Stop Doing 100 Pushups a Day - I’m Begging You!!

Stop Doing 100 Pushups a Day - I’m Begging You!!


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@minhanoor2018 - 03.02.2024 00:52

Pushups hit muscles u cant even imagine more number of pushups give u core strength and make ur body on piece....and staying in ushup position in its self train u to fights .....

@rezasabuhi4192 - 31.01.2024 10:35

You are doing great ❤

@foolidafool1728 - 31.01.2024 04:37

Lose up after ever set, drop ur shoulders all the way down, force push your stomach out till it hurts n let it drop even if ur fat n take a deep breath record a quick lil vid on the mirror from every angle every 15 day save everything, always lose up

@LOKConsultingSudbury - 30.01.2024 21:38

Always liked your perspective and to the point videos, thank-you. (Former power lifter, MMA, Dad... lol cheers)

@pedrocastanedaf.7730 - 29.01.2024 20:05

Gironda Dips > Push - Ups

@ZijunWang-jh1ff - 28.01.2024 14:33

One arm push ups ( 5-10 reps each arm ) 🗿

@paulnicolas172 - 25.01.2024 08:36

I do 3-5x70 pushups every other day whilst having a wash but I don’t really feel any benefit from it - am not in bad shape but am not muscular either - guessing I’ll need to do weights using progressive resistance and a more protein - I envy guys who look muscular - doesn’t matter how much I do the best I look is lean and slim framed .

@MrMinime576 - 22.01.2024 20:23

Well, 100 pushups a day is better than 0 pushups a day.

@raffygludo5315 - 20.01.2024 14:00

yeah that's why i make 700 push ups a day

@Joshua_Froschauer - 14.01.2024 04:01

Grease the groove. Pavel. Naked Warrior.

@user-tc7gt7dt5f - 13.01.2024 03:49

I’ve been doing the sets like he talks about for yrs of course stopping and starting but it works great properly done they work for me I use to do 500 a day but now I’m trying to get back to 300 at 220 steady now but honestly just keep with it even if you struggle to get 20 just try for another set and another and other until dang I did 60 wow lol been there just remember sets are your friend

@eddyeroyal6024 - 12.01.2024 22:24

I did this in the military and other exercises.

@Mobev1 - 11.01.2024 08:11

I don’t do any pushups because my wife hates muscle and says I’m already too big naturally. I do surf 4 days a week in misará though when I’m here and then I go home and snow board pretty much 7 days a week. I made a lot of money first.

@bobbyleemayflower2479 - 10.01.2024 18:29

I have a question about my workout routine. Every other week, I'm doing a PPL (Push, Pull, Legs)/PPL/Off workout one week, then a a four-day full-body bands workout with walking 3 miles on off dayts the next week. I incorporate pushups into all my workout days. I'm considering doing pushups every day, but I'm unsure if I need a rest or recovery period. For context, I'm a 45-year-old, 6-foot, 200-pound man who follows a once-a-day meal plan. I was previously at 262 pounds and am aiming to reach 180. Additionally, I take weekly TRT injections. Thanks!

@CheezersCameBack - 07.01.2024 22:55

Buddy of mine did 150 per day with his feet up, absolute chest boulders (probably more genetics than the work)
He’s right on too much volume, I was doing 400+ per day and it wreaked havoc on my wrists and shoulders. I liked variation, but anything too wide or narrow jacked with my shoulders, so I would do standard at varying leg height for chest and “military” for better triceps focus

@9ofmany - 05.01.2024 04:31

I do 500 every two days.

@TobiasELee - 03.01.2024 23:54

Always love and appreciate your videos. You've helped me many times overcoming injuries. I'm 62 years old and pretty fit. But over the summer I was doing my usual P96 routine (pushups, pull ups, bands) - and was trying o increase my reps and weight and frequency. Things were going very well, until one day - they weren't. I suffered either an impingement or slight tear - whatever it was (I've been to the doctor and they say it was't rotator cuff) - it took me OUT! And since then (September of 2023) I have been struggling with getting both shoulders able to return to doing some kind of training. SO FRUSTRATING. All that to say, I was glad to hear you talk in this video about not getting injured as we push forward. This old (though fit) body of mine is reminding me of how I need to be more patient and careful with my routines. So I REALLY appreciated finding this cool little routine of yours (the 100 a day thing was beginning to sound good too me). Thanks AGAIN for a great one. MUCH Appreciated!

@timl6797 - 29.12.2023 05:15

I've been working out with weights since was 19, always beginning my workouts with 100 pushups to warm up. I continued that regimen for countless years with great results, now at age 72, I continue my workouts, but as i got older i finally eliminated that routine. I recently just wanted to see how many i could still do consecutively and got to fifty. But of course not keeping up with them it became more difficult.
Now going 5 days to the gym, twice a week enjoy doing 3 sets of 20 pull-ups instead and love doing them. Regularity has always been the key to staying in shape and keeping my strength up! And Never givee up! Tim

@Askie1234 - 29.12.2023 02:42

I do 100 narrow pushups a day (sort of). 10 pushups/rep. Then i increased to 11 pushups/rep, then i keep increasing for every 4 days (my mind telling me that im good to go, mental prolly). Now im able to do like 18pushups/rep. Not that big but im still going. So basically it’s 100 at first, then 110 and then 132, etc. Basically im still doing 10 reps but instead of staying at 10, im increasing overtime

@cameronhaag1540 - 26.12.2023 23:15

I was able to do 75 in one minute during bmt

@taylors4243 - 26.12.2023 16:10

i really hope people are not thinking they can do just a pushup and get any results?? i mean omg wtf are they teaching in school??

@taylors4243 - 26.12.2023 16:08

you should be doing at least 50 reps without stopping. if you cant do that you need to do a lot of work to get you there. you should be doing exercises for several minutes at a time without stopping. you all are stopping after a few seconds. youre not doing anything.

@kennyhardy1884 - 25.12.2023 12:55

I mean when I take it back to the basics if you're doing them every single day you're not giving your chest proper time to heal and grow ...someone correct me if I'm wrong... I would think better results would come by doing 200 per day every other day... With a solid day of rest in between each working day for the muscle group....

@meta671games - 25.12.2023 11:13

100 в день мало, если это простые отжимания от пола

@greggapowell67 - 21.12.2023 06:13

Doing 82 in under 2 minutes was my push-up max on the Army PT test 33 years ago. Still do between 100-200 a day religiously at 56. What you are saying makes perfect sense.... Just knocking out 100 without getting up out of the pushup position - when I can usually get to 83 without stopping in one go.... it is not enough for me - even at 56. So, clearly for younger guys it will who routinely do pushups - 100 will be nothing. I think, breaking them up into 3-4 sets of 50, and doing them slowly and methodically, and intermixing them with other exercises like pullup - that is far more productive. Thanks for this info.

@Smayzie - 20.12.2023 16:44

Does 50 psuh and 50 supermanz a day show any progress ?

@etiennelouw9244 - 19.12.2023 20:54

I am aiming for 5 sets of 20 push ups a day, but with other exercises as well. For the last 6 years I did almost none, but 12 days ago I had to go over a 6 foot wall to help a hurt neighbor, adrenaline got me over fast, but getting back was when I realized that I had lost a lot of my strength. So I am now galvanized to become strong again, in 2 days my weights and protein powder will come and then I will be able to increase the amount of exercises I do. I retired at 63 and am 69 now.

@Ylylguru - 17.12.2023 02:46

I looked this up bc I am doing 1000 over the course of 5 hours. (33 every 10 min) Any opinions?

@manzielvis1050 - 14.12.2023 17:54

I do it 3 times a week,is it still a problem ?

@durgeshanand6774 - 12.12.2023 09:45

Jokes on you , i cant do 10 pushups in one set.

@user-fv4dt9pl6r - 12.12.2023 06:33

my boy, always with a unique take on all the hyped workouts

@christianhill597 - 11.12.2023 05:04

@athleanx what's the rest times between sets please?

@Myrosta - 10.12.2023 17:36

No. I don't think I will

@Floyann - 09.12.2023 22:47

With this exercise I managed to go from 86 in a row as my record to 115 in a row. Having said this I was doing between 300-1000 in one day.

@c2c001 - 08.12.2023 22:58

I liked some of what you said and I think I'll use some of your suggestions but you're making assumptions and as you know assumption is the mother of all F ups.
Not everyone are looking for more gains. Some people are looking to do 100 push ups a day.
As for doing a lot more in general or in a set... that's basically horse radish... I haven't met anyone who uses perfect form, perfect ROM and a controlled 2121 tempo and can do more than 30 and even if such a person exist (maybe you are one) then just lower the tempo which increases your TUT.
That said, of course you can always "upgrade" to dips, etc, but the idea that you should always look to increase the resistance to gain more mass is misguided. It all depends on what you want. Clearly a climber isn't interested in mass and frankly as far as my personal taste goes, I don't even like very puffy muscles. I don't think you look awesome. I think you could have looked better if you had less muscle. That's just my personal taste.
I wouldn't even make the assumption that what's leading people is looks anyway.
To be honest with you, if you actually look into studies or just ask around, the majority of women don't even like bodybuilders. Most of them prefer swimmers or dancers who have muscular legs but toned upper body.
It's all personal.

@jeffreybinkis3982 - 08.12.2023 07:20

25 reps in the morning 25 reps in the afternoon 30 reps in the evening & 20 before its off to dream land

@samgao - 07.12.2023 09:40

I did 300/day for 30 days. I split it up for throughout the day. In the morning, I'll knock out my first 30 (probably like 31-33) that's probably about 10 RIR. Then, bruth my teeth, another set of 30. Basically, knocking out 90 in about 10-15 minutes time frame. Then in my office, if I have down time, I'll knock out another 2-3 sets of 30. Before I go to the Gym, I usually will have about 3 sets of 30 left (10 sets of 30 total for 1 day). I got a lot leaner, but I did get shoulder pain. My right inner chest however, I think never developed. I think I just don't have muscle in that region. It looks concaved in.

@larryvonvinkelsteen1416 - 05.12.2023 15:59

coming here after seeing a vid of a guy (KES) doing 1000 pushups in one set..lmao

@WorkDayPegasus - 03.12.2023 23:34

I have a wrist that does not allow me to do push-ups, so what I do is use boxing gloves and use fists with a straight wrist. This works and your wrist will love you for it.

Ответить - 01.12.2023 16:08

Twist out

@neilbeech4093 - 01.12.2023 01:27

There is a December push up challenge at the gym I workout. My PT got me interested to do it!!

@splivfps4205 - 30.11.2023 21:08

He is right dont do 100 do 500 i Beginn you

@dorehovec - 29.11.2023 17:33

Ajde ne sračkaj!

@richardnelson6407 - 26.11.2023 14:44

I do 5 sets of different pushups diamond, archer, pseudo, the left to right one lol, and a set of regular to finish

@stevoz748 - 18.11.2023 09:36


@renepress7147 - 16.11.2023 11:21

Nucleus overload

@Tiempo14u - 14.11.2023 16:26

I been walking for about 2 month. Between 6,000 to 10,000 steps a day. During this walk i use the benches or rocks to do all my push-up. So i do about 100 to 200 bush up throughout the walk switching it up from incline to decline and Dimond push-up. All sets of 20s. At the end i rep out with as many as i can till i can't no more. Im 6.2 was at 267 lbs waist line 40. Now in 2 months only 1 or 2 days off eating good no sodas small portions of anything. Im 234 lbs waist line 35 and still loosing and gaining muscle with no creatine. Im dying for creatine 😮 i can't wait to see my results after that. I believe dscipline and the level of people who you circle with can have a big impact in your life. I made it my every day life. 🙌

@g.w8785 - 12.11.2023 22:40

Thanks for the information appreciate it
