The Disturbing Truth about TikTok

The Disturbing Truth about TikTok

Visual Venture

2 года назад

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@zulaikhatrik9919 - 02.02.2024 04:37

My tiktok app only last for 1 week in my phone 🤣 addiction to this app is scary, while using it, the time pass by and i don't even realise. That's why i uninstall this app

@ikegotgamesiggames1313 - 02.02.2024 03:23

I off grid

@hotpinkbear31 - 01.02.2024 19:30

As a parent, I'm horrified. Ill be having A very long talk with my kids and these things need to be stopped

@paulmerritt2484 - 01.02.2024 18:55

I just notices that you mentioned faking mental illness. It is important to understand that Tourette's Syndrome, ADHD, and Autism are neurological disorders and not mental illnesses. Things like anxiety and depression are common in those with certain neurological disorders but you do not need to see a psychiatrist to be diagnosed with ADHD or Tourette's or Autism. You can see a neurologist. When I decided to get diagnosed as an adult who life with and misunderstood all my life the conditions I was living with my family doctor told me I am not mentally ill and warned me a psychiatrist would try to prescribe me multiple medications likely on the first visit but a neurologist would assess me and diagnose me before any treatment woudl be offered if needed.

These are also not behavioral issues. They have to do with the physical form of the brain and the way the brain operated in a person with autism is still being studied and much is being finally recorded at least that was not written for Germany in WW2. The term Asperger's also should never be used and if you hear someone mention it as a condition know this is supposed to be banned as Hans Asperger's falsified his research in order to justify the killing of Autistic children as the were said to all be psychopaths. Many do not know but the word Asperger's is the clinical name for Autistic Psychopath. This is a horrible lie and there are many misconceptions that were sold to the world and to big pharma over the years.

@ClapMyCheeks69 - 01.02.2024 17:59

100% fact tiktok knows me more then i knew myself

@Addison-RN - 01.02.2024 09:02

As I continue to delve into your content and explore your channel, I am consistently blown away by your sheer talent and dedication. Your creative endeavours are truly unparalleled, serving as a testament to the profound ardour and unwavering devotion with which you approach every facet of your artistic pursuit.

Your voice, in particular, is like a soothing symphony of tranquility, effortlessly steering me through the passages of your captivating documentaries (You would reign supreme if you ever did ASMR/ASMR Audiobook readings - Your potential for mastery in this realm would be extraordinary. Should you decide to embark, please inform!).

I am grateful to have stumbled upon your channel and cannot wait to see where your boundless potential takes me when I binge your videos. Thanks again for your hard work.

@TheAnalyticalObservers - 01.02.2024 04:09

People got mad at jj because they realized how gullible they are, and they are really mad at themselves

@TheAnalyticalObservers - 01.02.2024 04:07

That's why they call them TIk toks

@hannacarter1352 - 01.02.2024 02:06

The fear of missing out never bothered me. I actually never thought about it. You have to be happy for other people without it being about one's self. I think I grew to feel this way because my older sister was put on a pedestal. Never bothered me though. I believe it's because I felt God was with me my whole life.

@Working800 - 01.02.2024 01:53

milezjj wasn't bad, he was an intelligent troll 🤣🤣

@hannacarter1352 - 01.02.2024 01:52

Hey buddy get hypnosis for your turrets. It will help you.

@hannacarter1352 - 01.02.2024 01:50

Great video. Really good information for the people. Some truth. 👍

@hannacarter1352 - 01.02.2024 01:42

Booday or whatever his name is, is unattractive and fat so did TicToc algorithms not pick that up? And he did do stuff in real life, he hit on 14 year old girls. He should have been arrested! Right?

@hannacarter1352 - 01.02.2024 01:18

TikTok is the Chinese governments way of spying. Don't use it.

@alexa_366 - 31.01.2024 21:27

ngl when i heard the discord noti sound i moved my phone to check my taskbar xD... i think i proved his point

@ShellyLooney - 31.01.2024 07:00

I actually deleted my account then thought about how they can probably tract information from my phone when I don’t use the app anymore so please don’t forget to delete your account before you delete the app.. I am so glad I came across your account!!

@BinkyStalls - 31.01.2024 06:00

China did a number on the Unites States with this App.

@dathumbman - 31.01.2024 05:06

As a tiktok user i never knew any of this so I might stop using it

@King-Habibi - 31.01.2024 04:05

Deformities? Run that shit back!

@Zexrok - 31.01.2024 02:32

Imagine downloading tik tok (ever)

@JS-uc2oc - 31.01.2024 01:50

The choke out was around before social media. We definitely did it...some kidz passed then too.. this was over 20 yrs ago

@alextheagendemigirl - 30.01.2024 23:37

as an autistic person, i hate seeing people that fake mental conditions for ANY reason whatsoever. it isn't some "silly :3" thing, autistic people have a much higher chance of depression due to endocrine system issues (the system that produces hormones), higher chances of struggling in school (any time i get frustrated or cant understand something, i "shut down", which means i put my head down, and don't do anything at all. it can last for hours too), more likely to be bullied for being weird which i'm not afraid to say openly, i am weird but that's no reason to bully someone, treated as lesser to allistic people, AFAB and POC are less likely to get diagnosed due to biases, then the harmful stereotype that we are either really intelligent or really stupid. and don't get me started on autism speaks and how much support we see for that abominable hate group.

@greghannigan4702 - 30.01.2024 17:48

If you know that you're capable of having a Tik Tok account with a million Followers then why do you need to make a TikTok account and fake being autistic to get a million followers or views??....

@TheDamatamama - 30.01.2024 08:20

Unfortunately romanticism of killers has always been a thing. Columbine killers were loved. Or i remember people would press you up against the wall on your chest and you would pass out. Salt and ice challenge. Shit before the internet i remember we were launching paper put to a point called wasps. Bloody knuckles where you would lanch a quarter at someone's knuckle and who ever bled first lost. Its apart of growing up. But the stuff they do today is too much. Remember the charging your phone in the microwave. Like what?

@saetiller1849 - 30.01.2024 07:08

Wtf dude.. Teenage girls are still having their body prepare itself to have kids ewewew they're kids themselves. "pure" is sick

@J3R1K4s - 30.01.2024 07:06

I will never use TikTok I barely keep up with the current updates to FB, IG and SC...

I do not trust pretty much any of these apps. More and more these companies are pushing phones to be just like computers phones literally do not function if you try to delete stock apps and to make matters worse these STOCK apps usually have hidden permissions and terms that allow stock apps to download, edit, view other apps.

The sad part is- at this rate EVERYONE'S DEPENDENT on their phones. People's livelihoods, education, family/ friend/ social connections, scheduling, financial institutions, navigation, time. Memories, contacts everything is highly dependent on their phones. COVID made this dependence far worse the increase in TikToks use was starkly increased and I am sorry, but there is literally NO coincidence that BioMetrics started being tracked and their mics tapped in 2021- the start of the Pandemic when the use began to increase in America. Thus due to this people will never stop it..

Sadly people seek validation from their phones/ devices. People seek and rely on a stable mental state due to this..

This craze has also dumbed down society as a whole and has also desensitized civilization.. it is heartbreaking it is also no place for children, tweens and even teens. I say this as even MySpace was no place for a tween and teen me. It wasn't a place for me as a young adult neither was Facebook. I can see that now at 32yo. I didn't see it then...

@wingsablaze8386 - 29.01.2024 20:24

As someone with autism, I would not wish this upon my worse enemy cause ky brain is revolting against itself and makes me life so fucking difficult i can barely work properly cause of the damned noise

@edjasper6296 - 29.01.2024 20:08

My brother was talking about a TV show in the 70s. The next day, BOOM- there it was as a suggestion to watch. I HAVE NEVER looked up or mentioned it. I hate the show.

@victorpatrickgammon - 29.01.2024 19:05

Just disconnect from everything can’t control us them we are going to by choice the internet is to compromised because we all don’t know our open source code

@JeffisWinning - 29.01.2024 18:54

I hate tik tok, it's the most useless app in the world. All the millennials and gen Z think it's the gold of the internet when it's just some Chinese pile of crap.

@oidenhoward-go9fz - 29.01.2024 17:42

Ive never used tik tok. I dont let anyone who does use use tik tok to even bring their phone into my house..

@jenniferwisuri5724 - 29.01.2024 17:32

But no one is getting any help without buying something. All them are the same!!! It's a business right so all of the similar video's they say they will let you in the know, YOU WATCH TIL THE END AND SO YOU DO GOD!!!! LONG TIME!!!! (SURPRISE )!!!! NOTHING WITHOUT PURCHASING SOMETHING!!!!!

@jenniferwisuri5724 - 29.01.2024 17:24

Full of sh!!t!!! There is no help by a stimulus check or any cash value except you have huge or major medical requirements and if your relatively healthy, if your aren't using a doctor on a regular THEY DONT APPLY TO THE HEALTHY!!!! EXPLAIN TO ME WHY????? HOW WOULD I BE ABLE TO CAPITOLIZE ON WHAT THE SIK PEOPLE'S??? WHILE IM HAPPY FOR THEM!! WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF US???? PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME!!!!😢

@TheAllSeeingEye4812 - 29.01.2024 11:22

People who use tictoc belong in the 9th circle of hell

@alexandradalberg9887 - 29.01.2024 10:29

Mediocre end message. if everyone's life was about moderation we'd boring farmers invaded by hunter gatherers.

@Egalitarian917 - 29.01.2024 01:58

When will people realize that it is better for the Chinese to have your data than the Americans... if you are in the US/Europe? What is China going to do? THe US government can fuck you over. The reverse is true for the Chinese. The best solution is to limit the collection of your data entirely, but it is objectively better for China to have your data than your own government.

@roachroach1147 - 28.01.2024 20:49

Tik tok has shown how fucked and stupid people really are.

@maryjanealbarico7474 - 28.01.2024 18:22

Thank you so much for spreading out the reality of tiktok, Im so suspeciuos about it, the users of those apps seems slapped by your good to be true.. Mabuhay!!!!

@robertdavis5714 - 28.01.2024 13:02

China's secret weapon against the USA..................Stay the hell away

@Koochie_slayer_9000 - 28.01.2024 08:06

biden and dan are best friends

@deshi9830 - 28.01.2024 01:40

I got a TikTok ad on this vid💀💀

@vanielaurent9249 - 27.01.2024 20:00

When i had tiktok i would only see end of the world stuff and i got so depressed i wasnt paying attentjon to my kids cause i was so scared i had to delete it i just deleted IG too i officially deleted all social media it was mentally draining comparing myself to others mad i didnt have what they have ect and i dont miss it i wish social media would get banned all together

@SwampMonster1 - 27.01.2024 17:29

Of course TikTok never put you first, i think it's delusional in this day and age to think absolutely anyone at all has your interests at heart. It's a dog eat dog world and we're all wearing bacon pants. Get used to it.
