Should you Play Neverwinter in 2023 and Beyond ?

Should you Play Neverwinter in 2023 and Beyond ?

Galactic Underwear

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Galactic Underwear
Galactic Underwear - 06.04.2023 03:51

Huge thanks to Anjicat for the help as always ! Hope you enjoy the video, i decided to make this type of videos because most people who make them have very little experience in the game! i covered as much as i can and made it as fun as possible. Enjoy and let me know what you think below.. Peace.

Christopher Frost
Christopher Frost - 04.10.2023 04:00

Maybe you should insert your new barbarian blade up your backside till you fix the devote cleric summon fire needs to be 100.

Ultimate Outcast
Ultimate Outcast - 15.08.2023 11:53


Pragmatic - 01.08.2023 00:01

I really like Neverwinter. I just wish it wasn't so pay-to-win.

AccordingtoYamsz - 30.07.2023 13:37

Its a really good time killer. When u have nothing else to do

Unal Aktaş
Unal Aktaş - 28.07.2023 00:10

Shoot, it feels sooo strange to give a thumb up to this sad info, but we will be waiting for you while grinding like maniacs 😅
Have a good time Galactic!

Klayns Szyden
Klayns Szyden - 25.07.2023 06:41

i played it for a few months. Great game! You can create your own campaign which is +1 against wow. I had an elf with giant two-hand sword. It was pure fun. Mouse control a bit different than other games. You don't have a cursor. Instead a circle in the center of screen. Your char auto aim targets.

Captain Cruloc
Captain Cruloc - 17.07.2023 18:13

I played this game for a few years, stopped playing I think 2 years ago. My guild disbanded, people moved on, the grind was making it feel more like a job than a game. Once our group went our separate ways the game just wasn't worth it anymore. All that time trying to min-max, testing in the guild, running dragons etc........I remember saving up to get that legendary lion mount, running around a bit and then haven't logged in since.

RGS1970 - 04.07.2023 08:41

Simple answer, NO, reasons, most of the stuff is the same thing with different skins, lack of creativity, lack of balance, not new worthy perks, not cool armor, the new class, the bard, just a rogue with healing powers. The only good things are some of the stories,.but people in this game don't really care about the lore but just builds,.for example, without googling, My cleric healer names is Cadderly Bonaducce, I use the Mist mount with dark gem so the mist look like a blackish smoke so why is that? Who is Cadderly? What he did? Anyway, the only reason I keep playing this are the friends I made during the years since day one of the Neverwinter. God speed and be well

Josias Acauan
Josias Acauan - 11.06.2023 07:21

module 16 was overdone and killed the game to me. Everytime i think of playing neverwinter i remember how shit the tank experience have become since module 16 and give up.

PaperlessWriter - 30.05.2023 22:00

Good info, thanks:)

Nikola Bubanja
Nikola Bubanja - 27.05.2023 12:54


Mr_Daddy - 09.05.2023 15:17

Top Quality Video ! You did covered a lot in that video;) Im returning player.. and must say its esier play for free then ever,upgrad system is way better... ( 6 days daily 1 Mote=1 upgrade) before,when you need 15mil ad for bonding, 15mill for weapon and legendary mount was around 7-8 mill. it was basically impossible to play without spending.. Now its a best time to come back or try out this game!
Thank You For Such a Great Video ! 👊😎

J S - 08.05.2023 17:19

If the devs wereent scum it could be a good game.

Obbko - 04.05.2023 21:38

jesus goes hard

LE rekt
LE rekt - 04.05.2023 13:35

i dlike to ask a thing on the money aspect.
To me up to 1000$ is not pay2win , i am totally fine with that amount, but if i can spend more to min-max it is gonna be a nope to me, i v played so many korean trap money milking rpg in past years , i give up now.

please when you answer consider these 3 aspects , before formulating the answer:
. i am ONLY for min-maxing top of the top tier
. i am NOT a casual player that "oh i can clear all contents and reach end game then i am happy"
. i do not care of campaign or lore , just want big numbers and min-maxing

Langers 22
Langers 22 - 27.04.2023 11:21

Yeah I would say no it's boring now with 10 toons and the scaling makes it pointless to get better and reskin content is meh

Sogaygo - 23.04.2023 22:53

i miss pvp 2016-2018 time

Marshall Ebright
Marshall Ebright - 23.04.2023 13:43

I can’t wait to see the barbarian or guardian fighter have their day. I know they did long ago, but I didn’t start doing endgame content or know what the hell I was doing until the beginning of 2021. At this point, if I max out a wizard, knowing my luck that will be the time they get nerfed. This isn’t a complaint, just that I want my turn in having one of my classes being the best class to use lol.

Freedom's Quest
Freedom's Quest - 22.04.2023 19:43

I got started a few hours earlier and so far the combat is the best . It's also challenging from the first minute , which is great

Jose Ramos
Jose Ramos - 19.04.2023 21:37

