also please give us some more resources if you can.
Looking forward for more videos on ERP, infact if you can make us a step by step ERP with more examples it would be great. I totally understand the ERP principle, when I watched your videos and I thought it should not be that though. But actually when I applied it in my practical situation I couldn't do it more than some time as the urge was extremely forceful. Please if you can guide us step by step on how to beat this monster I would really appreciate that. There are not many people ( without OCD) who understand the pain of OCD sufferers and their mental agony . Thankyou so much for understanding our problem and it's intensity. Thankyou for your time and effort in providing us the best resource. Looking forward for more videos and the site to find " overcoming OCD" video.

Ksenija Ksenija
Ksenija Ksenija - 11.06.2014 01:06

Hello, Katie! I want to ask you this thing. I do ocd rituals in my head like counting something and repeating some words over and over again. It's a thought too so should I ignore it and let it be there, resist the urge to do that or should I do something else? I'm a little bit confused about that. 

Luke Pretorius
Luke Pretorius - 08.06.2014 21:15

I like to think of it as if you're exploring city and the thoughts are the buildings. When you find yourself in a building that you don't like there's no need to tear down the building, simply walk away from it. 

Chris So
Chris So - 06.06.2014 14:15

Hi Katie, I am really suffering from serious OCD. My ritual consists of tensing my whole face and neck muscles and vital parts (heart,eyes) of my body whenever I feel fearful as I feel it grants me protection from my worst fears from happening. I have been through session of CBT without avail. I have been conditioned to realize that tensing up always works all the time and things won't screw up if I do this ritual. I know its irrational but I cannot stop it. However I am just so unfortunate. One day when I tried to stop this ritual by relaxing. I managed to relax and everything went fine however 30 minutes later I saw a bedbug on my bed (one of my primary fears in life) and I freaked out and went into a panic attack. I called the pest control and they cleared those pests out and it was not a serious infestation. But the main point is : My worst fears usually don't come true when I tense up my muscles but OMG it actually did when I relaxed. However, months later I managed to get over it and tried relaxing again and not tensing up my facial, neck muscles. Just 20 minutes after that bad things or coincidences started to happen again. I drew my curtain and its snapped and fell . 10 minutes after when I left my house to throw the garbage, there was a hole in the bag and rotten meat started falling out all over the floor. It was so scary I started crying and freaking out as it my hypothesis is really true that I have to tense my muscles my entire life or bad stuff like this will happen all the time. I really do not know what to do and I am contemplating stopping school and later work and just sleeping in my bed as I cant relax anymore. The weird thing is that I am still able to sleep with no problem but when I get back up in the morning at 8am before work all these fflashbacks of the previous coincidences keep flushing in my mind that I cannot relax anymore as this coincidences might happen again.

Rahil hasan
Rahil hasan - 30.05.2014 22:12

i am 20 years old and from small i have this pblm  from early age idont know what to do i also have dreams bad dreams but i try to control by haring songs and watching  romantic movies witch has less action but i watch action  movies  and ilove em  and when ever i see blood i get scared  that i may like it at the age of 11 i hurt a kid by cutting his hand with a blade and i still remember the flesh opening up wheni cut him deep from that day onwards i isolated my self from all family ties  icontrol my fear by laughing  idontget angry much often but if i do get angry i cant control the urge to kill or seeing blood  i always hurt myself to become normal and control myself by cutting myself  or locking myself  up and punching the cubord plz help idont go out i dont  hve freinds and i need help

Brittany Spicer
Brittany Spicer - 16.05.2014 08:29

HI I don,t know if I have ocd  but I have a compulsive issue when I want to remember a name in the past  there faces pop up and  then it begins  im in my head for hrs tring to remember  can you define what this is and why I cant just stop thinking about it 

Jennifer Kwiek
Jennifer Kwiek - 06.05.2014 03:26

I am so glad to find this video. I have been trying to fight my thoughts and they ARE getting more severe. This affects my depression and I don't want that to happen. I want to be well.

Rama Narendra
Rama Narendra - 29.04.2014 23:36

Hi Katie
I am new to OCD.
and My Problem is i cant control my Thoughts 
and its too difficult for me too face it all the time 
When i consulted Psychiatrist, I  said everything about what i have been going thorugh,and he said i am having  "God Fear n Few", Does these all comes under OCD ?
I am facing many problems due to this,I dnt knw when will i get rid of this 
an how to face,
Would you Help me by few suggestions ? 

Ivan - 27.04.2014 07:29

OCD sucks for me. if i imagine myself running, a thought will pop into my head of a wall appearing out of no where and blocking me. and if i try and imagine the wall not being there, it always comes back and takes over my brain and its impossible to imagine running again because the thought will always come back and enslave my brain. 

Rahul Gupta
Rahul Gupta - 26.04.2014 15:15

Hi Katie .. First thanks for posting the videos , I have been suffering from OCD from last 2-3 years but in last one year i have been facing severe OCD problem at my workplace. I keep checking my work again and again and can't satisfy myself that i am doing correct work. Example - I keep on checking the numbers and words again and again , if i read a number 10 i just keep on checking it again and again that i am reading it right (In short i am really afraid that i will lose my job if i will do something wrong that's why i keep on checking it again and again). In this way i am taking really long time to complete my work. Please suggest something , i have even tried medicines for this for around 10 months but to no effect.Should i try CBT also please suggest.And as you suggested that whenever a thought comes don't focus on it keep it in the mind and do something else , just want to ask will this work for me as my thought are related to my work and i can't proceed further if i will do something else. Please help, Waiting for your early reply and thanks in advance

cymruambyth - 17.04.2014 14:46

I keep having these thoughts in my head that I won't be able too pee.. and when I go to the toilet I can't, It's way out of order now, It's horrible. Please help.

Noor Muhammad Khan
Noor Muhammad Khan - 13.04.2014 00:05

Thank you!
